:: Sunday, July 4
meet the extennnnnnnnnded family....
i woke up this morning and i was told i was going to some big extended family thing.. the new extended family. It was at julian's grandma's place in Rose Bay (bling bling) it was catered and such.. pretty swish layout they had going in fact. i had many comments on how everyone liked my speech yesterday =) it was kinda full of old ppl though =p well relatively anyways.. some of the ppl were pretty cool. i dont really know who they were.. one was julian's mom's brother's wife.. who worked at IBM and she was pretty vocal and went thru more than a few glasses of wine =p another one was julian's mom's cousin's daughter who was a producer or something for Burke's Backyard. thats about all the ppl i can recall.. cept some other dood who was wearing a kilt and seemed quite eccentric =p it was still an interesting day out though =)

.. in other news: i finally escaped from the torture that is WindowsXP. cos of my internet problems i was forced to install it.. but now im back on Win2k and its so refreshing. winXP would always ask me questions like "you clicked a button, would you like to buy this other related product?" it was pretty uber lame. i totally jsut wanna click a button.. if i wanted to buy a related product id look it up on google. if i double click the burger icon it asks me if i want fries with that.. *sigh*

- ian, 7:22 pm ::

xp is so annoying like that, that it came with options to make it look more like win2k. Turn on like classic mode, and turn off the recovery crap and everything.
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