:: Tuesday, December 16
*casts slow on blog*
omg im 4 days behind on my blog.. whoddathunkit? oh wells.. i blame 2 things, final fantasy X and head trauma.. but more on that later.. heres the week that was..

:: saturday
was sposed to do the spit to manly walk, but it was prematurely cancelled due to bad weather.. and the weather turned out to be perfect that day =p .. i didn nothing really.. then went rock climbing for a bit at st leonards. meh.. my arms are sore =p then played out the day on ffx..

:: sunday
twas khanh/chito's bday picnic thing at bicentennial park, i went there via the Tan household to catch the 1:40 express shuttle to bicentennial park. it was uber-hot that day.. kinda tried playing sports but didnt get very far.. ended up just lying down for most of the afternoon. there was way too much food.. still kinda fun though.. but sweaty n humid.. and very lazy =p

next we went to concord to have this heaps nice gelato at this out of the way cafe.. it was like a gelatissimo if it were a corner store.. had all sorts of weird flavours there.. but they were all heaps good. the place was a bit smokey though, cos we sat outside. and ppl dont seem to notice their second hand smoke.

afterwards we went to gus' dad's place to sit n drink and play some tennis.. big mistake. if u know me, u know i dont play tennis.. in fact this was only the third time id ever picked up a tennis racquet. we played a bit of doubles, and i wasnt too bad.. mostly jsut overhitting everything. but a short while later i ran n dived out to my right. only to smack my head on the fence post.. and then my temple onto the brick wall below it.. ouchies! i kinda just lay there for a while, didnt feel good at all =p every1 kinda had to leave after that, but i was in no shape to travel home. so i went down to the Tan hospital on Abercrombie for some treatment. shelly's mom was like bandaging up my head, but needed to ask every1 in the house if they thought it needed stitches. just sat around n chatted.. and played some soul calibur2 on dave's gamecube. then ate dinner, before realising i should probly go home =p

:: monday
i went to work against my momma's better judgement.. cos i had training on.. so i felt i should go. i made it about halfway thru the day before my boss told me to go home, my head was still not in a good way from the tennis incident. i went home and played a few hours of ffx. but then i got bored and decided to go play ultimate frisbee =p probly not the best idea ive ever had, but it worked out well.. cos we beat the team which is top of the ladder. its always such fun =) i played ok, one good diving catch in the end zone =)

:: tuesday
decided against going back to the office.. jsut sat around all day and played final fantasy.. man that game is bad for my neck =p not much else really... that game kinda makes u lose track of time.

- ian, 7:49 pm ::

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