:: Tuesday, May 31
sitting, waiting, wishing
so anyways.. my knee is fsked. and not in the "itll be better tommolo" kinda fsked like my ankles. its the "omg, i cant walk" sort of fsked. im been limping all day.

at frisbee last nite i managed to lose 2 games by a total of score of something like 7-20, rather horrible. i played terrible in div4.. and played pretty well in div3. div4 we struggled heaps to do anything really. defence was still bad.. but i was as bad as anyone else, 2 of the first 3 points were completely my fault, for leaving my man to poach =p i think we need to hard force forehand, cos im not sure any of them could throw forehand, and their backhands were killing us. i dont know what to do about offence.. im not really experienced (or throw well enuf) to figure out what to do. but.. i suspect we played 2 of the better teams in div4 so far, cos just watching the other teams, most dont look as good as the teams we've played.

.. meh.. in conqueronline im jsut levelling up overnite (and while im at work) in the training grounds, then i come back and get to play with new stuff for a few levels.. before leaving my character training again =p so i get the fun part, without the tedious parts .. well not as much of them.

- ian, 3:02 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, May 30
omg his angst level is over 10 thousand!! thats impossible
hrm.. so.. sup?

ive been pretty angsty lately.. but not the depressed kind of angsty.. more the frustrated kind. im not really sad.. im just annoyed at myself for things that happen. id tell u about it, but its sorta embarassing. i sorta feel like im not in control.. and stuff happens which i wish didnt happen.. but i couldnt do anything to stop it. i know thats vague.. but what are u gonna do about it? =p .. maybe i jsut care too much.. i need to be more of a jerk and not care about anything.

. anyways.. heres what happened this week:
:: friday, went to drinks/snooker with work ppl. it was like fun cos i rarely get time to hang out with work ppl.. but at the same time it was weird.. cos i rarely get to hang out with work ppl =p i got schooled pretty hard in snooker.. my lucky shots of last week had all but disappeared.

:: saturday, went to ange tio's engagement party... in Minto.. which is about as far away from Thornleigh as u can get and still be technically in Sydney =p it was sorta ok.. a bit weird cos i didnt really know anyone there.. i assumed thered be more ppl from uni, but there was only like me and Craig Fothers.. not BITs even. *shrugs* i guess they were busy. it was at Dan's (her fiancee) house, it was like out on a farm almost, massive property. he had this room which had these couches set up around the room like a tv room... but there was no tv.. instead there was a fish tank.. it was very quaint and cosy =)

:: sunday.. nothing to report, cept the Spurs went 3-0 up on the Suns.

tonite is frisbee.. yay.. i feel terribly sick though.. boo.. ill still play though =p

- ian, 2:29 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, May 26
So Yesterday
ano.. i started playing basketball on this westpac team with matt and others at KGV yesterday. and boy did i suck. im not sure whats going on.. i cant make any shots nowdays. i did rebound pretty well though.. which is strange for me =p my throat is really bothering me now.. i thought it was ok for a while, but now its really bad. am tempted to go see a doctor... =p

so i was playing conqueronline and minh had jsut started, so i was plevelling him. and in about an hour he went up 8 levels, and i went up 1.4% of a level =p lately ive jsut been getting horrible pings like anywhere from 1000 up to 3500.. which is basically unplayable. i think its cos too many ppl are in the server, im considering going around repeatedly PKing all n00bs i see, just to get them so frustrated that they leave =p

- ian, 9:49 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, May 24
The other day, in the park, I was wondering why frisbees look bigger and bigger as they get closer to you. And then it hit me
so we finally had our first game of ultimate frisbee.. hrm.. we lost to a decent team 3-6. but thats pretty good considering we were down 0-4 at the start. Our biggest problem is ppl dont clear out on offence... and defence is jsut bad =p offence comes i spose.. as ppl figure out how to stack and where not to stand. theres some potential there.. a lot of ppl on my team throw as well or better than i do.

