:: Sunday, October 31
im a bit over blogger atm... so i havent been posting.. also nothing has really happened this week.. hrm.. heres a quick summary of the past 5 days or so since i last posted....

:: wednesday
uh.. nothing

:: thursday
i had my performance review at work.. it went pretty well i reakon.. we'll see when the pay rises come in.. *crosses fingers*

:: friday
had soccer practice at work.. meh.. it was ok. i bumped into Paul Johnston..
uh.. nothing else that day.. spent friday nite at home alone.. *sigh*

:: saturday
uh.. nothing again

:: sunday
i met up with some kids for yum cha. it was pretty alright.. nothing much else =p

...so... thats about all.. not all that exciting is it? well, no one is forcing u to read this =p i find that i dont really do anything in my spare time. i dont really have any hobbies (other than sport) .. im trying to think of things i can start doing.. and im not sure.. maybe i can finally learn to play the Bass, but its so hard .. grr... i jsut found out my brother plays the piano (well keyboard, same same) how did i not notice that? he is pretty good too.. *sigh* he appears to have gotten the smarts, athleticism and the musical abilities.. at least ive got my.. uh.. um.. the uh.. thing with the um.. that thing im good at ....

- ian, 10:17 pm :: 2 comments

:: Tuesday, October 26
i dont like the idea of milhouse having 2 spagetti meals in one day
do do do..

today was yawn.. i spent lunchtime teaching Nathan to play basketball.. it was pretty fun.. he is ok.. but he has the shot-put sort of shot. but he is athletic and enthusiastic and tall enough.. so he could be good.

after work was basketball.. we won.. yay.. but only just. we won by 2 points against a heaps crasp team. i played pretty suck.. i twice dribbled the ball off my own foot whilst on a fast break =p at the end of the first half i went up for a rebound and landed on my head.. *sigh* .. it didnt really hurt that much, but i was a bit groggy for the next few minutes. that game felt heaps unexciting, everyone was shooting heaps badly, so it was rather low scoring. meh.. i wish id played frisbee this week =p

in other news: i managed to unlock everything in Super Puzzle Fighter.. im heaps over that game now =p im considering purchasing Pokemon Ruby or something like that.. or possibly getting one of those flash cards off ebay so i can play ROMS.

- ian, 11:13 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 25
Go Go Beckham!!!
last nite was horribles.. i couldnt sleep at all till about 4am.. so i was rather groggy when i got to work =p but today is double sporty day .. with indoor soccer and frisbee =) so yay me! i was feeling a bit stagnant due to not much exercise lately.

indoor soccer was the late game (2:15pm).. so we're always tossing up whether is better to eat before or after.. in the end i decided against it. and in the end i was a bit lacking energy during the game *sigh*.. anyhoo... i scored a goal!! the first non-Nathan goal scored by our team =) Yatta! it was a bit lucky.. the guy playing at the back, made a bad pass to the girl right at the back.. and i snuck in and stole it off her.. then beat the goalie one on one .. into the top right corner =) the actual shot was more fluke than skill =p but with how crap i am.. ill take any goals i can get hehe.

.. anyhoo.. the second half of this story is frisbee.. but alas the first game of the summer season was cancelled cos the ground was closed.. grr.. jsut my luck.. i was sorta having frisbee withdrawls too =p

.. i went home and watched Adaptation.. whoa .. that movie is weird.. its sorta hard to explain but its like about a guy who is writing screenplay for the movie you're watching. im not really sure if i liked it or not but it is certainly different from other movies ive seen. you should go see it and judge for yourself =)

- ian, 11:13 pm :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, October 24
my mom says im cool
and in this weekend update: not much. theres more spiel than there is commentary.. but considering how interesting my weekends are, thats probly a good thing =p

:: friday
work was a usual RBA friday.. i.e. a lot of louging around.. not much working =p

after work i met up with annie and phuong to go to dinner.. but annie was abotu an hour late (big suprise =p). Phuong (who is about as wide as car's radio aerial) complained about how she was so hungry and weak all the time .. and also that she wore these ludicrously pointy-toed high heels and so they were sore to walk in.

anyways we eventually went to dinner at that jap place on York Street.. it was ok as usual =p i see those guys like never, so it was cool to bitch about people.. ahem.. i mean catch up on stuff =p whilst talking about the good ole days annie mentioned that one of her friends who we used to know spent some amount of time flirting with me. i was of course totally oblivious cos im rather de-sensitised to flirting nowdays =p .. anyways the point of this story is that her reason for flirting with me was not that she was interested in me.. but cos she thought i was interested in her .. im like wtf? why would you flirt with someone you're not interested in? well apparently girls do this just for kicks.. they just like knowing they could get guys.. even if they dont want them.. its like an ego thing or something.. more fuel for my "girls are nothing but trouble" arguement. oh well.. at least i got away unscathed.. i do feel feel sorta bad for all those other poor lil boys like me getting sucked in somewhere by some troublesome lass..

