:: Friday, December 19
.. ok i jsut woke up.. now i cant sleep =p

meh.. time for some bitching about stuff.. hehe
what i really cant stand are people who dont say what they mean... they jsut kinda try to be PC about everything.. in an attempt to avoid confrontation.. which is ok sometimes, but the majority of people in the world are really transparent.. and it doesnt really work. it just kinda makes the other person feel really kinda snubbed.. i mean why pretend? fake-ness is ever so unappealing.

the only thing i dislike more than that is people who dont mean what they say... slightly different.. but importantly so. instead of dodging the issue to avoid confrontation, people like to make up something which kinda attempts to smooth things over, or just make the other person feel better..this could be a fake hello or smile or even complex ramblings on.. the problem being it either gets uncovered a mistruth.. or jsut plain doesnt work. thus making everything jsut worse.

.. im not saying i dont do these things.. almost every1 does at some time.. but i do realise when i do, and make a conceeded effort to avoid doing these things.. out of respect for other ppl. i like to be honest and open with every1.. this place suffers from enough social awkwardness without me adding to it..

- ian, 2:18 am ::

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