:: Thursday, August 10
so ive was at training for hibernate on tue + wed this week. and it was pretty cool. i actually did learn some stuff which i think might be useful in the real world (i.e. not the RBA). the guy running the training was a bit weird, he knew his stuff but he had this bizarre habit getting asked a question by one person, but looking at someone else when he answered. it was quite off-putting.. especially since i asked a lot of questions =p

he also introduced me to this cool thing called JBoss Seam, which is basically like Ruby on Rails.. but Java. which makes it much more appealing to me than trawling thru the annoyingness of Ruby. it also comes with the rather awesome addition of server-side session tracking via stateful session beans, which means goodbye to the distasteful HTTPSession. uh.. and for all u non-web-nerds out there.. trust me, this is cool.

last nite i had indoor again.. and we won =) i played pretty well i think, but my long throws were woe.. in that they were long throws on a court which is only medium-length =p i didnt lay out (much) so i was a lot less sore this week. and also we won =)

in other news: this girl at work who is a grad in my year has jsut quit, which only feeds my desire to quit and not be the last one standing. in fairness, she actually quit IT altogether to take a lucrative job in finance.. so she has prospects, whereas i have nothing. i kinda wish computing was my second degree.. and something interesting was my first degree =p

- ian, 8:11 pm ::

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