please baby please open your heart, catch my diseaseahh it feels good to be playing frisbee again =) we lost in the semis, but i played mad so its alright =p i threw better than i have maybe ever in a game (including a hammer to nige in the endzone). im heaps hyped up for the next season now.. lots of new ppl are starting, its awesome to see the sport growing so well, cos its such fun =) so why arent u playing huh? are u too lazy? or do u jsut think ur too cool? =p
ive done more throwing practice in the last month than i probly have ever before.. and nige taught me to throw a decent long backhand... hehe. i think i can throw the full length of the field now =) before i could barely throw half after the roll =p
.. i corked a calf though.. grr..
:: tuesday
me, kallie, tomoko went to this internet marketing scam.. ahem.. i mean seminar =p it was ok i spose... but at the end of the day it was just a 90min long advertisment for the full day course (which is a bargain at only $50). still not convincing enuf for me to go though. but i came away with a free meal and an organiser...which im hoping to sell on ebay =p