:: Saturday, July 10
its getting lound in here.. so take off all your ears
yawn.. tis been a pretty average week for ian.. *shrugs* at least its over soon..

anyhoos.. friday: did nothing. went to work.. had a Boost Juice.. thats pretty much it =p
afterwork went to to Harris Park (i totally never go there) to go to this rather ok-ish teppanyaki place. wasnt terrible.. but it wasnt exactly the ANA if u get what i mean. it was for Minh's bday.. supposedly a suprise.. but as always someone spilled the beans. my friends are horrible at suprises. *shakes head*. it was kinda fun... saw some ppl who i never normally see. there was some dood there who i hadnt met before and he thought i was a good drawer ^^; i still get frustrated at my own lack of drawing ability ..grr.

after that we went to Minh n Thaos apartment in Parra.. it was pretty um.. cosy. =p we ate timtams and minties and play charades (which i love btw =). lots of ppl didnt really know how to play. some didnt know the action for 'number of syllables' and some just went "nah thats too hard" and gave up. Minh was probly the only one who played properly... Hema was pretty good too. the whole game was mostly jsut paying out Thao though =p

i got a lift home.. w00t! still got home at like 1am though. then i had to wait up longer cos lisa wanted to borrow a snowboard, but couldnt really find the way to Thornleigh (which is understandable =p) .. i fell asleep a short while later. i slept in till like 10.. then watched the cricket.. then had a nap for a few more hours =p

i watched Hellboy on divx.. it was pretty mad.. nothing to write home about, but it was a solid movie.. nothing heaps blantantly crap about it. actually pretty cool. i spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for the swans game to come on tv =p

Jo came over later (theyre on a one day stop over between honeymoons) i gave her many hugs =) some of my brother's frens came over to have a jam session with their "band" ... and also to play Soul Calibur 2 and bitch and call each other cheap for using hte same character repeatedly. =p

theyre still playing "music" now =p its very loud and not very pleasing to the ear =p

- ian, 10:40 pm ::

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