:: Tuesday, October 12
this one knows better than i do
ok i went to frisbee anyways.. and i couldnt really run or anything.. but in the first game i was on fire.. it was pretty mad. my trick was to lull the opposition into a false sense of security. id just stand around for ages till they got bored and ran off to try and get a steal or something.. then id just sneak off into the endzone =) i think i scored 5 in the first game (without running more than about 50m in total the whole game)

the second game wasnt as great. there was this girl who apparently played for Australia.. and she kept trying to change direction to watch me over run and then she'd jsut laugh =p in the end i jsut gave up and played deep and jsut waited =p

.. i scored a ride home from andrea.. totally saved my life.. else i wouldve got home at like tommolo =p i watched some naruto when i got home.. finished off the saga i was on.. it was awesome! i highly recommend to you all.

- ian, 10:11 am ::

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