:: Friday, July 30
frozen angst
um.. i totally had nothing to post yesterday.. in facti cant really even remember what i did. i remmeber work.. and it was boring.. but thats about it.

oh i bumped into mindy at QVB.. and she called me a piker .. which is understandable =p she was like returning shoes or some jazz.. seems the whole world is pretty hazy to me nowadays.. its like a bad trip sequence from a b grade movie where the guy hears lots weird voices and is like spiralling. *shrugs* maybe i just need to sleep more.. either that or the weird additives in Boost Juice are starting to affect me....

... *spirals* ....

um.. *slaps ian in the face*
whoa.. ok im back. where was i? .. ahem.. uh.. i downloaded a video clip of Utada Hikaru live and she sung a cover of With or Without You by U2... and to be honest, it wasnt very good. i think she was having an off night cos she wasnt singing all that flash most of the way through cept for First Love which was ok.

.. in other news: im off to the snow tonite.. ahh sweet snow, where i can escape from reality for a weekend...

.. *drifts off in fantasy* ....

- ian, 3:19 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, July 28
ok.. so far im 3/3 for my week predictions... lunched with kallie and hema today.. and i also did nothing after work.. =p

.. in other angst: have u ever talked to someone about something, and sorta expected an apology.. but then it ends up with them saying "s'ok i forgive u" .. and u realise that u just apologised without realising. hrm.. i guess sometimes im a bit too subtle =(

- ian, 9:43 pm :: 1 comments

:: Tuesday, July 27
while (true) { ian.blog(); }
i lunched with jenny today at Akaneya. it was nice as always =) i see her like never nowadays. she is too busy growing up =p always she got in a car crash last week... ouch ies =( she was unhurt, but she apaprently did her car in pretty badly. drivign is so dangerous, no wonder i still havent got my license.

played basketball tonite. we kinda sucked heaps. we played this team who we'd beaten convincingly twice before, but they kicked our butts tonite. we had no hustle, although i had my share of steals in the open court. i scored 4 points, which is ok considering we only scored a pitiful 16 points. hrm.. they killed on the boards.. i dunno how, since i wouldve been the second tallest guy if i was on their team... and im the shortest on our team. =p

.. im finding my own blog pretty boring lately... its like heaps repetitive.. i can pretty much jsut write a recursive loop and blog the same thing every week =p .. example:

monday: work = boring, played frisbee.. scored a few, played ok D.. threw badly. andrea paid me out about something

tuesday: work = boring, played basketball, lost due to lack of hustle to a team we shoudlve beaten

wednesday: work = boring, lunched with kallie.. did nothing at nite

thursday: work = boring, late nite shopping, looked at stuff, didnt buy anything

friday: work = boring, went out to dinner with ppl

saturday: slept in, maybe went out to do something

sunday: watched the swans game.. slept

... yawn..
smells like time for a change. did i mention im going to europe? not organised, but planned to be jan/feb =)


- ian, 11:31 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, July 26
its like deja vu all over again
<<insert random comment about work being boring>>

we played frisbee in the rain again this week, but it wasnt nearly as cold, windy or rainy as last week. it also didnt hurt that i actualyl played ok this week. although i did drop the disc in the endzone twice... grrr.. i blame the wet slippery disc.

andrea spent the whole game calling me a piker for not going to mindy's 21st.. eep.. i kinda feel bad now. although i saw pics that they posted up and the party looked pretty rockin.. didnt need an old guy like me slowing down the pace =p

achoo achoo.. i think i caught a cold walking home in the rain last nite *sniff*

- ian, 11:24 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, July 25
he was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy
ok ok.. so i didnt get home last nite. but i guess that isnt a really good excuse for being 4 days behind on my blog =p meh.. ill catch up now.

