play hard or go home
yay for indoor soccer.. our team is teh suck.. also i hurt my foot real bad today. was trying to kick the ball and this girl came and slid in.. and we both kicked the ball.. my foot connected with her shin.. which wouldnt normally be as bad for me as her, cept i was only wearing dunlop volleys.. so her shin basically crushed my foot. she was heaps bigger and taller than me too which probly didnt help me that much. she walked away with bruise and i didnt really walk away... i had to be carried off.
so crapness.. i may be put in as keeper from here on in..
.. im thinking i may go to frisbee tonite.. its unlikely ill play, but its finals time.. and theres celebration food to be eaten =) after much ice and compression i was walk around fine now, just a bit of soreness and some stiffness.. so i could stand around at the back and not do very much (although when i do that, i usualy end up running anyways =p)
.. *sigh* so many injuries.. im hoping ill be ok for the RBA fun run on wednesday.. but i may jsut walk it =(