nba action, its fantasticso.. i didnt go to work on friday cos my eye went crazy again. i woke up in the morning and i couldnt open my left eye. wtf? my whole eyebrow was swollen so big it had swollen up my eye lid too. *sigh* .. stupid cancer... doc reakons its like some inflammation from the damaged tissue... that doesnt really make me feel better =p
on saturday my eye was still horribles.. could barely see. and to make things worse my blanket fell on the floor in the middle of the night and i woke up coughing and sneezing =( .. i spent most of the day playing Kotor2.. and um.. Hexic =p
sunday i thought i should get outside.. my eye was heaps better *phew* so i went shopping with Kallie at Bondi Junct. id never been to the "new" Westfields out there so i was a lil excited. it felt like being overseas again, exploring new places.. hehe. i ended up purchasing this Mossimo shirt from Myer. it was markd down from $79.95 to .. $12.49. wtf? now i wondering whats wrong with it =p
**** excessive basketball references below ****
... later that evening i was watching the NBA playoffs Denver vs San Antonio. it was a good game =) Duncan played horribles.. yet they still won. KMart is a chump.. he reminds me of derek fisher in terms of cheapness and crying like a baby. he managed to draw the 3rd foul on duncan just by flailing his arms and falling over and yelling. dunca is standing still with his hands straight up in the air wondering wtf jsut happened. andre miller isnt much better. i like Carmello, but he got ejected late in the game for smacking Ginobli in the back of the head with both hands. moving on.. i feel a bit sorry for lil Earl Boykins.. everytime he gets called for a foul he looks like he is gonna cry.. its so cute =p
/end basketball
jsut to make things a bit more interesting ive had hiccups on and off all weekend... *angst level inching upwards*