.. ahem.. moving on.. we went to the Intercontinental Hotel for some Sugar Hit action. it was described as this "Pink pepper strawberries with guava sorbet, lavender honey slice in hazelnut croquant and cassis, Baileys and Mocha gelle on marinated apricots and cookies and cream parfait with toffee and marshmallow." .. and i must say this one looked awesome.. the presentation was like the sorta thing you'd see on the front of a Donna Hay book or something. the wine wasnt too shabby either =) but compared to the Sheraton on the Park the wine serve was a lil on the skimpy side =p

..tis a small small world.. we met up with one of annie's friends from HS.. and her friend was a BIT at UTS from the year above me.. (i didnt recognise her) and she was apparently sms'ing some BITs from our year.. weird. anyways.. whilst there i noticed some guy who i sorta knew sitting at another table.. but i was too lazy to get up and go say hello =p then my cousin turned up... so i figured i should get up and at least say hi to him... he was in shorts and a tshirt at a 5 star Hotel.. typical.. but then he has the nerve to say im underdressed =p .. he apparently hurt his back snowboarding and hasnt been going to work.. what a slacker.

.. i went home after that..

:: saturday
um.. Kenshin and the Simpsons.. mostly.. i dunno what happened to this day.. uh.. heres a quick review of pretty much every fight in Kenshin...

Kenshin: i dont wanna fight you! im wanderer who doesnt kill
BadGuy: i must fight you to prove i am the strongest!!
*badguy cuts up kenshin*
Kenshin: i understand i have wronged your family/clan/village .. but this is the Meiji era.. killing isnt the answer
BadGuy: this is too easy.. i wont be satisified unless you turn back into Battousai the Manslayer
*more of kenshin getting beat up*
Miss Kaoru: kenshin!! you cant beat him with that reverse blade sword!!
*kenshin does some Hiten Mitsurugi super move, but doesnt kill the guy*
Badguy: i cant believe i lost to a reverse blade..
Kenshin: hey badguy.. blah blah blah.. i dont kill ... blah blah blah you can still change... its time for a new start..
Badguy: you know what.. seeing your non-killing swordfighting has made me realise my beliefs up till now have been completely wrong.. im a changed man.. ill drop everything and become a farmer...
Yahiko: Yatta!!

:: Sunday
not much going on this day either... Kallie came over to get me to fix some codec on her puter.. so she could watch Kenshin =) hehe. it only took about 10 mins to fix.. but she stayed around for about 5 hours because there was a Sex in the City marathon on Foxtel. it was on channel 23.. i didnt even know i had a channel 23 =p id never really watched the show before, but its basically about these women and theyre crazy relationships and stuff.. each week they each have a new bf with one odd thing about them (usually something in bed).. in many ways it reminds me of Seinfeld.. but with less jokes and more angst.

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 3 comments

:: Thursday, October 21
infinite improbability drive
hrm.. i havent posted in two days.. if u suspected a got a life, you're sadly mistaken =p ive just been so boring that i have nothing to post.

at work ive been listening to a radio play of the Hitch-Hikers Guide to The Galaxy. im finding it rather enjoyable =) i never got around to reading the other books, but this sorta makes me feel like going out and grabbing them. Its just such a bizarre mix of crazy science fiction logic, cynical humour and misinterpretations of history. i love it =) if you've never read it.. i highly recommend =)

at home ive been watching Rurouni Kenshin.. which for some reason i never watched to the end. it was really enjoying it up till i saw the episode i saw today. The show was always so clever and emotional and it always sorta made sense.. but this episode sorta went against logic and stupid things happened. i wont put spoilers about it, for the 3 ppl in the world who havent watched Kenshin =p. i was tossing up if i liked this more than Naruto.. and this episode has sorta spoilt the series.. so Naruto is officially my favourite anime of all time (for now). such disappointments.. although it still pales in comparison to the utter let down of the Star Wars prequels.. or even the two Matrix sequels =p

