:: Sunday, October 17
i cant remmember
lately ive been posting heaps after things have happened.. and i cant really remember what happened.. or sometimes i forget if i posted something or if i jsut thought about posting it =p

:: friday nite
i went and hung out with some work peeps to play pool and jsut generally kill time. we went to 333.. and i kept bumping to ppl there.. which is weird =p saw lisa, aruni, hoe.. and some other ppl whose names escape me atm. it was fun dispite all the drunkeness surrounding us =p we were saying how awesome it will be once the no-smoking-indoors-of-public-places laws kick in. smoking is so crap, i hate it so much (jsut in case u didnt realise) =p

next i got a ride from annie to burwood to go see The Terminal. anyways whilst waiting in line i got a call from Khanie (who is in the UK) .. she jsut wanted to catch up n stuff.. she is all like a big shot now earning british pounds instead of worthless australian dollars like me =p it was so nice to hear from her though.. she is literally living my dream (well one of my many dreams anyway =p). i told her to stop smoking, it was just like the old days.. and then she got upset that i was skating without her. hopefully i can go over and visit her.. if i ever manage to organise a trip there (my switzerland trip looks a bit hazy atm)

.. anyhoo.. the movie was a bit meh.. it was bad, but it wasnt good either. there was so much potential, but they didnt really do heaps with it.. and it was riddled with things which just wouldnt happen in real life and so it was heaps believeable. there were some clever jokes and sweet or cute scenes. overall it gets a 6/10 from the icchanocritic.

i got a lift home afterwards (w00t!)

:: saturday
it was david's bday dinner thingie at the italian forum. it was pretty cool cos i got to see some ppl who i rarely see.. everyone is such a snob nowadays.. but im totally lightbulbed these days anyways =p

the party had a lot of ppl there who i sorta know.. but dont really know. if you asked me if i knew them id jsut say "i know OF them". there was a lot of "oh hi, long time no see, hows work?" sort of conversations.. it could be worse though.. at least ppl are coming up to say hello at least most ppl remember my name n stuff.. thats cool i guess. i find it sorta funny how ppl will say stuff like "i dont like so-and-so cos he/she is so fake".. but then when they see them an a party theyre all like so happy to see them and such. *cough* hyprocrites *cough* ..

the best catch up of the nite was with my dear cousin Casey.. who i see like once every second blue moon. he is working the family business now and his passion atm is motorbike racing or something like that. me and chieh are both trying to get him into snowboarding =)

there was a bit of discussion between ppl and like who reads whose blogs n stuff.. and a lot of them were saying that they are too busy to post on their blog cos they are like busy with life.. and i thought.. ive got tons of time to blog, boy do i feel like a loser =p there were a number of ppl who i thought read my blog, but dont any more.. *sniff* .. its sorta like if i made a tv show and ppl decided to switch over and watch re-runs of the Simpsons intead =p i dont notice on my hit counter cos i get so many randoms rocking up.. its be nice if more of them stopped to say hello =)

:: sunday
today i was sposed to go to the beach, but the weather was horribles.. and frankly i couldnt be bothered =p nige came over today and i leeched some divxs off me, then we went to Ankur's house where i leeched divx's off him =p i got Samurai Champloo and some other misc stuff ive been lookin for =) Ank showed me these plans he has to build a data projector out of an LCD screen.. (he studies opto-electronics).. ill probly try and build one if his turns out ok =)

in other news: after reading this quiz on bunny's blog, it turns out im a jpg.. how novel =p
You are .jpg You are very colorful.  Sometimes you forget things, or distort the truth.  You like working with pictures more than words.
Which File Extension are You?

.. this post felt like it had a lot of links in it =p

- ian, 8:33 pm ::

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