:: Sunday, May 22
all my life ive been waiting for something...
hrm.. i havent posted for a while.. which would seem to imply ive either been so busy with an full and excitingly adventurous life.. OR.. i jsut have nothing post-worthy to write =p

anyway... heres the wrap for this week::

thursday:: went to soup plus for no particular reason other than someone mentioned they wanted to go. i had no idea that it had moved.. (apparently a long time ago) so im standing around the old one thinking "im sure it was here somewhere" =p the new location is much larger and newer.. but its lost a lot of the cosiness that i had before. the atmosphere feels more sterile. the place was still packed with all these beatniks sipping red wine and wearing berets, they were quite amusing =p

friday:: went out to the NSW Leagues club with some work peeps. this guy from the cafeteria was leaving and so everyone was getting trashed. i managed to stay off the booze mostly. i only had one sip of someone elses drink. lucky too.. cos i was ripping it up in snooker. i dont like to gamble at all.. ever... but this crowd was all uber ready to lose some money to show that they had supreme confidence in their snooker abilities. i ended up $30 ahead for the nite =) yay me.. Nathan ended up a lot of dollars under the card.. *shakes head* that boy has problems.

i was trying to teach this girl to play snooker (cos im too cheap to play pool).. and she had this ludicrously low cut top.. like im suprised it stayed up.. it was quite off-putting. she wasnt bad actually (not that i was looking).. bit too young for me though =p

sunday:: had frisbee training at centennial park. it went ok i think.. my team isnt terrible. theres potential there =) a few of the guys throw better than me, they jsut need to learn the game and theyll be pretty good. no one can cut or play defence.. but thats expected from ppl who havent played before. not sure about the speed and running we'll have.. but we're playing a short game.. and we have tons of subs so it might be alright.

.. im getting quite bored of my blog now.. does anyone even read it anymore? my hits are way down =p maybe i need to be more deep and meaninful.. or maybe i need to be less =p

- ian, 10:20 pm ::

Hey, I read your blog now and then. Dont give it up. You never know how many people out there find that the purpose of their day lies in reading your blog!
Hey ian's
I read ur blog..keeps me updated in ur life cause ur so talkative on msn..anyway do you even read these comments???
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