whoa im seeing double.. 4 krustys.
being christmas eve work was particularly lethargic today.. i didnt really do anything except sleep and play with this guy's digital camera. we got off a bit early too cos every1 went home.
after work i met up with the twins for a spot of shopping (what a suprise =p). they had some last minute christmas gifts to buy n stuff.. whereas i, being the smart shopper, finished weeks ago =) hehe. it was still heaps fun though.. those kids are so great.. i hadnt seen jel in like forever.. she was away around australia somewhere wooudlve liked to catch up a bit more, but they were in a rush off to their big family christmas dinner. i kinda wish we had one of those.. our family is kinda distant.. (probly cos 90% of them are overseas) but itd be nice to have a big feast with relos n such. im gonna make sure i stay close to my siblings when we all grow up and have kids... i hardly ever knew my cousins.. sucha pity. i dun want my kids to be like that.