:: Sunday, July 25
he was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy
ok ok.. so i didnt get home last nite. but i guess that isnt a really good excuse for being 4 days behind on my blog =p meh.. ill catch up now.

:: thursday
whoa.. this was a long time ago. i can barely remember what happened =p um.. i think i can safely say that work was boring though hehe. um.. after work we were sposed to meet up and go to teppanyaki or something, but i think almsot everyone piked, so we decided to can it. me and hunt went to galaxyworld to play DDR. i totally crasp nowadays. i cant really play anymore.. my rhythm has foresaken me!! *sigh* it was still fun though. we bumped into jel which was a pleasant suprise. havent seen her in a while. she was trying to buy tix at the Metro but the box office was closed, so we jsut stood around in the middle fo the footpath and chatted for a lil while =)

.. since i was the late nite shopping day after pay day i figured i had to buy at least one thing =p i came away with this tshirt which has like a soccer game on the front, but its like a 1980s monochrome computer soccer game. and a big pixelated dood celebrating on the back =) hehe. id post a pic but im too lazy.

:: friday
um.. pretty much nothing happened this day. well nothing interesting enough that i feel the need to post it up =p cept jo came home from her honeymoon and stayed for dinner. she stopped on the way to visit relos in singapore.. and they apparently all remember me as a 2yo kid who ran around in nappies and gave sloppy kisses =p

:: saturday
today was a buffy and sushi thing at chito's place. i totally slept in and stuff.. i was kinda tempted to pike cos it was raining and hurstville is like a million miles away from thornleigh. =p i was feeling like a bit of a loser staying home all the time so i figrued i should drag my fat ass out of the house for a while. it turned out to be a pretty cool day watching divxs and other assorted things with a bunch of people. i didnt really get to make any sushi, but chito's momma was showing us how to make proper japanese gyudon =) it was good, but maybe need some more salt =p

the movies we watched were all crap cept for Death to Smoochy. id been dying to watch this for a while and it totally kicked ass =) hehe. i always thought it was a stright-to-dvd movie. but apparently it only was outside America cos it did really badly over there. *shrugs* i thought it was mad. i think ppl mustve been thinking too much when they watched it or something. and for those kinda ppl attempting to think is never a good thing =p

we played a pretty weak game of charades after half the ppl had left.. i think we jsut didnt have enuf ppl or something. the highlight was phil attempting to do "Debbie Does Dallas" .. rather amusing =p

anyhoos, me and hunt headed off a bit early to go skating instead of watching some more divxs. it was 2am and raining out.. but we were desperate so we decided to head to a car park and practice some ollies and manuals. =) it turned out to be a very productive session as we both are closer to ever to consistantly puling off ollies on the move. albeit little ones =p

... in other news: i sorta dogged mindy's 21st. i feel sorta bad.. although it wouldve been weird hanging out at a 21st with all lil kids n stuff. i feel heaps too old to be hanging out at a 21st=p i dunno if she still reads this but my apologies.. i did get u a gift, but i dunno when ill see u. i tend to jsut bump into u on the train n stuff...

:: sunday
i stayed over at Hunt n Connie's place on the futon.. it was a lil unbalanced, so i kept feeling like id tipt he thing over =p we woke up n played some DDR.. ate some weetbix and decided to go skating again =) i figrue its one of those things that u need to keep working at else ull forget and have to start all over again. went ok today.. my park riding wasnt going that well.. but still ok enough that i felt ok at the end of the day. we went and did some more ollies n stuff and that went pretty ok too. im feeling rather optimistic about skating atm =) although id stil take a day of snowboarding anytime =p

- ian, 7:00 pm ::

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