:: Thursday, August 31
i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
oops its been more than week. last thurs, i won my first round match in the RBA snooker comp =) yay me.. i played so bad, but the other guy was jsut worse =p two of my first 3 shots were fouls!! i thought i had no hope. i made a couple of good shots and managed a ratehr disappointing score of 45.. but it was more than enough for the win!

later that day.... i went to ramen kan + k with some of the peeps. so tasty.. and fun.. (in that order) i had a bit of a angst-fest at k.. with like linkin park and such. i mean.. i tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesnt even matter. i wouldve been emo, but there is an almost depressing a lack of emo at K-World.

on the weekend i went to Bronte to celebrate.. ahem ..i mean.. uh.. mourn daph leaving for a long while. it wasnt heaps beach weather and im pretty sure it made me sick, but frankly im jsut glad to drag any of my computer friends into natural sunlight =p we played some frisbee, ate some unhealthy picnic/bbq food and sat around.. it was all good =)

... monday was a bit disappointing. i went to frisbee to run in this "fastest player" race.. but i missed the start of the race!! so i didnt even get to run. the guy who won is way fast though.. faster than me. but i think i had a chance at 2nd place and getting my mitts on a HMV gift voucher... *sigh*... *dreams of what could have been*...

.. on wednesday indoor, yet another tradgedy. we were leading 10-6 in our semi final.. but somehow we managed to lose the game 11-12. wtf? i wasnt keeping score.. but im pretty sure we scored more than one in the second half... i highly suspect a scoring error.. but what are u gonna do? *shrugs* i played well at least.. i had a few lay outs (onto wood floors) which drew a small number of cheers from the crowd =)

.. also my 2nd round game in the snooker comp was sposed to be today.. but the guy i was meant to play was no where to be found...

- ian, 9:22 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, August 23
its sucks to be brian and kate
so im pretty sore atm from frisbee. indoor and outdoor. outdoor was most from playing savage in a semi final whilst tired and sick =p i didnt really play well at all, i kept dropping the disc in the endzone .. grrr. and somehow kept ending up guarding 2 guys in the who'd run long, i did manage crazy d though. one guy outjumped me.. then he threw a floaty pass to the other guy and i scrambled back and got it before he caught it ^^;

at indoor in (quite predictably) injured myself. im not really sure how though. my ankle feels like stiff and bruised, i jsut cant remember when it started. we had two games tonite, one where i played well (i won game mvp =) and another where i jsut hobbled around on my bad ankle =p i did get a rare hand block of a hammer though.. and tore part of my thumbnail off in the process (gah.. blooody). we won both games.. but we were losing by a fair bit in the second game when i subbed off.. and we pwned them whilst i was on the bench =p

- ian, 10:20 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, August 20
here it goes again
so i went to the Hunter Valley on the weekend. it was a lot more cool than i thought it would be.. but then again.. i didnt think it would be cool at all =p the main activity there is wine tasty.. where ppl rock up to all these wineries and take sips out of a whole bunch of different wines. it all adds up though and so u do start to feel the alcohol after a while. drunkeness wasnt so much of a problem for us though.. it was more excessive eating of tasty tasty foods. none of which would fall into the category of "healthy". the major culprit for me was cheese.. smoked cheese! also brie and camembert. gah.. there was a lot of chocolate in there somewhere too...

for lunch we ate some some fancy pants places both times. the first was totally the win. i had this wagyu beef which was so tender it like jsut disolved in my mouth. the downside was that i was in direct sunlight for the whole lunch and it was slightly breezy, so i was like hot and cold at the same time. i was like having sunstroke, but shiverring.

for some reason i was really cold and sleepy the whole weekend.. im not really sure why. i did cut myself late on friday (from walking barefoot in the field).. and watching House makes me paranoid of obsucre diseases which are obtained from even more obscure circumstance. *shivers* whats the differential diagnosis for 25 yo male with chronic shivers and sleepyness? =p

in other news: this is something cool which probly doesnt fit on the page.

- ian, 8:08 pm :: 1 comments

:: Thursday, August 17
i wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself
we had a rather major release on wednesday.. it went pretty smooth.. except for this nasty typo where i accidently named all our eBanking applications rBanking. eep! luckily no one really thought it was much of a big deal except me =p

since then work has been pretty cool.. now that its out there we get to tidy up loose ends and work on things ive been putting off for a while. its nice to do some side work again. we got to talk about new infrastructure designs and new projects which is like yay cos we finally get to escape this old framework which has existed since before anyone can remember.

last nite i had indoor frisbee.. and i managed to miss 19mins and 50secs of a 20min game =p i was late cos its in kellyville... i barely got two feet on the court before the game ended. i did manage to pick up in a later game though. that was also short lived and i attempted a sliding catch right into a soccer goal post, knocking the wind right outta my sails. from what i gather it looked and sounded a lot worse than it actually was.. cos ppl seemed really worried. possibly cos the goal post made a massive *clang* as i careened it into the wall. it got my right in the soft pudgey tummy area, so i escaped with barely a bruise.

in other news: katamari continues to consume my life.

