:: Tuesday, July 6
the worst day ever
ok.. i totally could feel a crap day coming on.. but it was possibly the worst day ever

last nite i was feeling crap cos of something (which i wont mention.. see my angsty post). wanted to talk to someone.. but no one was online.. and jo is gone =( feeling heaps bad.. so i went to bed and thought i could sleep it off. tossed and turned all nite dwelling on stuff as i do..

ok.. so i got some sleep.. and woke up sniffling cos i was freezing.. brr.. but im kinda used to that.. if onyl id stayed in bed today though..

rushed off to work.. and i realise ive left my wallet at home =( luckily i had shrapnel enough for a single ticket, so i didnt get fined.

i had to convince the dood at the front desk i wanst a terrorist breaking in.. which was funny.. but i spent the whole morning working on crap support issues with stupid end users. "ian fix this problem.. with the um.. thing logging in.. um.. i duno.. jsut fix it now!!" gahhhhh!!

.. pretty suck eh? well the morning wasnt that bad compared to the rest of the day.. i went for a run with the guys.. but i had new shoes.. so i basically bruised or blistered every part of my foot trying to break in these shoes.. =( i hobbled the end part cos my feet were so sore. had a shower.. but forgot my hair gel.. grr..

the afternoon was pretty much of the same as the morning, cept more throwing of objects at the back of my head. i had no money for food stuffs.. so i scabbed a bit.. (u dont need much at the RBA) .. but i had to drink water.. but all the cups were gone .. grr..

afterwork i had to catch the train.. but someone died at edgecliff =( .. i coudlnt get a train so i hobbled to wynyard. i met up with hunt to go skating.. but it didnt last long as he broke his skateboard in half attempting an ollie.. grrr...

we went to basketball.. and my legs were totally soreness.. but i was ok to play.. or so i thought. i played heaps crap.. missed heaps of fast break layups.. which i normally thrive on. i scored 8 points.. which is still pretty good though. i very badly bruised my knee though =( i cant really walk that well on it.. =(

on the way home, i forgot i didnt have a ticket so i had to scab a few dollars for a ticket from a stranger.. i got a ticket to eastwood.. and then jsut hid from guards till thornleigh. i also forgot my long pants.. so it was rather freezing on the way home. i had my deck, but my legs were too sore to really ride.

finally home.. cant get worse... but theres no food to eat.. grr.. but thats ok.. whats bad is that theres no hot water! the boiler broke today =( so after all that i had to have a cold shower...=(

i need a hug.. normally jo is good for those.. but she is gone now =( i miss her already...

.. seems like im stuck in a day, thats grey.. and lonely.. i should stick out my chin and grin and say.. tommorrow i love ya tommorrow.. you're always a day away.. =(

heres the song of the day: The Worst Day Ever - Simple Plan
6 a.m.
The clock is ringing
I need to spend an hour snoozing
'Cuz I don't think I'm gonna make it

I punch in
I'm still sleeping
Watch the clock,
But it's not moving
'Cuz every day is never ending
I need to work I'm always spending

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
And I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like
I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

Yesterday was the worst day ever
And tomorrow won't be better
It's history repeating (on and on)
Summer plans are gone forever
I traded them in for dishpan water
And every day is never ending
I need to work I'm always spending

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
And I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like
I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

it's so long
I can't go on
it's so long
I can't go on

And I feel like
I'm living the worst day
Over and over again
And I feel like the summer is leaving again
I feel like
I'm living the worst day
I feel like you're gone
And every day is the worst day ever

- ian, 10:44 pm ::

There are always people there to listen, buddy. :)
:( cheer up dude, maybe you should take a holiday.
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