i dunno what to say about defence... im not sure if ppl are lazy or tired or just confoosed.. but probly a bit of all those things... i guess ur the girls were probly a bit tired sicne we didnt have subs for them. there was more than one occasion where i found myself standing deepest downfield guarding 2 or 3 players wondering "where are my other defenders?". in fact i actually asked to stop the game once to make sure the other team didnt have an extra player on the field =p im not really sure how to teach defence either.. like all i can really say is "dont let your man catch the disc" .. i mean thats all i really do =p but its quite hard to articulate exactly how to go about doing it... *shrugs* i should just tell them to stick their guys like glue... its not the best way.. but it sorta works =p at least the attackers will sorta get weirded out and panick maybe =p

.. it was still pretty fun though.. frisbee is such fun. my throwing was terrible this week.. im lucky there was a bye in div3.. cos i wouldve been totaly suck if id played =p

afterwards we went to some local place for $5 steaks (well i had a $5 steak.. and others got other assotrted meals). it was warm inside.. and the food was quite tasty =)

- ian, 3:04 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, May 22
all my life ive been waiting for something...
hrm.. i havent posted for a while.. which would seem to imply ive either been so busy with an full and excitingly adventurous life.. OR.. i jsut have nothing post-worthy to write =p

anyway... heres the wrap for this week::

thursday:: went to soup plus for no particular reason other than someone mentioned they wanted to go. i had no idea that it had moved.. (apparently a long time ago) so im standing around the old one thinking "im sure it was here somewhere" =p the new location is much larger and newer.. but its lost a lot of the cosiness that i had before. the atmosphere feels more sterile. the place was still packed with all these beatniks sipping red wine and wearing berets, they were quite amusing =p

friday:: went out to the NSW Leagues club with some work peeps. this guy from the cafeteria was leaving and so everyone was getting trashed. i managed to stay off the booze mostly. i only had one sip of someone elses drink. lucky too.. cos i was ripping it up in snooker. i dont like to gamble at all.. ever... but this crowd was all uber ready to lose some money to show that they had supreme confidence in their snooker abilities. i ended up $30 ahead for the nite =) yay me.. Nathan ended up a lot of dollars under the card.. *shakes head* that boy has problems.

i was trying to teach this girl to play snooker (cos im too cheap to play pool).. and she had this ludicrously low cut top.. like im suprised it stayed up.. it was quite off-putting. she wasnt bad actually (not that i was looking).. bit too young for me though =p

sunday:: had frisbee training at centennial park. it went ok i think.. my team isnt terrible. theres potential there =) a few of the guys throw better than me, they jsut need to learn the game and theyll be pretty good. no one can cut or play defence.. but thats expected from ppl who havent played before. not sure about the speed and running we'll have.. but we're playing a short game.. and we have tons of subs so it might be alright.

.. im getting quite bored of my blog now.. does anyone even read it anymore? my hits are way down =p maybe i need to be more deep and meaninful.. or maybe i need to be less =p

- ian, 10:20 pm :: 2 comments

:: Tuesday, May 17
mr brightside
yet another excitement filled weekend for ian.. the highlights being solitare and freecell.. with a touch of minesweeper flags. i was sick all weekend and didnt manage to leave the house, the weather was pretty horrible anyways.

on friday i got my drummania controller in the post =) yay. but to my dismay i took it home to find that it was not compatible with my PS2->PC adapter.. grrr. so now i have to either buy a new adapter (off the net) .. or find the game somewhere on japanese ebay and then get my PS2 modded to play overseas games. hrm..

.. monday was supposed to be frisbee practice, but no one turned up really.. well thats a lie.. some ppl turned up. but it was 2 teammates and a bunch of tag-a-longs and randoms who were there. it was a useful training session but its a pity none of the team really made it. considering some (well most) of them have never played before, it wouldve been ncie to show them a game before they step out into the unknown. *shrugs*.. i tried, cant do more than that. ive injured my left knee (thats my jumping leg) so i probly wont be playing the first game. they can do whatever.. i dont care anymore if they dont.

on the upside, i have another game afterwards anyway. so i wont be turning up for nothing =) yay me. also lachlan and anne (who came to practice depite not being on a team) have said they might join up.. yay. theyre both already better than i was when i started, like they can actually throw a frisbee, which i couldnt do at all when i started =p