:: thursday
whoa.. this was a long time ago. i can barely remember what happened =p um.. i think i can safely say that work was boring though hehe. um.. after work we were sposed to meet up and go to teppanyaki or something, but i think almsot everyone piked, so we decided to can it. me and hunt went to galaxyworld to play DDR. i totally crasp nowadays. i cant really play anymore.. my rhythm has foresaken me!! *sigh* it was still fun though. we bumped into jel which was a pleasant suprise. havent seen her in a while. she was trying to buy tix at the Metro but the box office was closed, so we jsut stood around in the middle fo the footpath and chatted for a lil while =)

.. since i was the late nite shopping day after pay day i figured i had to buy at least one thing =p i came away with this tshirt which has like a soccer game on the front, but its like a 1980s monochrome computer soccer game. and a big pixelated dood celebrating on the back =) hehe. id post a pic but im too lazy.

:: friday
um.. pretty much nothing happened this day. well nothing interesting enough that i feel the need to post it up =p cept jo came home from her honeymoon and stayed for dinner. she stopped on the way to visit relos in singapore.. and they apparently all remember me as a 2yo kid who ran around in nappies and gave sloppy kisses =p

:: saturday
today was a buffy and sushi thing at chito's place. i totally slept in and stuff.. i was kinda tempted to pike cos it was raining and hurstville is like a million miles away from thornleigh. =p i was feeling like a bit of a loser staying home all the time so i figrued i should drag my fat ass out of the house for a while. it turned out to be a pretty cool day watching divxs and other assorted things with a bunch of people. i didnt really get to make any sushi, but chito's momma was showing us how to make proper japanese gyudon =) it was good, but maybe need some more salt =p

the movies we watched were all crap cept for Death to Smoochy. id been dying to watch this for a while and it totally kicked ass =) hehe. i always thought it was a stright-to-dvd movie. but apparently it only was outside America cos it did really badly over there. *shrugs* i thought it was mad. i think ppl mustve been thinking too much when they watched it or something. and for those kinda ppl attempting to think is never a good thing =p

we played a pretty weak game of charades after half the ppl had left.. i think we jsut didnt have enuf ppl or something. the highlight was phil attempting to do "Debbie Does Dallas" .. rather amusing =p

anyhoos, me and hunt headed off a bit early to go skating instead of watching some more divxs. it was 2am and raining out.. but we were desperate so we decided to head to a car park and practice some ollies and manuals. =) it turned out to be a very productive session as we both are closer to ever to consistantly puling off ollies on the move. albeit little ones =p

... in other news: i sorta dogged mindy's 21st. i feel sorta bad.. although it wouldve been weird hanging out at a 21st with all lil kids n stuff. i feel heaps too old to be hanging out at a 21st=p i dunno if she still reads this but my apologies.. i did get u a gift, but i dunno when ill see u. i tend to jsut bump into u on the train n stuff...

:: sunday
i stayed over at Hunt n Connie's place on the futon.. it was a lil unbalanced, so i kept feeling like id tipt he thing over =p we woke up n played some DDR.. ate some weetbix and decided to go skating again =) i figrue its one of those things that u need to keep working at else ull forget and have to start all over again. went ok today.. my park riding wasnt going that well.. but still ok enough that i felt ok at the end of the day. we went and did some more ollies n stuff and that went pretty ok too. im feeling rather optimistic about skating atm =) although id stil take a day of snowboarding anytime =p

- ian, 7:00 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, July 21
check it out
today was totally bleh at work. luckily i got send out to IBM @ Cumberland Forest again for half the day =) i spent the whole afternoon trying to figure out this problem with our web server. and it turned out that we didnt have java installed =p gee.. i assume so much sometimes. it wasnt worth going back to work after, so i jsut got dropped off at my house. phwoar.. its soo nice to get home at 5pm instead of 7pm for once.. hehe seems like a day is to much longer.

tonite i stumbled upon this pretty mad web comic. its manga style and is based around a Dance Dance Revolution competition. hehe. the drawings are mad too. i might use it as a guide for learning to draw people (clothes in particular are cool. theyre simple but look good). i highly recommend that u check it out.

