:: Wednesday, December 31
lets play the waiting game..
it apepars im the only loser still stuck at his desk atm.. every1 appears to have gone home.. or to the pub.. or to some NYE party... i get to spend this lovely day with my lovely cathode ray tube.. *sigh*

i had lunch with anna today.. chicken katsu curry =) mm the rice was undercooked though.. grrr.. but it was still nice to sit down and talk n stuff.. bitch about how the harsh world is treating us. she has a pretty sick sunburn.. cos she was too cool for sunscreen over the christmas break. also i found out she is only 20.. man, now i feel old =p

in other news: the Field Day thing kinda fell thru.. im ok with that though.. i think it wouldve been awfully hot to be jumping around on new years day.. and i probly woudlve had to lie down halfway thru the day.. dancing was always a nite time thing for me anyways.

..also ive been heaps angsty lately.. i thought i was ok for a while.. but the doubt always lingers.. its not the sharp depressive sorta angst.. its the motivation-sapping apathetic kinda angst where i kinda feel like ive lost everything i really care about.. and i just cant be bothered trying anymore. i dunno, i guess ill get over it, i suspect my new years resolution with be something along the lines of not letting ppl get me down.

- ian, 3:55 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 30
i cant tell u what i did today.. its a secret..

- ian, 11:07 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, December 29
ok.. so i went canyoning today.. and it is the best thing ever (i know ive said this twice in a week) but this was soo good. omg! if u dont know what it is, basically its following the water along a canyon. its like halfway between bushwalking and caving, sometimes its almost dry, a lot of the time its ankle deep.. sometimes i had no idea how deep it was. there were sections where we had to swim in a canyon which was about 2m wide, but had sheer rock walls 20m up on either side, it looked incredible from down the bottom. some parts we had to jump down a couple a metres into some freezing cold pool, some parts we had to slide down giant fallen trees, some parts we swam under and over waterfalls. ive been on a lot of hikes and camping trips, but today i saw some things id never seen before.. it was rather amazing and stunningly beautiful. it was wet, cold and my nikes were full of gravel, i never had so much fun. i wouldnt have objected to it being a few degrees warmer down there though =p though on the hike back.. i could really feel the heat.. *sigh* hehe

mental note: bring more dry clothes next time.

- ian, 10:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 28
mmkay.. didnt go to the spit-> manly walk today cos the weather looked bad.. altough it was apparently only bad in thornleigh =p instead i went to hit the sales for some extended retail therapy for my extended angst. items bought in the past 48 hours include:

- polar fleece jacket
- polar fleece vest
- casual polo shirt
- beach towel
- travel towel
- camping mug
- two DVD racks
- necklace

mostly from Kathmandu, i might go back later to look at rucksacks.. =)

- ian, 10:06 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, December 27
retail therapy
well.. since i got home at almost 6am.. i didnt exactly wake up all that early today =p but i hit the sales pretty hard. i was kinda beginning to think that retail therapy doesnt work for me anymore.. but it was pretty good today =) im pretty keen to head back and buy some more stuff..

also whilst shopping, i bought this shirt adn the girl at the counter was like "you know you look uncannily like a friend of mine" and im like.. whats gotta be a pickup line =p .. but saly it wasnt .. her friend was actually my sister .. kinda strange, i dun think we look that alike.. not enought that ud say to a stranger at a shop that we look alike.. meh =p

- ian, 10:03 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, December 26
icchandalf the grey
happy boxing day! hehe.. achoo hayfever hits me hard. i was sposed to go snrkelling at some beach near clovelly but i slept in and my phone was out of batteries so i was a bit like meh.. =p

i went out to the sales for a while, i thought id be smart and catch the lift to the top of GB,s then walk downwards. but when i got to the 6th floor.. there was no way down =p there was a massive queue around the whole floor just to get down the escalator. i got stuck in that place for ages.. *sigh* .. and didnt even buy ne thing.

next i headed to see Return of The King! =) mm it was soo good it was like the best thing ever =p hehe. seriously i liked it, overall it was really well done.. but the little things were really clever too. a few times in the movie ppl just burst out laughing.. im not really sure why.. i guess theyre just strange.

after we were just like goin home. chito was trying to convince me to go to this party.. which i had a good reason for not goin to. and ended up skewing off and talking about anything and everything. he's like the only person who i can talk to where a d&m runs into talk about final fantasy =) hehe. but it was enlightening to bitch about the world n stuff.. but we kinda went on and on.. till about 4am! .. and i had to catch a nite ride home. havent done that in a while.