.. also in the practice game (on a slightly short field) i threw an almost perfect pull, right into the back corner of the endzone =) seriously my backhand has gotten about 20times better in the last 2 weeks. now i might actually try a backhand pull in a real game for once.

in a related news item: ive ordered a flashflight.. which will hopefully be the beginning of much late night frisbee action ^^;

lastly, this is quite cute:

- ian, 12:26 pm :: 1 comments

:: Friday, May 13
she said she loved me like fireworks
so anyways.. for two days in a row my morning (in the middle of peak hour) train has been cancelled due to.. cityrail being chumps. but they apologised for any inconvinience caused.. so im meant to be ok with it =p actually yesterdays cancellation was due to the maintenance workers strike.. but i dont really see how that works.. i mean theyre trying to hurt their employer in someway by stiking.. yet cityrail still has my money for that day.. jsut i was late. all it made me think was "fudge those selfish stupid maintenace workers" .. in slightly more colorful language. i mean all their strike achieved was making heaps of office workers annoyed at them.. it makes me sympathise even less with them. if they like did an awesome job all the time and were underpaid (like hs teachers for example) then id support a pay rise for them, but they do a lousy job and then have the nerve to make everyone else late and expect ppl to give them more money =p

.. in other news: after arguing with my mother about the proposed tax cut, i realise how i live in the most Liberal of blue seats. my mom is heaps right wing and i guess theres a bunch of other mothers in my electorate who are the same way. hrm.. i might need to move to the Shire =p she thinks that rich ppl shouldnt pay more tax than poor ppl.. she thinks they should pay the same cos they get to use the same roads and water supply.. theyre not getting better roads or water, so why should they pay more? gah.. i spose the wealth in australia is a bit too distributed.. we need more polarisation, we need to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.. cos poor ppl are all slackers who never work so they deserve nothing. and rich ppl are all the smartest and hard working thats why theyre rich.

.. Conquer Online is my life now.. gah.. its like WoW but less cool (if thats possible). last nite i think some guy was trying to pick me up.. cos he was like buying me all these special items and asking to join my friends list =p some losers are so desperate its almsot pitiful...

- ian, 12:19 pm :: 1 comments

:: Wednesday, May 11
please baby please open your heart, catch my disease
ahh it feels good to be playing frisbee again =) we lost in the semis, but i played mad so its alright =p i threw better than i have maybe ever in a game (including a hammer to nige in the endzone). im heaps hyped up for the next season now.. lots of new ppl are starting, its awesome to see the sport growing so well, cos its such fun =) so why arent u playing huh? are u too lazy? or do u jsut think ur too cool? =p

ive done more throwing practice in the last month than i probly have ever before.. and nige taught me to throw a decent long backhand... hehe. i think i can throw the full length of the field now =) before i could barely throw half after the roll =p

.. i corked a calf though.. grr..

:: tuesday
me, kallie, tomoko went to this internet marketing scam.. ahem.. i mean seminar =p it was ok i spose... but at the end of the day it was just a 90min long advertisment for the full day course (which is a bargain at only $50). still not convincing enuf for me to go though. but i came away with a free meal and an organiser...which im hoping to sell on ebay =p

- ian, 12:56 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, May 9
everybody dance now
hrm.. i havent posted in ages. nothing has really been happening. ive sorta been sucked into this new game called Conquer Online, its a diablo-like game.. but set in like an ancient china crouching-tiger-like environment. i guess its like WoW.. but more free =p ur character can dance... i found if u choose a girl character and dance in town square, its a good way to pick up team mates for power-levelling hehe.

.. ive also been playing a lot of Lego Star Wars. its like based around the 3 prequels, but ur characters are legomen (an legowomen). you run around with lego light sabers and pick up lego-gold. its so cute ^^;

.. that was most of last week.. i was sickly on the weekend.. *sigh* couldnt really do anything anyways.. it was mothers day, and i got my mum tix to the Lion King.. grr i want to go =p why wont some1 buy me tix?

... today has been crasp at work so far.. been using weblogic directory server.. and its totally teh suck. its like a data store where u can find out what kinda data is stored in it. weird..

:: in other news: the cat says meow.

