theres a fine fine line between love and a waste of timewent to see "My Super Ex Girlfriend" last nite at towers. it was ok, not awesome. but not woe either. it was kinda cute but it was a bit flat and kinda hard to get into it. it was original at least... an increasingly rare quality in todays movies. its been a long time since i saw a romatic comedy (u can guess why), theyre pretty emo to watch if ur single. they always work in that sickeningly perfect ending which makes me all cynical and dismiss it as unrealistic... i mean as unrealistic as a superhero movie can be =p
heres the story of pretty much every girl ive "like" liked ..
girl: hi
ian: sup?
girl: do u think im pretty?
ian: *smiles* yep
girl: *blush* i was sorta jealous when i saw u with <insert name of girl who i have no association with>
ian: really? so u wanna go out?
girl: um. not really
ian: *confoosed* fair enuf
girl: its complex
ian: yeh i get that a lot *becomes emo*