:: Thursday, August 17
i wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself
we had a rather major release on wednesday.. it went pretty smooth.. except for this nasty typo where i accidently named all our eBanking applications rBanking. eep! luckily no one really thought it was much of a big deal except me =p

since then work has been pretty cool.. now that its out there we get to tidy up loose ends and work on things ive been putting off for a while. its nice to do some side work again. we got to talk about new infrastructure designs and new projects which is like yay cos we finally get to escape this old framework which has existed since before anyone can remember.

last nite i had indoor frisbee.. and i managed to miss 19mins and 50secs of a 20min game =p i was late cos its in kellyville... i barely got two feet on the court before the game ended. i did manage to pick up in a later game though. that was also short lived and i attempted a sliding catch right into a soccer goal post, knocking the wind right outta my sails. from what i gather it looked and sounded a lot worse than it actually was.. cos ppl seemed really worried. possibly cos the goal post made a massive *clang* as i careened it into the wall. it got my right in the soft pudgey tummy area, so i escaped with barely a bruise.

in other news: katamari continues to consume my life.

- ian, 10:07 pm ::

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