:: Tuesday, August 15
how many lives are living strange?
so.. the weekend was pretty hectic. i was in this psuedo awake state for most of it. it all started one friday night when i was killing time before Antiskeptic, i ventured to some boring design market at the powerhouse. it was mostly overpriced screen prints and bizarre post modern lamps =p

antiskeptic was pretty cool.. other than the "get home really late" factor, it a fun nite. i did come away rather on the deaf side though. it was held at the spectrum which is this tiny place and i was caught without ear plugs.

early the next morning.. and i mean EARLY. i awoke to go and help out at the Twist music conference. Jo and some other peeps i know where helping out there and i said id go and help out with some stuff too. i was on parking duty which is pretty fun actually cos everyone seems so pleased when u direct them to a parking spot =p later that day i helped out with some other things.. it sorta had a peer networking feel about it.. in that there were heaps of ppl jsut hanging around and enjoying tasks which would normally be considered tedious and or boring =p

anyways.. i was way tired.. but i soldiered on to daph's place for some alcoholic cheese fondue which i couldnt eat cos im on Ps.. grrr. i ate a lot of brocolli and carrots that nite. we continued on to some cranium (yawn) and some suprisingly amusing games of scattegories.. which i had previous found pretty uneventful =p anyways the road from Alfords Point to Thornleigh is a long and tiresome one .. especially late at nite when u know u have to wake up super early on a sunday morning.

i dont have much to say about sunday.. i was on parking duty again.. but i basically jsut slept for the rest of the day.. cos the last 2 nites were catching up on me =p *crashes*

... monday was pretty much yawn at work again.. *chugs chug*.. *dig dig* *work work* *zug zug*..

.. after work was frisbee.. yay.. i didnt have a div2 game.. booo.
we did have a div3 game quarter final though.. which was cool cos we won =) i played ok.. for some reason they kept letting me run long.. i dunno why.. usually i do it a lot, but most teams figure it out after the first 2 or 3 times.. but this team didnt figure it out the whole game.. and i jsut ran into the endzone on every play. i wouldve scored heaps if i didnt keep dropping the disc =p

since i didnt have a div2 game i thought it might be clever to have a bite to eat.. u know.. for energy. but it turned out to be the worst decision ever.. mostly cos i chose maccas. bleh.. i doesnt sit well thru a game of frisbee.

in other news: i bought Katamari.. and it gave me RSI

- ian, 7:43 pm ::

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