:: Monday, August 2
worst son ever!
its not really an excuse, but i did get home heaps late this morning.... and i forgot my moms bday today!! eep! .. ahem .. omg ian u jerk *slap*

at lunch today she mentioned that jo was comin around for dinner, and im like "hrm.." so i went and checked the calendar.. and omg! its my moms bday. man, how bad do i feel now.. she headed back to work, so i had to hustle and get something before she returned. i had about 2 hours to get something and get back. i skated as fast as i could to the stn and headed to Hornsby Westfield where i picked up a nice top from soem store that i was embarassed to walk into =p i got home in record time =) but since i got home heaps late the previous nite, id taken my key out of my wallet and left it behind!! eep! my plan was in jeopardy.. would i be stuck outside when my mom came home? hehe not if i could help it. i tried to break in the normal way (thru my room) but my room was so full of junk that i couldnt jiggle open the window the way i normally do!! eep!! trouble times.. i circled the house and tried every door and window attempting to break in (proby wouldve looked suspicious if my house wasnt surrounded by bush =p) i couldnt find anything, but then i remembered the window right up on the roof (i dont mind telling u, since ive fixed it so u cant come thru there anymore), i had to climb up a pergola and across the roof, jimmy open the fly screen and drop in thru a tiny window .. from the roof into the bathroom (danger is my middle name =). i had to get a ladder out to go fix the window .. but it was pretty frustaing to fix, i think i broke it =p

phew.. i got changed into my PJs again (so mum wouldnt think id left) and got back in front of the tv just in time =) she had no idea what had happened =) the perfect crime...

- ian, 11:37 pm ::

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