:: Tuesday, December 27
bah humbug
hrm.. xmas is come .. and gone. twas a rather uneventful xmas this year. for some reason we didnt do a big family xmas thing.. i think everyone is too lazy to organise it now =p work was predictably lethargic in the week before xmas, with many a person taking long lunch break every day to either go present shopping or to go to the Leagues club for a christmas drink.

frisbee on tuesday was good. i cant really remember what happened, but im sure it was good. i only really remember sitting on the bench for ages. we won the first game in a forfeit and lost the second by some number of points.

our web tech xmas party was at Bronte Beach. it was pretty cool. the weather wasnt fantastic but it was hot enough to be at the beach. we played some terrible volleyball on this rickety net that someone had. it was pretty hilarious though. i pretty much jsut tried to dive at every attempt =p the others were all pretty much drinking all the time =p

on friday i did almost all my shopping in a day =) i just scooted around the place to various shopping centres =) i almost filled up the tank for the first time. it was $4.24 for a full tank... actually more than full cos i spilled it all over the place =p by my rough estimations i get about 25km/L in this scooter. i have no idea whether thats good or bad though.

after shopping i went to kallies xmas party thing at her tiny apartment in Lidcombe. it was pretty drunkened.. and most of the ppl there i didnt know. i spent most of the party hiding from ppl i didnt want to talk to and making small talk with ppl i hadnt seen in a while, like "so hows work?".. "oh, that sounds good". we also played a lot of Buzz the music quiz game, which i totally dominated. =p in the end i had too much to drink and couldnt scoot home. so i got a lift from Hema.. and went to pick up my scooter at a later date.

- ian, 10:54 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 18
why'd you give up on me so soon?
i went for a scoot on the borrowed scooter today.. which is in fact a bug bandit. i went from home to Castle Hill shops, then to Dural via Cherrybrook, then to Epping, Eastwood and Carlingford. it went suprisingly well for a 50cc, if my Vespa runs this well when i get it back ill be very happy cos this one doesnt really get much past 60km/h, and my Vespa goes up to 80-ish for those main roads where im struglling to keep up with traffic. I was comfortable riding around in triffic and such. the only part of driving im a bit iffy about is those double lane round-a-bouts.. ive got nfi whats going on. i jsut hope there arent many cars when i get there (and there rarely are on a sunday morning). i think a scooter is heaps easier than a car.. cos theres more room for error, i can drift a whole metre to my left.. and im still in my lane =p

- ian, 10:36 pm :: 2 comments

:: Saturday, December 17
make your own kind of music
so.. i went to Brookvale to pick up my Vespa today.. and they said i coudlnt have it.. grr. the electric start is screwd and they need to get this thing called a bendix gear shipped in fron Italy to fix it. on the upside he said that in general this part of a Vespa is the most oft broken part, so he reakons the rest of it should be fine for a while. but if this is the most common breakage.. then why dont they stock the replacement part in Australia? .. meh.. who knows.

so the guy decided to lend me a scooter for a week to keep me occupied. but it was a 50cc and whilst it ran well.. it struggled to make the speed limit on the way home from Brookvale.. a trip which included some 90km/h sections of Mona Vale Road =p most of the way i had to stick to the left as every man and his dog was overtaking me. it was pretty daunting and it took over an hour to get back, but i got all the way home without dying. i sorta came close when i got stuck in a left lane which ended, actually it was really close =p

um.. so.. what else has gone on this week? well same old thing pretty much a few xmas parties, none of which particularly warrant a detailed desciption =p im much less festive lately than i have been in previous years, i suspect ive just reached the age where flashing lights and the prospect of getting toys jsut doesnt do it for me any more =p however, i have been working on making xmas cards, but in an effort to increase production speeds they have become more composed of printed media and less composed of (literally) cut and pasted pieces.

also khanh came back from jetsetting the world.. but only long enough to leave again to go on another holiday =p the other day she said that she's never heard me talk about anything as much as i do about frisbee.. hehe. which is sorta true. its so intense =p oh.. frisbee this week was ok. we won he first despite me playing terribly. it was heaps windy, but it was gusty so it was like on and off. anne was dominating.. but the others were playing well and made up for my sucking =p there was this dood on the other team who kept calling picks on everyone. and everyone jsut did like roll eyes. so i subbed on and made sure i was matched up against him, then i simply ran laps up and down the field. he was quite fast, but they had no subs, so after a few times of that he no longer had any energy to do anything. after which i promptly subbed off =p

in the second game we got pwned heaps hard. we only scored 3 points. i threw 2 of them and caught the other =) all our best throwers were away, so we struggled in the wind. the last point of the game went like forever.. and we were all a bit over it sicne they had about a 10 point lead =p .. good fun though =)

- ian, 3:31 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 6
but i still havent found what im looking for
a draw and a loss today at frisbee. i played much better in div3 than div4. i just threw the disc away all the time in div4 =p our defence is still heaps woe. although all the girls are doing 10x better. i dunno about the boys =p and there is always room for improvement, we give up way too many uncontested short throws downfield to open players. like totally wide open.. no one within 3m. i dunno how that happens. probly has a bit to do with the force getting broken all the time. and it was going so well last game.. grr.

on offence, we still throw long too often (especially me =p), im gonna make an effort to throw at least one completed pass to every player on our team. we need to share it around a lot more. not sure how to get that happening.. maybe a set play. *shrugs*

at the end of div4 i was feeling heaps tired.. but i did ok in div3.. i jsut kept running to the endzone.. and no one was marking me. i thought they woudlve figured it out after the first 3 times.. but they jsut kept guarding me short.. so i went for a run and got into the endzone 4 times and also got a few close to the endzone =p

i cramped my calf up going for a big leap and i got stomped on twice by cleats.. once by myself =p its actually really painful, like ive got trouble walking on my left knee now. i hope its better not worse in the morning ..

.. on a lighter note: i dont get cool search queries for my site like hunt, but i did get this one "what does emo mean on ebay" .. weird =p

- ian, 11:47 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, December 5
ahead of my time
*yawn* not much exciting going on. im getting my Vespa serviced.. but the guy goes "we'll be there some time on friday, thats as accurate as i can say" .. gees. so i need to take a day off work for it. and maybe again for when they return it =p

anyhoo.. heres a video of a 15yo kid jumping off a ledge at my office (1.6Mb) .. its pretty massive

- ian, 10:03 pm :: 1 comments

:: Saturday, December 3
25 years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination
my vespa has been pretty sketchy lately.. on wed i couldnt get it to go at all. the engine started.. but then it wouldnt move. i tried again on thursday .. and it worked fine. hrm.. ive decided to bite the bullet and pay for a service. hopefully it wont cost too much.. frankly ill be happy if its sub-500. though im not heaps sure how likely that is. ive never owned a car before.. but everyone just tells me how mechanics rort n00bs like me. =p

i went to the NRMA to talk insurance.. and i dont think its gonna be worthwhile getting comprehensive. so im probly gonna jsut get third party property. with comprehensive i basically need to write it off.. or get it stolen within a year to get value out of it =p the girl at the counter also said she was the first guy over 25 who she'd ever met who didnt have a car license.. and she just deals with ppl and their licenses all day =p

... today i went to kallie's work christmas party.. it was ok. it was lawn bowls with a bunch of accountants =p we didnt even really play properly.. we jsut like had turns at trying to get close to the jack.. then someone somewhere declared who's won =p it was nice to go outdoors for once, im too often caught in front of a monitor on a weekend.

- ian, 7:35 pm :: 0 comments

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