- ian, 10:07 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, August 15
how many lives are living strange?
so.. the weekend was pretty hectic. i was in this psuedo awake state for most of it. it all started one friday night when i was killing time before Antiskeptic, i ventured to some boring design market at the powerhouse. it was mostly overpriced screen prints and bizarre post modern lamps =p

antiskeptic was pretty cool.. other than the "get home really late" factor, it a fun nite. i did come away rather on the deaf side though. it was held at the spectrum which is this tiny place and i was caught without ear plugs.

early the next morning.. and i mean EARLY. i awoke to go and help out at the Twist music conference. Jo and some other peeps i know where helping out there and i said id go and help out with some stuff too. i was on parking duty which is pretty fun actually cos everyone seems so pleased when u direct them to a parking spot =p later that day i helped out with some other things.. it sorta had a peer networking feel about it.. in that there were heaps of ppl jsut hanging around and enjoying tasks which would normally be considered tedious and or boring =p

anyways.. i was way tired.. but i soldiered on to daph's place for some alcoholic cheese fondue which i couldnt eat cos im on Ps.. grrr. i ate a lot of brocolli and carrots that nite. we continued on to some cranium (yawn) and some suprisingly amusing games of scattegories.. which i had previous found pretty uneventful =p anyways the road from Alfords Point to Thornleigh is a long and tiresome one .. especially late at nite when u know u have to wake up super early on a sunday morning.

i dont have much to say about sunday.. i was on parking duty again.. but i basically jsut slept for the rest of the day.. cos the last 2 nites were catching up on me =p *crashes*

... monday was pretty much yawn at work again.. *chugs chug*.. *dig dig* *work work* *zug zug*..

.. after work was frisbee.. yay.. i didnt have a div2 game.. booo.
we did have a div3 game quarter final though.. which was cool cos we won =) i played ok.. for some reason they kept letting me run long.. i dunno why.. usually i do it a lot, but most teams figure it out after the first 2 or 3 times.. but this team didnt figure it out the whole game.. and i jsut ran into the endzone on every play. i wouldve scored heaps if i didnt keep dropping the disc =p

since i didnt have a div2 game i thought it might be clever to have a bite to eat.. u know.. for energy. but it turned out to be the worst decision ever.. mostly cos i chose maccas. bleh.. i doesnt sit well thru a game of frisbee.

in other news: i bought Katamari.. and it gave me RSI

- ian, 7:43 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, August 10
so ive was at training for hibernate on tue + wed this week. and it was pretty cool. i actually did learn some stuff which i think might be useful in the real world (i.e. not the RBA). the guy running the training was a bit weird, he knew his stuff but he had this bizarre habit getting asked a question by one person, but looking at someone else when he answered. it was quite off-putting.. especially since i asked a lot of questions =p

he also introduced me to this cool thing called JBoss Seam, which is basically like Ruby on Rails.. but Java. which makes it much more appealing to me than trawling thru the annoyingness of Ruby. it also comes with the rather awesome addition of server-side session tracking via stateful session beans, which means goodbye to the distasteful HTTPSession. uh.. and for all u non-web-nerds out there.. trust me, this is cool.

last nite i had indoor again.. and we won =) i played pretty well i think, but my long throws were woe.. in that they were long throws on a court which is only medium-length =p i didnt lay out (much) so i was a lot less sore this week. and also we won =)

in other news: this girl at work who is a grad in my year has jsut quit, which only feeds my desire to quit and not be the last one standing. in fairness, she actually quit IT altogether to take a lucrative job in finance.. so she has prospects, whereas i have nothing. i kinda wish computing was my second degree.. and something interesting was my first degree =p

- ian, 8:11 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, August 7
theres a fine fine line between love and a waste of time
went to see "My Super Ex Girlfriend" last nite at towers. it was ok, not awesome. but not woe either. it was kinda cute but it was a bit flat and kinda hard to get into it. it was original at least... an increasingly rare quality in todays movies. its been a long time since i saw a romatic comedy (u can guess why), theyre pretty emo to watch if ur single. they always work in that sickeningly perfect ending which makes me all cynical and dismiss it as unrealistic... i mean as unrealistic as a superhero movie can be =p

heres the story of pretty much every girl ive "like" liked ..
girl: hi
ian: sup?
girl: do u think im pretty?
ian: *smiles* yep
girl: *blush* i was sorta jealous when i saw u with <insert name of girl who i have no association with>
ian: really? so u wanna go out?
girl: um. not really
ian: *confoosed* fair enuf
girl: its complex
ian: yeh i get that a lot *becomes emo*

- ian, 10:44 am :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, August 5
Theres life outside your apartment
so this week was pretty hectic.. i was busy at work with an upcoming release.. and i did a lot of eating out this week too.

:: monday. frisbee was pretty cool. in the first game i played well and we lost by heaps.. and in the 2nd game i played badly and we won by heaps =p

:: tuesday. um.. i cant remember

:: wednesday. i went to play indoor frisbee at baulkham hills. it was rather frenetic, its like mini frisbee. but because its continuous, when some scores, they jsut tap and throw again. it has more of a basketball feel to it, partially cos its played on a basketball court. its a lot more painful than outdoor, i came away with some rather vicious looking bruises on my knees and hips.

:: thursday. we were gonna go see Confetti at burwood, but the girls were too consumed by shopping. so we skipped the movie and ended up at this Outback Steakhouse in north strathfield. i had no idea there was anything in north strathfield =p we ate way too much food, including cheesy fries, calamari, bbq ribs, prawn fettucini and chocolate fudge. mm..

:: friday. went to drinks for corina's farewell. she finally got out of mac bank. she was one of very few others i know who (like myself) are still stuck in the same job from industrial training. it really makes me want to escape the horrible work ethics of the RBA. maybe to a job where hard work and doing a good job are actually rewarded =p
afterwards we went to ramen-kan.. mm. i had the salt butter corn ramen ^^; soo tasty. it was kinda cool to hang out with some different peeps, especially ones who enjoy a good ramen =)

:: saturday. went to yum cha for my mums bday. it was like at canterbury leagues.. so i didnt have high expectations, but it was relatively ok. im a bit anti-leagues-clubs though. my parents are heaps impressed by how swish they appear. but theyre really just pokie-funded facades to give the impression of being classy.

we went back to Jo's place and ate a huge fruit platter she had lying around for no particular reason =p *clutches tummy* so full

- ian, 11:00 pm :: 3 comments

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