:: Sunday, July 18
i steal music off the internet
this generated blog pretty much sums up my sunday
Not much noteworthy happening. Shrug. That's how it is. I've just been hanging out not getting anything done. More or less nothing seems worth thinking about. I've just been letting everything happen without me.

Current Mood: jejune

.. hrm.. what is a jejune? =p
anyhoos.. lately ive been leeching a lot of stuff off bittorrent. most i cant even be bothered watching.. some are movies which i download but then dont watch cos i want to see them in the cinema. also got a lot of poor quality nba clips dunks and other things. i also got this very curious rip of a video which appears to be from that late 90s, it was pretty funny. but the guy was teaching how to breakdance. it looked ok actually i might give it a try. doesnt look too hard =) hehe

- ian, 10:39 pm ::

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