why'd you give up on me so soon?i went for a scoot on the borrowed scooter today.. which is in fact a
bug bandit. i went from home to Castle Hill shops, then to Dural via Cherrybrook, then to Epping, Eastwood and Carlingford. it went suprisingly well for a 50cc, if my Vespa runs this well when i get it back ill be very happy cos this one doesnt really get much past 60km/h, and my Vespa goes up to 80-ish for those main roads where im struglling to keep up with traffic. I was comfortable riding around in triffic and such. the only part of driving im a bit iffy about is those double lane round-a-bouts.. ive got nfi whats going on. i jsut hope there arent many cars when i get there (and there rarely are on a sunday morning). i think a scooter is heaps easier than a car.. cos theres more room for error, i can drift a whole metre to my left.. and im still in my lane =p