listening to: Check It Out - Beastie Boys

- ian, 10:46 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, July 20
step back in time
uh.. i forgot to mention that yesterday i went to the RBA's disaster recovery site at IBM in West Pennant Hills. theres talk that i may be spending a lot of time there in the future cos its close to my house. it was pretty mad.. cept i broke the server i was meant to go and fix =p the palce was mad though.. big plasma screens and tons of LCDs to "monitor" our servers... hehe

anyhoos.. back to the present... err.. well past.. but uh more recent past. hehe. .. moving on.. played basketball tonite. we lost by only a lil bit. pretty annoying i think we may have been rorted by the refs.. but we were missing 2 of our big guys so theres still reason to be optimistic. i played ok, scored 9. but i missed some easy shots in the clutch.. grr. choke *cough* ahem... =p

whilst waiting for ages for my train home i practiced tick tacking my skateboard up and down the platform. i was doin better than i have in the past.. but i think my technique is a lil bit off. like im moving forwards but im not gatehring momentum. frustrating... grrr..

in other news: nathan at work is trying to suck me into his indoor soccer team. hrm.. i dun think he realises how crap i am at soccer =p

- ian, 11:40 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, July 19
singing in the rain
brrr.. played frisbee tonite in the pouring rain. it was windy and rather chilly to boot. we didnt really have enough for a team so our team was made up of rejects from other teams. we were called the Dog Salmon team.. the frisbee palyers John west rejects. =p. anyways it was still heaps of fun despite being cold and wet and muddy. i played pretty well throwing and running. when playing frisbee in the cold ur hands get as cold as Nick Andersons free throw shooting in the NBA finals. and when u try and catch it ur fingers get numb and cant really catch.. and also tend to get hurt really easily (like when someone shatters a wrist on perisher "snow"). i bruised my left hand pretty badly right at the start of the game.. ouchies...

luckily i got a lift home from andrea =) brr.. that wouldve been one terrible train ride home =p i also got 2 mentions in her blog last week =)

- ian, 11:05 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, July 18
i steal music off the internet
this generated blog pretty much sums up my sunday
Not much noteworthy happening. Shrug. That's how it is. I've just been hanging out not getting anything done. More or less nothing seems worth thinking about. I've just been letting everything happen without me.

Current Mood: jejune

.. hrm.. what is a jejune? =p
anyhoos.. lately ive been leeching a lot of stuff off bittorrent. most i cant even be bothered watching.. some are movies which i download but then dont watch cos i want to see them in the cinema. also got a lot of poor quality nba clips dunks and other things. i also got this very curious rip of a video which appears to be from that late 90s, it was pretty funny. but the guy was teaching how to breakdance. it looked ok actually i might give it a try. doesnt look too hard =) hehe

- ian, 10:39 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, July 17
over the hill..
you know when ur a kid. it was embarassing to get beaten at anything by anyone who was younger than you. be it basketball or soccer or quake deathmatch. well i think ive kinda reached the age where ive slowed so much that most kids are better than me at stuff. im pretty much getting pwned at everything nowadays .. from DDR to basketball to ultimate frisbee... i can hear my knees creaking now =p although i didnt play today, our team got dominated by this 16 yo kid a super-sub for the other team.. eep! pretty funny though =p we needed a loss though.. to even the comp up a bit.

afterwards we went to centrepoint for a spot of lunch.. and i had a Boost Juice.. but we ended up at the EB sale yet again =p i walked away with Virtua Fighter 4, and a USB charger for my GBA SP. both on special of course.. so im actually saving money =)

.. in other news: i watch a lot of ESPN for shows like PTI.. but it seems to be more frequently filled with "sports" instead of sports. this week we were blessed with shows such as the World HotDog eating competion.. and the Las Vegas Poker championships.. duck hunting... marlin fishing.. fly fishing.. rodeo..9ball.. putt putt golf.. and my personal favourite: log rolling =p as entertaining as those things are they aint exactly the nba.. but i spose regualr channels pad time with crap sitcoms so espn should pad time with a few less than prime time sports =p