- ian, 9:06 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, October 19
im not sure if ive achieved apathy or im jsut a bit spaced out.. i had a less than average day today.. but im feeling pretty good atm =p its sorta weird.. i was walking home tonite in the cold after losing a close game of basketball.. and i had like this heaps smug grin on my face all the way home ..

at work today i walked to work in the rain .. then pretty much achieved nothing today except for palming off one of my projects to nathan =) mwhahahaha.. i dogged the re-run of the interdepartmental run cos i was feeling lethargic.. then i fell asleep at my desk while trying to understand some of my own code =p

i also finally got my official tax "return" statement.. which pretty much told me that i owe the government a lot of money.. *sigh* .. but i guess id sorta dealt with that problem months ago.. so i had already braced my wallet for the impact.

hrm.. day status: pretty crasp
ian currently feeling: not so bad =p

- ian, 11:27 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 18
in other news
i heaps feel like playing DDR .. im rather tempted to purchase this hard plastic mat from chinatown...

- ian, 9:36 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, October 17
i cant remmember
lately ive been posting heaps after things have happened.. and i cant really remember what happened.. or sometimes i forget if i posted something or if i jsut thought about posting it =p

:: friday nite
i went and hung out with some work peeps to play pool and jsut generally kill time. we went to 333.. and i kept bumping to ppl there.. which is weird =p saw lisa, aruni, hoe.. and some other ppl whose names escape me atm. it was fun dispite all the drunkeness surrounding us =p we were saying how awesome it will be once the no-smoking-indoors-of-public-places laws kick in. smoking is so crap, i hate it so much (jsut in case u didnt realise) =p

next i got a ride from annie to burwood to go see The Terminal. anyways whilst waiting in line i got a call from Khanie (who is in the UK) .. she jsut wanted to catch up n stuff.. she is all like a big shot now earning british pounds instead of worthless australian dollars like me =p it was so nice to hear from her though.. she is literally living my dream (well one of my many dreams anyway =p). i told her to stop smoking, it was just like the old days.. and then she got upset that i was skating without her. hopefully i can go over and visit her.. if i ever manage to organise a trip there (my switzerland trip looks a bit hazy atm)

.. anyhoo.. the movie was a bit meh.. it was bad, but it wasnt good either. there was so much potential, but they didnt really do heaps with it.. and it was riddled with things which just wouldnt happen in real life and so it was heaps believeable. there were some clever jokes and sweet or cute scenes. overall it gets a 6/10 from the icchanocritic.

i got a lift home afterwards (w00t!)

:: saturday
it was david's bday dinner thingie at the italian forum. it was pretty cool cos i got to see some ppl who i rarely see.. everyone is such a snob nowadays.. but im totally lightbulbed these days anyways =p

the party had a lot of ppl there who i sorta know.. but dont really know. if you asked me if i knew them id jsut say "i know OF them". there was a lot of "oh hi, long time no see, hows work?" sort of conversations.. it could be worse though.. at least ppl are coming up to say hello at least most ppl remember my name n stuff.. thats cool i guess. i find it sorta funny how ppl will say stuff like "i dont like so-and-so cos he/she is so fake".. but then when they see them an a party theyre all like so happy to see them and such. *cough* hyprocrites *cough* ..

the best catch up of the nite was with my dear cousin Casey.. who i see like once every second blue moon. he is working the family business now and his passion atm is motorbike racing or something like that. me and chieh are both trying to get him into snowboarding =)

there was a bit of discussion between ppl and like who reads whose blogs n stuff.. and a lot of them were saying that they are too busy to post on their blog cos they are like busy with life.. and i thought.. ive got tons of time to blog, boy do i feel like a loser =p there were a number of ppl who i thought read my blog, but dont any more.. *sniff* .. its sorta like if i made a tv show and ppl decided to switch over and watch re-runs of the Simpsons intead =p i dont notice on my hit counter cos i get so many randoms rocking up.. its be nice if more of them stopped to say hello =)

:: sunday
today i was sposed to go to the beach, but the weather was horribles.. and frankly i couldnt be bothered =p nige came over today and i leeched some divxs off me, then we went to Ankur's house where i leeched divx's off him =p i got Samurai Champloo and some other misc stuff ive been lookin for =) Ank showed me these plans he has to build a data projector out of an LCD screen.. (he studies opto-electronics).. ill probly try and build one if his turns out ok =)

in other news: after reading this quiz on bunny's blog, it turns out im a jpg.. how novel =p
You are .jpg You are very colorful.  Sometimes you forget things, or distort the truth.  You like working with pictures more than words.
Which File Extension are You?

