:: Tuesday, May 3
witness the fitness
so back for my first game of frisbee in 2 months or so.. i was picking up for this team which was coming 2nd last and had only won 1-6 games. i started out running heaps hard all over the place.. big mistake =p we managed to win both games (yay!).. but i suffered so hard. i could hardly breathe.. but lungs were collapsing.. but i was ok =p since i can usually run a fair while on jsut adrenaline. but part way thru the 2nd game my legs gave out on me.. my notoriously bad left calf cramped up real bad.. and i had to get dragged off the field.

i played pretty average.. but not horrible. i got stall counted .. which has never happened before.. i think i was overconfident =p it was also nige's first game.. he went ok.. he panicked a lot when he didnt need to. he threw his first 3 passes straight intot he defender =p but he went much better later on, he even threw a hammer.. i didnt throw my first hammer in a game till like my third season =p he doesnt clear out well though.. but i guess that comes with exp.

... tuesday...
lunched with shelly, matt, khoi today.. um.. nothing of note really occurred.. me and shelle now have a bit of a bet to see if i can get my license before she moves out of home.. since neither looks that likely to happen =p

the girl at the cafeteria gave me a free hot chocolate today =) i didnt really want it since i jsut drank a coffee.. but i dont turn down a free anything nowadays =p

christmas came early for the web tech team with the arrival of 9 LCDs today. we had the choice of a 19" or two 17" .. and they all arrived today. i got two 17"s and its sweet =p although ive now foudn out that the 19"s are much better quality screens, in terms of viewing angle and picture clarity.. gah. i just couldnt give up the number of pixels, since they both run at the same res. oh well.. que sera sera... i still have 2 x 1280 x 1024.. so thats a lot of screen space =)

after work i hung out with kallie for a bit.. she is still a lil upset and confoosed nowadays.. poor kallie. we went for ichiban boshi =) mm.. ramen. then went for jap crepes. when we asked what was good, the girl behind the counter mentioned that she didnt like mangoes.. omg.. an asian who doesnt like mangoes??!? .. and i thought i was the only one =p

in other strangeness.. kallie drove me home and was gonna drop her mum home first, but her mum decided she wanted to see where Thornleigh was (since she hadnt been before).. so she came for a drive all the way to my place and back (i assume back again =p)

.. whoa a lot of things jsut happnened =p... so lastly.. my face hurts like ive been punched in the face.. like its all sore and my lip is split as if id been hit.. only i dont remember getting punched in the face.. and thats usually something u remember =p

- ian, 10:50 pm ::

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