- ian, 10:25 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, July 16
do do do.. i forgot to mention that on wed i have lunch with paul from high school. havent seen him for ages. he is working at commbank now. it was cool to catch up with some1 from high school.. cos i never see those guys anymore. he was training for this oxfam walk. its 100km and u have 48 hours to complete it.. eep! basically it goes from Hunters Hill to Galston then back down to Manly, thats quite far =p theyre thinking of not sleeping and jsut walking the whole time.. pretty crazy.. although i wouldnt mind trying it one day. =)

.. anyhoos onward to new news..
thursday was a nothing day.. didnt do anything in the day or after work.. *sigh*

today i took an RDO cos i had too many accumulated. i went shopping at vinnies in search of a cheap overcoat or something of the like. in the end i came away with a pair of shoes =)

afterwards i headed to the anime marathon on at UTS.. but in the end there wasnt all that much anime watched =p watched this jap samurai movie and this korean anime. both were pretty ok.. nothing to write home about though. im feeling too lazy to write about what they were about =p. ate lots of cake .. and thats about all =p

also annie made me a panda hat! =) yay..

- ian, 10:14 pm :: 1 comments

:: Wednesday, July 14
Desperately Seeking Icchan..
yawn.. heaps boringness at work today. been thinking a lot about travelling.. im heaps keen to go back to japan. my parents want me to go to europe cos they jsut went.. and Jo keeps harassing me to go visit Ange Tio in Switzerland when she goes. id like to stop and see Khanh in London too.. hrm..

anyone want to go on a trip?
requirements: looking for someone adventurous enought o backpack around the place, but still keen to see some boring stuff like museums and art galleries cos i like those.
desirable: um.. itd be nice if i knew u ... but its not that important if ur cool =p advantageous to be a snowboarder too =)

.. *sigh* im sick of this town (i know i say that all the time)

in my spare time i wrote up a list of the Top Ten Movies Im Keen To See, um.. have a look if ur procrastinating at work, or if ur jsut bored.

- ian, 11:53 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, July 13
thinking in reverse
i like black tea with milk and one and a half sugars. it is very tasty. it goes well with biscuits too.

today at work was totally yawn (does anyone see a trend here?) i actually got assigned some work at a meeting at 11am.. a pretty juicy project.. estimated time of delivery: friday 5pm... so im like "yeh, ill be busy for the rest of the week" .. but alas.. i finished it at just after 5pm today.. grr.. stupid RBA overestimating time schedules =p

i didnt go to basketball tonite cos i couldnt get a ride. hrm... apparently we still won though, without our 3 top scorers.. i wonder who played well? i guess harry and red. instead i went home and watched a divx of Paycheck.. i thought it was pretty mad. not heaps suspenseful or suprising.. but quite clever. although the end part kinda seemed like a dodgey hack of something which couldve been heaps cool.

- ian, 11:13 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, July 12
battery low!!
omg i have no energy.. i heaps lethergic lately. i think i might be anemic .. either that a hypochondriac =p or maybe a bit of both... the whole day i was heaps weak at work.. but i figured i was jsut sleepy.. or bored. but tonite at frisbee i was heaps weakness.. couldnt really run at all. i still played ok apparently though. but differently to how i normally do.

if theres 3 sorta areas in ultimate frisbee i reakon theyd be throwing, running and defence. heres how i rate myself...

:: throwing
ok im a crap thrower. probly the worst on my team. most games i reakon im about a 4/10 in throwing. but today i was actually ok... id say more like a 7/10. a few horrible throws at the start. but overall pretty good.

:: running
this is probly what im best at. its cutting into open space and running away from the defenders. normally id say im 9/10 here. i can run and jump with the best of them (in our division i mean). but today was totally different. my lungs like didnt work.. and my legs were just jelly. tonite i was probly a 4/10 at best, i didnt do anything at all really.

