why dont you play the game?
today was heaps crap sticks at work =p
anyways i didnt play basketball today cos of my foot.. i didnt even bring my gear cos my foot was so fsked.. but there seems to be signs telling me i shoulda played. for one Nathan played his first ever game of basketball last nite.. and scored 5 points.. not bad =) next i iced my foot almost all morning .. and it didnt really feel that bad by lunch time.
anyways.. on the way home my train couldnt move cos of a signal failure .. at Rhodes train station, where i normally get off to go to basketball.. and it was there for about 40mins.. up until 6:40pm .. which is when my game tonite was sposed to start.
normally id jsut play thru pain.. but i sorta decided to not play cos i was hoping my foot would be better for the RBA fun run tommolo... but the weather forecast says its gonna be 35+ degrees tommolo.. so chances are it could be cancelled.. or even if its on... i probly wont run it or at least not very hard =p
oh wells..
now im jsut waiting for some1 to tell me that we wont he game.. or we lost be an ian number of points =p
.. in other news: i need a scanner....