- ian, 2:12 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, May 3
witness the fitness
so back for my first game of frisbee in 2 months or so.. i was picking up for this team which was coming 2nd last and had only won 1-6 games. i started out running heaps hard all over the place.. big mistake =p we managed to win both games (yay!).. but i suffered so hard. i could hardly breathe.. but lungs were collapsing.. but i was ok =p since i can usually run a fair while on jsut adrenaline. but part way thru the 2nd game my legs gave out on me.. my notoriously bad left calf cramped up real bad.. and i had to get dragged off the field.

i played pretty average.. but not horrible. i got stall counted .. which has never happened before.. i think i was overconfident =p it was also nige's first game.. he went ok.. he panicked a lot when he didnt need to. he threw his first 3 passes straight intot he defender =p but he went much better later on, he even threw a hammer.. i didnt throw my first hammer in a game till like my third season =p he doesnt clear out well though.. but i guess that comes with exp.

... tuesday...
lunched with shelly, matt, khoi today.. um.. nothing of note really occurred.. me and shelle now have a bit of a bet to see if i can get my license before she moves out of home.. since neither looks that likely to happen =p

the girl at the cafeteria gave me a free hot chocolate today =) i didnt really want it since i jsut drank a coffee.. but i dont turn down a free anything nowadays =p

christmas came early for the web tech team with the arrival of 9 LCDs today. we had the choice of a 19" or two 17" .. and they all arrived today. i got two 17"s and its sweet =p although ive now foudn out that the 19"s are much better quality screens, in terms of viewing angle and picture clarity.. gah. i just couldnt give up the number of pixels, since they both run at the same res. oh well.. que sera sera... i still have 2 x 1280 x 1024.. so thats a lot of screen space =)

after work i hung out with kallie for a bit.. she is still a lil upset and confoosed nowadays.. poor kallie. we went for ichiban boshi =) mm.. ramen. then went for jap crepes. when we asked what was good, the girl behind the counter mentioned that she didnt like mangoes.. omg.. an asian who doesnt like mangoes??!? .. and i thought i was the only one =p

in other strangeness.. kallie drove me home and was gonna drop her mum home first, but her mum decided she wanted to see where Thornleigh was (since she hadnt been before).. so she came for a drive all the way to my place and back (i assume back again =p)

.. whoa a lot of things jsut happnened =p... so lastly.. my face hurts like ive been punched in the face.. like its all sore and my lip is split as if id been hit.. only i dont remember getting punched in the face.. and thats usually something u remember =p

- ian, 10:50 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, May 1
nba action, its fantastic
so.. i didnt go to work on friday cos my eye went crazy again. i woke up in the morning and i couldnt open my left eye. wtf? my whole eyebrow was swollen so big it had swollen up my eye lid too. *sigh* .. stupid cancer... doc reakons its like some inflammation from the damaged tissue... that doesnt really make me feel better =p

on saturday my eye was still horribles.. could barely see. and to make things worse my blanket fell on the floor in the middle of the night and i woke up coughing and sneezing =( .. i spent most of the day playing Kotor2.. and um.. Hexic =p

sunday i thought i should get outside.. my eye was heaps better *phew* so i went shopping with Kallie at Bondi Junct. id never been to the "new" Westfields out there so i was a lil excited. it felt like being overseas again, exploring new places.. hehe. i ended up purchasing this Mossimo shirt from Myer. it was markd down from $79.95 to .. $12.49. wtf? now i wondering whats wrong with it =p

**** excessive basketball references below ****
... later that evening i was watching the NBA playoffs Denver vs San Antonio. it was a good game =) Duncan played horribles.. yet they still won. KMart is a chump.. he reminds me of derek fisher in terms of cheapness and crying like a baby. he managed to draw the 3rd foul on duncan just by flailing his arms and falling over and yelling. dunca is standing still with his hands straight up in the air wondering wtf jsut happened. andre miller isnt much better. i like Carmello, but he got ejected late in the game for smacking Ginobli in the back of the head with both hands. moving on.. i feel a bit sorry for lil Earl Boykins.. everytime he gets called for a foul he looks like he is gonna cry.. its so cute =p
/end basketball

jsut to make things a bit more interesting ive had hiccups on and off all weekend... *angst level inching upwards*

- ian, 10:55 pm :: 0 comments

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