:: defence
cos im pretty fast im normally ok here. id say about a 7/10, mostly from chasing guys who run long. but my legs let me down today and i got caught out heaps. it was pretty terribles.. *sigh* id say about a 6/10 .. and thats being generous.

i love this game..

- ian, 10:20 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, July 11
.. nothing to see here..
i was thinking its been a long time since i had a whole weekend where i had nothing to do. but this was one although i sorta planned it to be. it was really good to catch up on about 6 months of not getting enough sleep =p a lil bit boring soemtimes.. but i played some DDR.. and watched some divx's.

i think im getting too old for DDR.. i cant really handle playing anymore.. i get tired heaps fast =p i think i need a bar to lean on.. and im pretty sure i need a new mat. my right arrow doesnt seem to work that well..hrm.. only lamers blame their mat..

looking forward to frisbee tommolo since i missed last week. im getting fat n slow =(

- ian, 11:46 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, July 10
its getting lound in here.. so take off all your ears
yawn.. tis been a pretty average week for ian.. *shrugs* at least its over soon..

anyhoos.. friday: did nothing. went to work.. had a Boost Juice.. thats pretty much it =p
afterwork went to to Harris Park (i totally never go there) to go to this rather ok-ish teppanyaki place. wasnt terrible.. but it wasnt exactly the ANA if u get what i mean. it was for Minh's bday.. supposedly a suprise.. but as always someone spilled the beans. my friends are horrible at suprises. *shakes head*. it was kinda fun... saw some ppl who i never normally see. there was some dood there who i hadnt met before and he thought i was a good drawer ^^; i still get frustrated at my own lack of drawing ability ..grr.

after that we went to Minh n Thaos apartment in Parra.. it was pretty um.. cosy. =p we ate timtams and minties and play charades (which i love btw =). lots of ppl didnt really know how to play. some didnt know the action for 'number of syllables' and some just went "nah thats too hard" and gave up. Minh was probly the only one who played properly... Hema was pretty good too. the whole game was mostly jsut paying out Thao though =p

i got a lift home.. w00t! still got home at like 1am though. then i had to wait up longer cos lisa wanted to borrow a snowboard, but couldnt really find the way to Thornleigh (which is understandable =p) .. i fell asleep a short while later. i slept in till like 10.. then watched the cricket.. then had a nap for a few more hours =p

i watched Hellboy on divx.. it was pretty mad.. nothing to write home about, but it was a solid movie.. nothing heaps blantantly crap about it. actually pretty cool. i spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for the swans game to come on tv =p

Jo came over later (theyre on a one day stop over between honeymoons) i gave her many hugs =) some of my brother's frens came over to have a jam session with their "band" ... and also to play Soul Calibur 2 and bitch and call each other cheap for using hte same character repeatedly. =p

theyre still playing "music" now =p its very loud and not very pleasing to the ear =p

- ian, 10:40 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, July 8
i wanna take you to a gay bar..
ok.. i remembered why retail therapy doesnt really work for me... cos i dont like stuff. i like shopping.. and i like looking at things.. but i dont really like having stuff. so when i buy stuff im not all that cheered up. material possessions dont do it for me.

.. anyhoos, my new vice is Boost Juice.. that stuff is addictive.. eep! im rather hooked on the Tropical Storm smoothie. its rather bizzare cos (as u probly know) i dont like mangoes.. and this thing is riddled with mango.. i think its mixed with other stuff so it tastes different. i also tried the new blueberry blast.. but it had this weird antioxidant additive which didnt go down that well.. i felt weird all afternoon, so i might pass on that one in futute (although it was tasty). we've also discovered a buy one get one free in the city weekly.. so its boosts all around at the rba.. =p

.. um.. i had takoyaki at chatswood for dinner.. mm..
that is all...

