:: Saturday, December 3
25 years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination
my vespa has been pretty sketchy lately.. on wed i couldnt get it to go at all. the engine started.. but then it wouldnt move. i tried again on thursday .. and it worked fine. hrm.. ive decided to bite the bullet and pay for a service. hopefully it wont cost too much.. frankly ill be happy if its sub-500. though im not heaps sure how likely that is. ive never owned a car before.. but everyone just tells me how mechanics rort n00bs like me. =p

i went to the NRMA to talk insurance.. and i dont think its gonna be worthwhile getting comprehensive. so im probly gonna jsut get third party property. with comprehensive i basically need to write it off.. or get it stolen within a year to get value out of it =p the girl at the counter also said she was the first guy over 25 who she'd ever met who didnt have a car license.. and she just deals with ppl and their licenses all day =p

... today i went to kallie's work christmas party.. it was ok. it was lawn bowls with a bunch of accountants =p we didnt even really play properly.. we jsut like had turns at trying to get close to the jack.. then someone somewhere declared who's won =p it was nice to go outdoors for once, im too often caught in front of a monitor on a weekend.

- ian, 7:35 pm ::

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