.. this post felt like it had a lot of links in it =p

- ian, 8:33 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, October 15
i went to see this play at UTS called Ecstase.. which is apparently dutch for Ecstasy (what a suprise).. it was was very possibly the most bizarre play ive ever seen. it was this weird collection of short skits more than it was a whole play. it had shades of Coffee and Cigarettes but a fair bit more abstract. some parts were heaps clever.. other parts were jsut plain confoosing. it was still enjoyable to watch.. i wouldnt mind getting a hold of someone who could explain what it meant though =p

.. also i bumped into andrea on the train in the morning .. she was running late.. and i was running early. it was apparently her bday... i kinda feel bad that i didnt say happy birthday.. but i had no idea it was her bday =p

- ian, 10:36 am :: 1 comments

:: Thursday, October 14
its like free money.. kinda
ok my tax refund was $200 more than i thought... and when i say refund i actually mean extra tax payment.. cos instead of having to pay back $600+ i only had to pay $400-ish of extra tax... =p so whilst im still paying extra, it feels like ive gained $200.. since i budgetted for having to pay about $660 more tax.

anyways.. what do i do with this "extra" money? im thinking maybe a metal dance mat... which is a bit more than $200.. or a scanner (which i desperately need) .. or a flash memory card for my GBA SP.... or a new phone to replace my cracked screen one.. or i spose i could just save it for once =p .. *shrugs*

- ian, 1:02 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, October 13
anyways it was 38.2 degrees today.. a new record for october. and i totally caught a cold today =( how the fsk does that happen? well its air conditioning. cos ppl dont always catch a cold cos its really cold. they catch a cold from the sudden change of temperature. like goin from 38.2 degrees outside to the 20 degrees inside the RBA. im sneezing like crazy here.. *sigh*

.. anyways the RBA interdepartmental run was supposed to be today, but got postponed.. but cos they ordered the food and drinks already, we had to still have the picnic anyways =) it was sorta fun i spose.. but it was ludicrously hot (as ive mentioned above) we sat around mostly.. threw a frisbee a bit.. lay down.. had a few drinks... didnt get back to the office till past 3pm. some ppl jsut went home =p

- ian, 11:39 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, October 12
why dont you play the game?
today was heaps crap sticks at work =p

anyways i didnt play basketball today cos of my foot.. i didnt even bring my gear cos my foot was so fsked.. but there seems to be signs telling me i shoulda played. for one Nathan played his first ever game of basketball last nite.. and scored 5 points.. not bad =) next i iced my foot almost all morning .. and it didnt really feel that bad by lunch time.

anyways.. on the way home my train couldnt move cos of a signal failure .. at Rhodes train station, where i normally get off to go to basketball.. and it was there for about 40mins.. up until 6:40pm .. which is when my game tonite was sposed to start.

normally id jsut play thru pain.. but i sorta decided to not play cos i was hoping my foot would be better for the RBA fun run tommolo... but the weather forecast says its gonna be 35+ degrees tommolo.. so chances are it could be cancelled.. or even if its on... i probly wont run it or at least not very hard =p

oh wells..
now im jsut waiting for some1 to tell me that we wont he game.. or we lost be an ian number of points =p

.. in other news: i need a scanner....

- ian, 11:17 pm :: 1 comments

this one knows better than i do
ok i went to frisbee anyways.. and i couldnt really run or anything.. but in the first game i was on fire.. it was pretty mad. my trick was to lull the opposition into a false sense of security. id just stand around for ages till they got bored and ran off to try and get a steal or something.. then id just sneak off into the endzone =) i think i scored 5 in the first game (without running more than about 50m in total the whole game)

the second game wasnt as great. there was this girl who apparently played for Australia.. and she kept trying to change direction to watch me over run and then she'd jsut laugh =p in the end i jsut gave up and played deep and jsut waited =p

.. i scored a ride home from andrea.. totally saved my life.. else i wouldve got home at like tommolo =p i watched some naruto when i got home.. finished off the saga i was on.. it was awesome! i highly recommend to you all.

- ian, 10:11 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 11
play hard or go home
yay for indoor soccer.. our team is teh suck.. also i hurt my foot real bad today. was trying to kick the ball and this girl came and slid in.. and we both kicked the ball.. my foot connected with her shin.. which wouldnt normally be as bad for me as her, cept i was only wearing dunlop volleys.. so her shin basically crushed my foot. she was heaps bigger and taller than me too which probly didnt help me that much. she walked away with bruise and i didnt really walk away... i had to be carried off.

so crapness.. i may be put in as keeper from here on in..