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 25
meri kurisumasu~
tis the season, a muchly happy christmas to you and your kin. mm we all kinda got up this morning and were rather lacking in enthusiasm for present opening.. probly cos i have got a shirt and/or a tie for every year for the past 5 years. hardly something to blog about =p i woke up and played fFFX for a few hours till every1 else woke up.. then we kinda cooked lunch for a bit.. then opened up some presents. i scored ok this year.. not one piece of clothing, no wallets or watches or books =) jsut kinda played a bit. then went off for the luncheon feast, prawns, roast chicken, ham n avacodo, bruschetta, salmon and cream cheese.. among other things.. so tasty.. im uber-full atm..

.. think we'll head to the beach now =)

- ian, 12:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 24
whoa im seeing double.. 4 krustys.
being christmas eve work was particularly lethargic today.. i didnt really do anything except sleep and play with this guy's digital camera. we got off a bit early too cos every1 went home.

after work i met up with the twins for a spot of shopping (what a suprise =p). they had some last minute christmas gifts to buy n stuff.. whereas i, being the smart shopper, finished weeks ago =) hehe. it was still heaps fun though.. those kids are so great.. i hadnt seen jel in like forever.. she was away around australia somewhere wooudlve liked to catch up a bit more, but they were in a rush off to their big family christmas dinner. i kinda wish we had one of those.. our family is kinda distant.. (probly cos 90% of them are overseas) but itd be nice to have a big feast with relos n such. im gonna make sure i stay close to my siblings when we all grow up and have kids... i hardly ever knew my cousins.. sucha pity. i dun want my kids to be like that.

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 23
brett favre
brett favre owns u all! his father died this week, but he decided to go on aplay cos he knew his father wouldve wanted him to. and what a game he had. he threw for 4 TDs and 311 yards in the first half! he basically heaved up passes all over the place, and everything was getting caught. it was pretty amazing.. especially since he also had a fractured thumb on his throwing hand.

with his 2nd TD pass, he moved into all time second place for most TD passes, but is still a long way behind Dan Marino. he also increased his record for most seasons with 30+ TD passes to 7 seasons, second is Dan Marino with just 4. he also passed 3000 passing yards in a season for the 12th time.

in lighter news: he was named Snickers Hungriest Player .. hehe im not really sure what that means though =p

- ian, 11:59 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, December 22
fever all through the night
had lunch with shelly today.. well actually more shopping than lunch.. which i guess can be expected from that family =p it was fun, i dun get to talk to her all that often even though i seem to be at their house an awful lot. =p went book n dvd shopping around the place.. which i do like to do =) ending up taking a heaps long lunch.. luckily im not really doing anything at work atm ..

.. i packed all my gear for frisbee.. but i forgot that we had a bye this week =p damnit! .. its probly for the best, cos im uber-hayfeverish tonite.. achoo achoo..

- ian, 11:54 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 21
went to see "Lost in Translation" today at chatswood.. it was pretty cool, had some amusing insight into japanese culture and life in tokyo fromt he perspective of a foreigner. it was cool to have a peek into what i was about to experience =) the movie overall was ok, it had some good snippets, but the flow of it all was a bit jerky, stuff jsut kinda happened without joining of scenes.. but i still enjoyed it =)

- ian, 11:54 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, December 20
*life casts lvl13 boredom on icchan*

... in other news: i have no life other than final fantasy X.. *sigh*.. ne1 wanna do something? im bored.

- ian, 6:46 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, December 19
*lies down*
twas the RBA web tech team christmas lunch today.. at Manly Beach =) hehe. which is cool, cept there was a ferry strike on this morning .. gah.. such timing.. we didnt end up getting one a ferry until 1pm.. so twas almsot 2 before we got to manly. anyhoo.. it was stinking hot.. and we ate at this snooty sailing club where the food was ok-ish. i just couldnt wait to jump in the water cos i was just baking at the restaurant. later we went down to the water and threw around a frisbee and a gridiron ball.. and jsut generally splashed and frolicked in the sun before heading to the bar for a drink or two.. or three.. =p.

