its sucks to be brian and kateso im pretty sore atm from frisbee. indoor and outdoor. outdoor was most from playing savage in a semi final whilst tired and sick =p i didnt really play well at all, i kept dropping the disc in the endzone .. grrr. and somehow kept ending up guarding 2 guys in the who'd run long, i did manage crazy d though. one guy outjumped me.. then he threw a floaty pass to the other guy and i scrambled back and got it before he caught it ^^;
at indoor in (quite predictably) injured myself. im not really sure how though. my ankle feels like stiff and bruised, i jsut cant remember when it started. we had two games tonite, one where i played well (i won game mvp =) and another where i jsut hobbled around on my bad ankle =p i did get a rare hand block of a hammer though.. and tore part of my thumbnail off in the process (gah.. blooody). we won both games.. but we were losing by a fair bit in the second game when i subbed off.. and we pwned them whilst i was on the bench =p