.. im thinking i may go to frisbee tonite.. its unlikely ill play, but its finals time.. and theres celebration food to be eaten =) after much ice and compression i was walk around fine now, just a bit of soreness and some stiffness.. so i could stand around at the back and not do very much (although when i do that, i usualy end up running anyways =p)

.. *sigh* so many injuries.. im hoping ill be ok for the RBA fun run on wednesday.. but i may jsut walk it =(

- ian, 4:51 pm :: 0 comments

dont stop the beat
hrm.. im getting pretty horrible at posting on the weekends.. i think im usually just too lazy =p or i dont post hoping that something more interesting will happen to post about =p .. anyhoos.. heres the weekend wrap up (if i can still remember that far back ):

:: friday
met up with some peeps to go to dinner, we ended up at Ichiban Boshi (big suprise =p) but the Strand one as opposed to the KK one. it was nice as usual =) we in fact met up to go to this dessert thing as part of the Good Food Month. but it didnt start until 9pm.. and after dinner it was about 7pm .. this resulted in the usual walking around standing on the street wondering what the hell we are doing... we decided to go to the Sheraton early and have a cocktail and sit n chat n such... it nice and quaint =) apparently Kallie had this dream where we all went skydiving.. cept my parachute didnt open and they all watched me plummetting.. hrm.. does that mean she secretly wants to kill me off? =p .. although since we were falling into water i was seemingly unharmed.. and just walked it off =p

anyhoos.. onwards to the dessert thing.. it was pretty awesome. you get a glass of dessert wine and a plate of these fancy desserts, ours was "Botanica Spring Berry Plate wild berry and chocolate knickerbocker, raspberry and rose water creme brulee, warm sticky mulberry pudding with lemon verbena custard" ... it was awesome.. it was sweet.. but not overwhelmingly so. twas a pleasant nite out =)

sadly getting home was not as much.. i left early to catch the 10:55pm train.. but i still missed it.. which meant i had to wait for 28 mins for the next train. so i thought id kill time at Galaxyworld.. and i ended up playing Puzzle Bobble.. unfortunately for me, i was totally playing awesome that nite.. almost breaking the high score... but cos i was playing so well.. i ended up being there for 32 mins... and i missed the next train.. grrr.. and the next train was the last train.. so i figerud its probly best to jsut wait it out in the train station =p

i was poised to get home at 1am.. which isnt too bad.. cept i was playing Super Puzzle Fighter on the train.. and playing so well that i missed my stop! ack.. i went to Normanhurst.. where i can normally catch a train back straight away.. but it was 1am.. so there were no more trains back =p so i had to skate back home. but all the uphills were paved.. and all the downhills where dirt tracks.. so it was slow going... i decided to try and skate down Pennant Hills road for a bit... but i almost died to many times i thought walking was best =p

on the way back i realised i was near that Homestarrunner graffiti.. so i thought i may as well look since im so close.. but it was on a rather dark and steep and rough road.. i stacked it heaps bad... came away with a nasty graze, a lot of bruises and blood soaked jacket sleeve. ouchies =p i staggered home and sorta jsut fell over.. it was heaps late by then...

:: saturday
i woke up in the afternoon =p today i went out with hunt and some others to Campbeltown to go to Zone3 (its like laserzone). boy, i always forget how far away campbeltown is =p anyways it was heaps of fun =) i came 3rd, 4th and 11th in the 3 games we played. its different to paintball cos ppl are heaps less scared of getting shot.. so they run around and stuff, although there is still a fair amount of camping going on.

next we went to this BBQ at the house of some girl that hunt knew from camp. it was ok.. there was a lot of talk about their camp n stuff.. so i had no idea what was going on =p then we watched the election count for a bit.. gah! how does that even happen.. are australians really as stupid as americans? it seems to be getting that way ... man.. its totally crap so some guy can send us to war.. and still get voted back in. *sigh*

... moving on... we went skating at campbeltown skate park next.. it was heaps mad.. its ratehr big-ish.. but there was no vert to speak of really. id totally forgotten how to skate.. i was dropping in and just falling over as i tried to turn.. it was pretty woe. it got better later on.. but only a bit better.. still heaps of fun though cos it was so huge. i have most trouble turning on quarter pipe sort of ramps, but ive pretty much mastered turning both ways on straight sort of ramps. i spent the rest of the ntie practicing keeping my speed between ramps but starting somewhere, then rolling in and trying to get back up to where i started.. it went ok .. im sorta getting the hang of it. i kept getting hit in the ankles and shins with my deck.. im feeling pretty sore and undo =p

anyways we skated for about 5 hours.. and didnt finish till almost 4am.. needless to say i got home ludicrously late =p i actually got home at about 6am.. and when i got home i accidently locked my mum out.. she was out for a morning walk. eep! =p

:: sunday
woke up at about 1pm.. spent most of the day watching naruto =) man that show kicks ass.. hehe.