- ian, 11:40 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, July 7
how good a day is is something rather relative.. today was awesome.. well relatively. today was nothing special.. but it was not not good for a number of reasons.. i remembered my wallet, the hot water was working .. and i didnt injure myself in anyway. so relative to yesterday its doing pretty well.

*shrugs* i dun have anything else to say.. yawn.. pay day tommolo =) im feeling better but i might do some retail therapy anyways.. jsut in case =p

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, July 6
the worst day ever
ok.. i totally could feel a crap day coming on.. but it was possibly the worst day ever

last nite i was feeling crap cos of something (which i wont mention.. see my angsty post). wanted to talk to someone.. but no one was online.. and jo is gone =( feeling heaps bad.. so i went to bed and thought i could sleep it off. tossed and turned all nite dwelling on stuff as i do..

ok.. so i got some sleep.. and woke up sniffling cos i was freezing.. brr.. but im kinda used to that.. if onyl id stayed in bed today though..

rushed off to work.. and i realise ive left my wallet at home =( luckily i had shrapnel enough for a single ticket, so i didnt get fined.

i had to convince the dood at the front desk i wanst a terrorist breaking in.. which was funny.. but i spent the whole morning working on crap support issues with stupid end users. "ian fix this problem.. with the um.. thing logging in.. um.. i duno.. jsut fix it now!!" gahhhhh!!

.. pretty suck eh? well the morning wasnt that bad compared to the rest of the day.. i went for a run with the guys.. but i had new shoes.. so i basically bruised or blistered every part of my foot trying to break in these shoes.. =( i hobbled the end part cos my feet were so sore. had a shower.. but forgot my hair gel.. grr..

the afternoon was pretty much of the same as the morning, cept more throwing of objects at the back of my head. i had no money for food stuffs.. so i scabbed a bit.. (u dont need much at the RBA) .. but i had to drink water.. but all the cups were gone .. grr..

afterwork i had to catch the train.. but someone died at edgecliff =( .. i coudlnt get a train so i hobbled to wynyard. i met up with hunt to go skating.. but it didnt last long as he broke his skateboard in half attempting an ollie.. grrr...

we went to basketball.. and my legs were totally soreness.. but i was ok to play.. or so i thought. i played heaps crap.. missed heaps of fast break layups.. which i normally thrive on. i scored 8 points.. which is still pretty good though. i very badly bruised my knee though =( i cant really walk that well on it.. =(

on the way home, i forgot i didnt have a ticket so i had to scab a few dollars for a ticket from a stranger.. i got a ticket to eastwood.. and then jsut hid from guards till thornleigh. i also forgot my long pants.. so it was rather freezing on the way home. i had my deck, but my legs were too sore to really ride.

finally home.. cant get worse... but theres no food to eat.. grr.. but thats ok.. whats bad is that theres no hot water! the boiler broke today =( so after all that i had to have a cold shower...=(

i need a hug.. normally jo is good for those.. but she is gone now =( i miss her already...

.. seems like im stuck in a day, thats grey.. and lonely.. i should stick out my chin and grin and say.. tommorrow i love ya tommorrow.. you're always a day away.. =(

heres the song of the day: The Worst Day Ever - Simple Plan
6 a.m.
The clock is ringing
I need to spend an hour snoozing
'Cuz I don't think I'm gonna make it

I punch in
I'm still sleeping
Watch the clock,
But it's not moving
'Cuz every day is never ending
I need to work I'm always spending

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
And I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like
I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

Yesterday was the worst day ever
And tomorrow won't be better
It's history repeating (on and on)
Summer plans are gone forever
I traded them in for dishpan water
And every day is never ending
I need to work I'm always spending

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
And I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like
I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

it's so long
I can't go on
it's so long
I can't go on

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
And I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like
I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

- ian, 10:44 pm :: 2 comments

hrm.. woke up with the angsty senses tingling..
i got to work and realised id left my wallet at home.. grr

code yellow: angst-o-meter is at 80% and rising....