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

.. ok i jsut woke up.. now i cant sleep =p

meh.. time for some bitching about stuff.. hehe
what i really cant stand are people who dont say what they mean... they jsut kinda try to be PC about everything.. in an attempt to avoid confrontation.. which is ok sometimes, but the majority of people in the world are really transparent.. and it doesnt really work. it just kinda makes the other person feel really kinda snubbed.. i mean why pretend? fake-ness is ever so unappealing.

the only thing i dislike more than that is people who dont mean what they say... slightly different.. but importantly so. instead of dodging the issue to avoid confrontation, people like to make up something which kinda attempts to smooth things over, or just make the other person feel better..this could be a fake hello or smile or even complex ramblings on.. the problem being it either gets uncovered a mistruth.. or jsut plain doesnt work. thus making everything jsut worse.

.. im not saying i dont do these things.. almost every1 does at some time.. but i do realise when i do, and make a conceeded effort to avoid doing these things.. out of respect for other ppl. i like to be honest and open with every1.. this place suffers from enough social awkwardness without me adding to it..

- ian, 2:18 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 18
*yawns* meh for some reason im uber-tired today.. i blame FFX..

in other news: lunched with anna and her friend today at wagamamma. i did of course get chicken katsu curry =) mm soo tasty.. we kinda had to wait around n stuff.. and i ended up taking an uber-long lunch break. it didnt really matter in the end, cos i went back to the office and jsut kinda hunched over lethargically at the keyboard and didnt do all that much productive. although at one point we played that game where u balance 20c coins on ur elbow and try to catch them.. and i got 21!! a new record =) hehe

.. anyways im off to sleep .. might wake up later and play FFX =p

- ian, 8:07 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 17
did nothing at all at work today.. meh..

im the fantasy fotoball league.. i lost in the semis!! grr.. i had the best record in the league too.. *sigh*.. and i had a pretty good week too. just pipped by peyton manning and gonzo who both got 50+ points. damn them =p

afterwork we went out to bondi junction to go to this pizza place to celebrate phil graduating.. the only problem was that when we got to the place, it was gone.. replaced by a similar store with a different name =p hehe oh wells.. we decided to eat there anyways.. and it was ok.. pretty cheap too.

- ian, 11:59 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 16
*casts slow on blog*
omg im 4 days behind on my blog.. whoddathunkit? oh wells.. i blame 2 things, final fantasy X and head trauma.. but more on that later.. heres the week that was..

:: saturday
was sposed to do the spit to manly walk, but it was prematurely cancelled due to bad weather.. and the weather turned out to be perfect that day =p .. i didn nothing really.. then went rock climbing for a bit at st leonards. meh.. my arms are sore =p then played out the day on ffx..

:: sunday
twas khanh/chito's bday picnic thing at bicentennial park, i went there via the Tan household to catch the 1:40 express shuttle to bicentennial park. it was uber-hot that day.. kinda tried playing sports but didnt get very far.. ended up just lying down for most of the afternoon. there was way too much food.. still kinda fun though.. but sweaty n humid.. and very lazy =p

next we went to concord to have this heaps nice gelato at this out of the way cafe.. it was like a gelatissimo if it were a corner store.. had all sorts of weird flavours there.. but they were all heaps good. the place was a bit smokey though, cos we sat outside. and ppl dont seem to notice their second hand smoke.

afterwards we went to gus' dad's place to sit n drink and play some tennis.. big mistake. if u know me, u know i dont play tennis.. in fact this was only the third time id ever picked up a tennis racquet. we played a bit of doubles, and i wasnt too bad.. mostly jsut overhitting everything. but a short while later i ran n dived out to my right. only to smack my head on the fence post.. and then my temple onto the brick wall below it.. ouchies! i kinda just lay there for a while, didnt feel good at all =p every1 kinda had to leave after that, but i was in no shape to travel home. so i went down to the Tan hospital on Abercrombie for some treatment. shelly's mom was like bandaging up my head, but needed to ask every1 in the house if they thought it needed stitches. just sat around n chatted.. and played some soul calibur2 on dave's gamecube. then ate dinner, before realising i should probly go home =p

:: monday
i went to work against my momma's better judgement.. cos i had training on.. so i felt i should go. i made it about halfway thru the day before my boss told me to go home, my head was still not in a good way from the tennis incident. i went home and played a few hours of ffx. but then i got bored and decided to go play ultimate frisbee =p probly not the best idea ive ever had, but it worked out well.. cos we beat the team which is top of the ladder. its always such fun =) i played ok, one good diving catch in the end zone =)

:: tuesday
decided against going back to the office.. jsut sat around all day and played final fantasy.. man that game is bad for my neck =p not much else really... that game kinda makes u lose track of time.

