:: Sunday, August 22
need backup!
um.. okies. what has ian been up to? ...
well friday nite after work we went to see I, Robot. this movie kicks ass btw. well i thought so anyways.. it was pretty cool, nothing blatantly crap about it =p the action was pretty good and the storyline was acceptable =)

next we ate at this new jap place.. it was heaps clean and fresh. and had some awesome gyudon (by sydney standards i mean). mm i do ever so like jap food =p

next we went to istar for a CS^2 counter-strike reunion. it was pretty cool.. although everyone jsut camped it up all the time. i didnt really get a chance to flash any of my own teammates or anything or even try the smoke the bomb trick. i knifed someone though (i forget who) which is always mad =p still pretty funny though, i wouldve liked to have played some of the less plaed levels.. but everyone always wants to play the same maps over and over.

we attemtped to play WC3.. for some reason i was teamed up with nige. even though every game we've ever played ive come last, and nige has never played before ever. but somehow that equated to even teams. we lasted about 7 seconds before my puter froze, so we went and played battlefield instead. that was heaps more fun, although i did sorta jsut gren spam the bots to death =p

i got a lift home from nige, and got home at about 5am =p

.. do do do....
woke up at about 1pm the next day, and didnt realyl get to do much before heading off to this DDR Olympics things. it was uh.. interesting. i didnt win anything, but i havent realyl played in ages, and theyd all been practicing 24/7. we all know i own them all up on the arcades anyway. i was feeling lethargic and couldnt really try very hard. not suprisingly i owned it up in DDR 4th mix.

there was some singstar and such before me and hunt headed off to see antiskeptic at the annandale hotel. they were pretty mad =) i havent been to a punk rock gig in ages.. so refreshing compared to all the crap they play on the radio nowadays.

had a bit of a skate afterwards at Summer Hill.. it was cool. its not a huge park, but theres like enough steepness to keep it interesting. heaps good for practicing kick turns and pumping and dropping in and even a lil grind or two.

my skating injuries are starting to accumulate now. i havent really had what i would consider a bad injury, but the lil ones are piling up to where im pretty sore all over. my shoulder joint is sore, wrists feel really rough, knees are bruised heaps and i took a fair bit of skin off the top of my shoulder at this skate session.

.. sunday i did nothing =p

- ian, 8:22 pm ::

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