- ian, 9:28 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, July 5
in other news: im not stupid.. i can take a hint.

.. but its just courteous for ppl to say what they mean..

- ian, 11:55 pm :: 0 comments

i dont like mondays..
today at workw as totally whack.. im heated up like a thermostat. i was bombared with ppl who had problems they wanted me to fix.. but they didnt really know whta their problem was.. they jsut said "um.. we think theres a problem somewhere maybe.. can u fix it?" .... gah!!

anyhoos.. afterwork was gus' bday dinner dealie at Encasa.. this um.. spanish place? i totally dunno what kind of food it was, but it was nice =) although maybe a bit too much sangria for ian... =p i was pretty stuffed afterwards.. *rubs tummy*

.. the train journey was a fair adventure ... i got to central in time for the 9:27 train, but it was cancelled.. or was it? .. it supposedly jsut didnt go to central.. so i hopped on a train to strathfield, where i could apparently transfer. and low and behold.. there was a connecting train in 8 minutes.. w00t =) .. so i boarded.. and waited for a bit.. hrmm.. then there was an announcement that the train would be delayed whilst waitign for a driver.. meh.. thats ok... 20 mins later.. the announcement is repeated... eep! .. followed by "there is another train on platform 6 in 6 mins" .. geebus.. so i trundled over... but that train was also 10 mins later... gah.. got home at 11-ish.. thats pretty whack..

- ian, 11:20 pm :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, July 4
meet the extennnnnnnnnded family....
i woke up this morning and i was told i was going to some big extended family thing.. the new extended family. It was at julian's grandma's place in Rose Bay (bling bling) it was catered and such.. pretty swish layout they had going in fact. i had many comments on how everyone liked my speech yesterday =) it was kinda full of old ppl though =p well relatively anyways.. some of the ppl were pretty cool. i dont really know who they were.. one was julian's mom's brother's wife.. who worked at IBM and she was pretty vocal and went thru more than a few glasses of wine =p another one was julian's mom's cousin's daughter who was a producer or something for Burke's Backyard. thats about all the ppl i can recall.. cept some other dood who was wearing a kilt and seemed quite eccentric =p it was still an interesting day out though =)

.. in other news: i finally escaped from the torture that is WindowsXP. cos of my internet problems i was forced to install it.. but now im back on Win2k and its so refreshing. winXP would always ask me questions like "you clicked a button, would you like to buy this other related product?" it was pretty uber lame. i totally jsut wanna click a button.. if i wanted to buy a related product id look it up on google. if i double click the burger icon it asks me if i want fries with that.. *sigh*

- ian, 7:22 pm :: 1 comments

:: Saturday, July 3
its a beautiful day..
got up early for my sister's wedding. omg it was hectic at my place this morning.. ppl running around everywhere hair, make up, flowers.. eep!

i got to the church pretty early and helped them set up a bit... it was looking to be pretty massive! the wedding was incredible.. although i do always seem to like weddings =) it was a perfect sunny day and everything went off without a hitch.. it was absolutely fabulous! omg!

i didnt really have any idea what was going on schedule-wise.. and im like "hrm.. i wonder when i have to do my speech?" then some doo called my name.. eep! i prety much threw up pre-written jokes out the window as soon as i got up there cos they all of a sudden looked heaps un-funny. i made up a bunch on the spot and they seemed to go down well =) a few ppl said my speech was the best of the day hehe.. and i only did a bit of paying out of jo and jules. there were a lot of comments on me wearing Converse All Stars to the wedding though =p but i had prior approval from Jo..

the rest of the day i got to catch up with some credo ppl and some other random ppl who i knew from somewhere or other.. it was so sweet.. *wipes away a tear*...

my mini-gallery of the event can be found here
but heres a few highlights if ur too lazy to click links.
(btw that is their first kiss.. ever! and theyve been together for 5 years-ish. i find that pretty incredible)

*sigh* .. i wanna get married now..