- ian, 7:49 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, December 12
todo list:
there are many a thing which ive been meaning to do.. but never do.. one of which was making xmas cards.. if i cross that off i get:

- get driver's license
- learn to play judy's bass guitar which has been sittin at my house for almost a year
- learn to surf
- snowboard in japan (ooh.. can remove this one soon =)
- start skateboarding again
- finish final fantasy 8.. and 7.. and 10 =p
- buy a hard DDR mat =)
- move out of home
- claim back all those medicare things from when i was in hospital (2 years ago =p)
- sign up for private health insurance
- try to take over the world...

- ian, 11:19 am :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 11
spent all day today in training to be a better manager =p learnt about Equal Employment Opportunities.. and Occupational Health and Safety.. mostly common sense so it was all a bit of a yawn.. but i guess its kinda good stuff to know, like what the law says n such.

afterwards we went to play some street ball on the hot humid courts of central train stn park (i dunno the park's real name) .. it was stupidly hot to be outdoors playing basketball.. but we still schooled the kids down there pretty hard.

went home after fsking up my right ankle for a change =p its ok now though.. just kinda rolled it, my toe is uber-bruised though. i think im gonna loose the nail. caught the train home feeling awfully dirty.. as u do in the humidity... bumped into Vicky n Simon.. and had a bit of a chat about making xmas cards =) which brings me to my next point ..

i finally made my first mass produceable xmas card, ive only been saying id do this for about 5 years =p its looks ok.. not quite as good as id anticipated in my design, but it looks quite nice, and doesnt take much time to make. i jsut kept to a simple design, but kinda cleverly cool =) hehe if i do say so myself. the first one goes to j.lo cos im seeing her first.. and she leaves for a world tour on sunday. it has a few flaws.. but thems the breaks, thats what u get for being the proud recipient of the first card =p

the cards were suprisingly cheap to make too.. i think the envelopes cost almost as much as the rest of the card =p but theyre colored envelopes.. which were suprisingly expensive. although in comparison to buying a box of generic cards from Woolies.. i spose the cards are heaps expensive.. but where is the love? my genuine homemade icchanocards are made with the all the love of the christmas spirit =)

- ian, 11:46 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 10
busted custard
the internet has been broken lately.. well all the bits i go to were anyways =p

do do do.. anyhoo.. i took a day off today. for no more important reason than i had accumulated the maximum number of days off =p twas a good chance to sleep in for a bit and clean up a bit n stuff.
but i was never one for doing nothing, so i ventured out into the real world to see what was goin on in the good olde Hornsby Shire. i actually ened up shopping for materials to construct a weapon of mass destruction.. but was unable to find parts.. so instead i got stuff to make xmas cards this year.. finally.. after inumerable years of saying i would do it =p

it was ludicrously hard to find thin red cardboard .. so i went to a lot of newsagencies today =p but it was all good.. n fun.. and awfully humid today =p .. i thought id check out Chatswood to find this hole punch ive been looking for.. so i decided to stop at Gordon on the way and have lunch with my seemingly absent lil sis Lingy~~ *hugs* hehe. twas good to catch up n stuff, i dont see her nearly as often as id like.

.. lastly.. its Bonnie's bday today! and i tried to ring her all morning, but to no avail. i finally got thru.. and found out why.. cos she is in Hong Kong =p oh well..

- ian, 11:06 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, December 8
damage report::
the result of tonite's 9-10 loss in ultimate frisbee for ian, one bruised big right toe, one rolled left ankle, and one cramped left calf muscle... i guess i wouldnt feel so bad if we'd won =p and we shoulda, coulda, woulda.

after looking at the frisbee schedule.. guess what? im in japan for all the finals.. gah.. how disappointment. oh wells.. we probly wont win.. i think =p maybe-ness

- ian, 11:08 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 7
like me, this weekend was riddled with potential.. and failed to realise most of it...

friday was the RBA hawaiian themed karaoke xmas party.. which id been very keenf or all week, id been shopping for hawaiian shirts, and other accessories.. but when the 11th hour came.. i went home sick with food poisoning =( went home and watch divx's on a friday nite.. how lame

saturday was rock climbing!! went to the new place at St Peters it was huge.. a refurbished warehouse.. it was heaps nice inside.. im keen to go back again soon. but i overworked my forearms.. and theyre uber-tensed up atm. i can seem to clasp anything with my left hand at all..

