:: Monday, May 30
omg his angst level is over 10 thousand!! thats impossible
hrm.. so.. sup?

ive been pretty angsty lately.. but not the depressed kind of angsty.. more the frustrated kind. im not really sad.. im just annoyed at myself for things that happen. id tell u about it, but its sorta embarassing. i sorta feel like im not in control.. and stuff happens which i wish didnt happen.. but i couldnt do anything to stop it. i know thats vague.. but what are u gonna do about it? =p .. maybe i jsut care too much.. i need to be more of a jerk and not care about anything.

. anyways.. heres what happened this week:
:: friday, went to drinks/snooker with work ppl. it was like fun cos i rarely get time to hang out with work ppl.. but at the same time it was weird.. cos i rarely get to hang out with work ppl =p i got schooled pretty hard in snooker.. my lucky shots of last week had all but disappeared.

:: saturday, went to ange tio's engagement party... in Minto.. which is about as far away from Thornleigh as u can get and still be technically in Sydney =p it was sorta ok.. a bit weird cos i didnt really know anyone there.. i assumed thered be more ppl from uni, but there was only like me and Craig Fothers.. not BITs even. *shrugs* i guess they were busy. it was at Dan's (her fiancee) house, it was like out on a farm almost, massive property. he had this room which had these couches set up around the room like a tv room... but there was no tv.. instead there was a fish tank.. it was very quaint and cosy =)

:: sunday.. nothing to report, cept the Spurs went 3-0 up on the Suns.

tonite is frisbee.. yay.. i feel terribly sick though.. boo.. ill still play though =p

- ian, 2:29 pm ::

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