- ian, 5:43 pm :: 1 comments

:: Friday, July 2
its got to be perfect..
at the risk of sounding repetitive.. work was boring today... although apparently i missed a free Jebediah concert jsut one block away from my office at the Chifley.. grr..

the most exciting thing that happened was that i bumped into mindy and some doods from her work at the MLC. she claims its the first time we've ever spoken IRL.. but i distinctly remember speaking to her a few other times... she doesnt seem to remember, i guess im not so memorable.. or maybe im remmebering talking to someone else =p anyhoos it was pretty mad.. i dont often get to sit and talk to ppl ive never met before. they seemed quite nice =)

i spent this evening up at the church setting up stuff for my sister's wedding tommolo!! so exciting!! although im a bit lightheaded from blowing up tons of balloons... *phew*

my mum was like asking when i was getting married.. and im like "not any time soon" .. i also shoudlve said "and ill purposely marry some girl who u'll hate" =p my parents are kinda irritating me lately.. its pretty crap. but theyre really hard to reason with.. so stubborn and closed minded (i think partially cos they make crazy assumptions about everything.. and then refuse to admit theyre wrong, ever)

girls are trouble anyways..
heres some lyrics that remind me so..

I don't want half hearted love affairs

I need someone who really cares.
Life is too short to play silly games

I've promised myself I won't do that again.

It's got to be perfect

It's got to be worth it
Too many people take second best

But I won't take anything less

It's got to be

Young hearts are foolish
they make such mistakes

They're much too eoger to give their love away.
I have been foolish too many times

Now I'm determined I'm gonna get it right.

It's got to be perfect
. . .

Young hearts are foolish
they make such mistakes
. . .
It's got to be perfect
. . .

It's got to be
worth it
it's got to be perfect.

- ian, 11:31 pm :: 0 comments

step back in time
yesterday i got stuck scanning a million photos for my sister to use in this presentation for her wedding. it was pretty friggin tedious and boring really =p but i didnt feel so bad cos earlier that day my brother fixed the internet on my puter =) so i could at least have icq and msn going whilst i performed mindless repetitive tasks =p

whilst scanning i came across this rather eerie photo of my and my sister.. it kinda creeps me out.. i dunno what the hell is goin on in this pic..

- ian, 10:22 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, July 1
rage against the machine..
:: diary
ok i missed karaoke today to go hang out with jel. she's one of those ppl who's hard to get a hold of, so i tend to jump at any chance i get, cos i probly wont see her for another couple of months. its always fun to catch up with her.. in many ways we're kinda similar but in other ways completely different. she always has some cool stories about stuff id never do. its kinda like chatting to a celebrity or something =p she claims she's putting on weight.. if she's not careful she might go over 40kg for once =p

went home and spent the nite trying in vain to fix my puter again. i uninstalled, re-installed, reformatted, deleted and rebooted everything i could think of that could be a problem but to no avail... *sigh* im such a computer n00b. when i left for work this morning i got my (lil) brother on the case.. he got further in 5 mins than i did in 5 days =p its still not working, but im hoping he'll have it fixed by the time i get home tonite =)

whilst waiting for various things to load or copy or whatever i helped my sister fold the Order of Service things for her wedding.. theres gonna be an awful lot of ppl there! it was kinda fun.. but also kinda heaps tedious =p

:: rant
i appear to be running short of lunch buddies at the moment.. i dunno whats going on.. ppl are out and about or actually busy at work or something =p im kinda down to kallie and jenny.. it seems lotsa my old lunch buddies are unavailable...

khanh: london
jlo: adelaide
shelly: quit her job
anna: st leonards
vonnie: quit her job
grace: london
ling: too cool for school..
everyone else: all snobs =p

i feel kinda inclined to move away somewhere, but im too much of a wuss. im intimidated by the big city =p i dun really wanna quit my job cos it r0x0rs .. but i jsut wanna get away from sydney for like a year =p

- ian, 1:54 pm :: 3 comments

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