:: Monday, October 11
dont stop the beat
hrm.. im getting pretty horrible at posting on the weekends.. i think im usually just too lazy =p or i dont post hoping that something more interesting will happen to post about =p .. anyhoos.. heres the weekend wrap up (if i can still remember that far back ):

:: friday
met up with some peeps to go to dinner, we ended up at Ichiban Boshi (big suprise =p) but the Strand one as opposed to the KK one. it was nice as usual =) we in fact met up to go to this dessert thing as part of the Good Food Month. but it didnt start until 9pm.. and after dinner it was about 7pm .. this resulted in the usual walking around standing on the street wondering what the hell we are doing... we decided to go to the Sheraton early and have a cocktail and sit n chat n such... it nice and quaint =) apparently Kallie had this dream where we all went skydiving.. cept my parachute didnt open and they all watched me plummetting.. hrm.. does that mean she secretly wants to kill me off? =p .. although since we were falling into water i was seemingly unharmed.. and just walked it off =p

anyhoos.. onwards to the dessert thing.. it was pretty awesome. you get a glass of dessert wine and a plate of these fancy desserts, ours was "Botanica Spring Berry Plate wild berry and chocolate knickerbocker, raspberry and rose water creme brulee, warm sticky mulberry pudding with lemon verbena custard" ... it was awesome.. it was sweet.. but not overwhelmingly so. twas a pleasant nite out =)

sadly getting home was not as much.. i left early to catch the 10:55pm train.. but i still missed it.. which meant i had to wait for 28 mins for the next train. so i thought id kill time at Galaxyworld.. and i ended up playing Puzzle Bobble.. unfortunately for me, i was totally playing awesome that nite.. almost breaking the high score... but cos i was playing so well.. i ended up being there for 32 mins... and i missed the next train.. grrr.. and the next train was the last train.. so i figerud its probly best to jsut wait it out in the train station =p

i was poised to get home at 1am.. which isnt too bad.. cept i was playing Super Puzzle Fighter on the train.. and playing so well that i missed my stop! ack.. i went to Normanhurst.. where i can normally catch a train back straight away.. but it was 1am.. so there were no more trains back =p so i had to skate back home. but all the uphills were paved.. and all the downhills where dirt tracks.. so it was slow going... i decided to try and skate down Pennant Hills road for a bit... but i almost died to many times i thought walking was best =p

on the way back i realised i was near that Homestarrunner graffiti.. so i thought i may as well look since im so close.. but it was on a rather dark and steep and rough road.. i stacked it heaps bad... came away with a nasty graze, a lot of bruises and blood soaked jacket sleeve. ouchies =p i staggered home and sorta jsut fell over.. it was heaps late by then...

:: saturday
i woke up in the afternoon =p today i went out with hunt and some others to Campbeltown to go to Zone3 (its like laserzone). boy, i always forget how far away campbeltown is =p anyways it was heaps of fun =) i came 3rd, 4th and 11th in the 3 games we played. its different to paintball cos ppl are heaps less scared of getting shot.. so they run around and stuff, although there is still a fair amount of camping going on.

next we went to this BBQ at the house of some girl that hunt knew from camp. it was ok.. there was a lot of talk about their camp n stuff.. so i had no idea what was going on =p then we watched the election count for a bit.. gah! how does that even happen.. are australians really as stupid as americans? it seems to be getting that way ... man.. its totally crap so some guy can send us to war.. and still get voted back in. *sigh*

... moving on... we went skating at campbeltown skate park next.. it was heaps mad.. its ratehr big-ish.. but there was no vert to speak of really. id totally forgotten how to skate.. i was dropping in and just falling over as i tried to turn.. it was pretty woe. it got better later on.. but only a bit better.. still heaps of fun though cos it was so huge. i have most trouble turning on quarter pipe sort of ramps, but ive pretty much mastered turning both ways on straight sort of ramps. i spent the rest of the ntie practicing keeping my speed between ramps but starting somewhere, then rolling in and trying to get back up to where i started.. it went ok .. im sorta getting the hang of it. i kept getting hit in the ankles and shins with my deck.. im feeling pretty sore and undo =p

anyways we skated for about 5 hours.. and didnt finish till almost 4am.. needless to say i got home ludicrously late =p i actually got home at about 6am.. and when i got home i accidently locked my mum out.. she was out for a morning walk. eep! =p

:: sunday
woke up at about 1pm.. spent most of the day watching naruto =) man that show kicks ass.. hehe.

- ian, 9:14 am ::

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