- ian, 9:14 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, October 7
Uzumaki Icchan
i didnt do any much cept go home and watch 14 eps of Naruto end to end =p its so good btw =)

i find Sakura heaps annoying though.. she jsut yells alot =p My biggest problem with Naruto is that everyone seems to get suprised so easily, cos they always make stupid assumptions and are then shocked when they are wrong. heres a typical fight scene.

Onlooker1: Fighter1 cant possiby defeat Fighter2, he should run away now
Fighter1: how dare you underestimate me!
Fighter2: you have no chance to survive, make your time

* fighter2 then beats the crap out of fighter1, resulting in lots of smoke *
Fighter2: it was all too easy
Fighter1: i cannot fail, i must succeeed (for that important person i care for)
* smoke clears, fighter1 gets up*

onlookers: OMG! how did he get up!

Figher2: hrm.. i guess ill have to use my trump card
* fighter2 does some massive super move*

* fighter1 appears to be defeated *
Onlookers: he tried hard, but fighter2 was too strong
Fighter: this is what happens when i get serious

* fighter1 smirks *
* fighter2 coughs up some blood *
* stunned look on everyone's face *

Fighter2: how did he? .... *falls over*
Fighter1: you fell right into my trap, see i used my chakra thru this random inanimate object to attack u.. hahahaha

<< repeat >>

- ian, 1:16 pm :: 3 comments

:: Tuesday, October 5
Super Combo Finish!
work was heaps meh as usual... afterwards we went to go skating at Summer Hill but it was totally packed out with high school kids on holidays. we ended up going to skate at Lidcombe instead.. havent been there for ages.. im still pretty crasp.. although its heaps less hard nowadays.. im sorta getting more into ollies than park skating anyways.. its so much effort to get to a skate park.. whereas i can practice ollies in my garage =p i did one big one.. but ended up on my face .. it wasnt all that bad though.

basketball was pretty meh as well.. we won a close game for once.. i felt like i didnt do very much except complain to the refs a lot. i got called for a few mystery fouls... and once he called a travel on me.. and then later changed it to a double dribble (it really shoudlve been neither, cos the defender knocked the ball out of my hands).. anyways i still scored a few points and a win is a win =p

i finally got my spindle back (yay) so much anime watching to be had. ill start with Kenshin and Naruto.. and then work thru the rest later. i still wanna leech Full Metal Alchemist off someone though =p even though i got home at 11:30pm i still managed to squeeze a few eps of naruto in before bed.. good eps too =)

.. in other news: im dreaming of Super Puzzle Fighter now when i sleep. When im on trains all i really do is either play Super Puzzle Fighter or sleep.. and now i just see colored gems shattering in my dreams.. i imagine these super chain combos that i do and massive power gems... *sigh*.. so sad.. so very sad ....

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 2 comments

:: Monday, October 4
doesnt that make you shiver, the way things couldve gone
um.. well tons of things have happened since i last posted.. and frankly i cant remember half of them =p

anyways i went to blackstump over the long weekend. it was pretty mad.. not as good as last year i reakon, musically at least. the comedy stuff was awesome this year. the bible studies werent great, but the talks were good overall.

im heaps too lazy to write everything that happened.. so heres a point form summary.

meh.. anyhoo i got home and pretty much left straight away for frisbee.. i felt terrible when i got there.. and since we lost both games i probly shouldnt have bothered =p we lost the first game by 1 and if we'd won we wouldve finished in the top half of the draw.. but instead we ended up being first in the bottom half of the draw =) in our second game we were up against the team who was last in the comp... and we lost =( grr.. but they had picked up Glenn (who played on my div 4 team) and he tottally owned up everyone cos he is mad. anyways.. i think this means we come last or something =p *shrugs* .. apparently my team has moved up to div3.. so ill be playing heaps late from now on.. *sigh*

uh.. heres a rather silly picture of me from the sushi thing a while back. (wow this party looks like its rockin =p)

in other news: my elbow hurts...

- ian, 11:44 pm :: 2 comments

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