next was cally's psuedo house warming party.. it twas ok.. kinda quietness but many a cocktail was consumed, including these muchly tasty forzen watermelon and vodka shots.. kinda jsut chilled out and amused ourselves with these glow sticks cally bought off ebay.. hehe

due to train suck-age.. i left the party at 12:30-ish .. and didnt get home till after 3am!!.. so tired.. *acts drowsy* .. man.. and i was sposed to be at a dragonboat race at 7:30 this morning =p .. although my arms arent really working anyways.. meh.

.. in other news: unlimited downloads on telstra this weekend.. omg! i cant believe u jsut found out!!

- ian, 1:51 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 4
fly me to the moon..
me and hunt booked flights to japan today!! finally something exciting to look forward to.. something to bring hope to the drudgery that is a cubicle lifestyle. im so desperate to get out of Sydney.. 23 years worth of this town has kinda left a bad taste in my mouth..

we paid a bit extra to get Singapore airlines.. so we could get nintendos for the 15 hours of air travel each way. tasty old school super nintendo goodness.. im gonna try and finish mario =) hehe

im ever so excited.. i could go and jsut hang out at japanese supermarkets n stuff.. and still get a kick out of that =p i need to get into some different culture.. australia is a bit of a drag..

in other news: im going to japan and you're not =p .. unless ur hunt..

- ian, 11:49 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 3
money money money.. must be funny..
bling bling, i got a very juicy 10% pay rise today.. hrm.. materialism.. my old enemy..

every seems to think money is soo good. buti dont really need the money.. and i dont really feel like im working hard enough to deserve it. nevertheless.. next week is my performance review where i could get up to 4% more.. hrm.. i shudder at the thought that other parts of the government are as fickle with their money.

.. on that note i wasted a long lunch looking for a hawaiian shirt for the work xmas party this friday.. saw some heaps old school shirts which i want to purchase.. but i must resist!!

on the way home i was trapped in a sauna of a train carriage.. packed full and the air con was busted and it was uber-humid.. and i was standing up, in the top section.. goh.. i almost fainted. woe is me =p

- ian, 10:39 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 2
work is getting really boring and tedious nowadays.. fixing stuff.. and working on frustratin infrastructure. its all a bit of a yawn nowadays.. and its all prototyping so itll probly never get used by anyone =p anyways, we finally had a bible study.. the first in a long while now, although i have been going to one at work.. its still nice to catch up with the regular guys.

not much else of note happeend today.. cept my DVDs arrived from the UK.. Futurama season 4, Family Guy season 3 and the original Italian Job. mm all soo schweet.. =) i watch one of the futurama dvds .. theyre all soo good..
on the train i bumped into Donald and his gf, Meredith (who id never met before) i havent seen him for ages, even though he lives like a block from me =p

thats pretty much it.. hardly an excitable day. meh.. i thats the life i live =p we'll see what tommolo brings =)

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, December 1
no one sees your tear drops when it pours
i played fribee tonite in the pouring rain.. and it was suprisingly it was heaps good. probly cos the other team wasnt very good. i scored 5 out of our 15 touchdowns =) i kinda slid all over the place cos i didnt have spikes on i just had runners.

i think im getting noticeably better... like making less mistakes. im still throwing quite badly.. and a dropped a few i shouldve caught.. but i blame the rain =p im getting open more.. and definately throwing straighter. everything is going according to plan.. mwhahahaha~~ .. ahem.. *cough*

in other news.. lunched with vicky n simon today.. was quite pleasant.. i rarely see those guys.

- ian, 11:40 pm :: 0 comments

we hates forgetfulness
before i even made it into my office, my week is completely ruined! i left my train ticket at home.. so i got gob-smacked with an on the spot $200 fine =(

if i actually didnt buy a ticket, i wouldnt really care cos i wouldve gotten what i deserved but i did buy a ticket. what bothers me is that i got a fine for being a lazy and stupid. i couldve easily avoided the fine if id woken up 5 mins earlier.. or packed my bag last nite, but i didnt.. cos im retarded. i dont really care about the money. money is overrated anyways.. im just mad at myself .. seems im often my own worst enemy.

i also left my belt at home... my pants are being kept up with a twist tie..

- ian, 4:18 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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