:: Tuesday, July 20
step back in time
uh.. i forgot to mention that yesterday i went to the RBA's disaster recovery site at IBM in West Pennant Hills. theres talk that i may be spending a lot of time there in the future cos its close to my house. it was pretty mad.. cept i broke the server i was meant to go and fix =p the palce was mad though.. big plasma screens and tons of LCDs to "monitor" our servers... hehe

anyhoos.. back to the present... err.. well past.. but uh more recent past. hehe. .. moving on.. played basketball tonite. we lost by only a lil bit. pretty annoying i think we may have been rorted by the refs.. but we were missing 2 of our big guys so theres still reason to be optimistic. i played ok, scored 9. but i missed some easy shots in the clutch.. grr. choke *cough* ahem... =p

whilst waiting for ages for my train home i practiced tick tacking my skateboard up and down the platform. i was doin better than i have in the past.. but i think my technique is a lil bit off. like im moving forwards but im not gatehring momentum. frustrating... grrr..

in other news: nathan at work is trying to suck me into his indoor soccer team. hrm.. i dun think he realises how crap i am at soccer =p

- ian, 11:40 pm ::

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