:: Friday, December 26
icchandalf the grey
happy boxing day! hehe.. achoo hayfever hits me hard. i was sposed to go snrkelling at some beach near clovelly but i slept in and my phone was out of batteries so i was a bit like meh.. =p

i went out to the sales for a while, i thought id be smart and catch the lift to the top of GB,s then walk downwards. but when i got to the 6th floor.. there was no way down =p there was a massive queue around the whole floor just to get down the escalator. i got stuck in that place for ages.. *sigh* .. and didnt even buy ne thing.

next i headed to see Return of The King! =) mm it was soo good it was like the best thing ever =p hehe. seriously i liked it, overall it was really well done.. but the little things were really clever too. a few times in the movie ppl just burst out laughing.. im not really sure why.. i guess theyre just strange.

after we were just like goin home. chito was trying to convince me to go to this party.. which i had a good reason for not goin to. and ended up skewing off and talking about anything and everything. he's like the only person who i can talk to where a d&m runs into talk about final fantasy =) hehe. but it was enlightening to bitch about the world n stuff.. but we kinda went on and on.. till about 4am! .. and i had to catch a nite ride home. havent done that in a while.

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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