:: Wednesday, December 31
lets play the waiting game..
it apepars im the only loser still stuck at his desk atm.. every1 appears to have gone home.. or to the pub.. or to some NYE party... i get to spend this lovely day with my lovely cathode ray tube.. *sigh*

i had lunch with anna today.. chicken katsu curry =) mm the rice was undercooked though.. grrr.. but it was still nice to sit down and talk n stuff.. bitch about how the harsh world is treating us. she has a pretty sick sunburn.. cos she was too cool for sunscreen over the christmas break. also i found out she is only 20.. man, now i feel old =p

in other news: the Field Day thing kinda fell thru.. im ok with that though.. i think it wouldve been awfully hot to be jumping around on new years day.. and i probly woudlve had to lie down halfway thru the day.. dancing was always a nite time thing for me anyways.

..also ive been heaps angsty lately.. i thought i was ok for a while.. but the doubt always lingers.. its not the sharp depressive sorta angst.. its the motivation-sapping apathetic kinda angst where i kinda feel like ive lost everything i really care about.. and i just cant be bothered trying anymore. i dunno, i guess ill get over it, i suspect my new years resolution with be something along the lines of not letting ppl get me down.

- ian, 3:55 pm ::

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