:: Saturday, December 17
make your own kind of music
so.. i went to Brookvale to pick up my Vespa today.. and they said i coudlnt have it.. grr. the electric start is screwd and they need to get this thing called a bendix gear shipped in fron Italy to fix it. on the upside he said that in general this part of a Vespa is the most oft broken part, so he reakons the rest of it should be fine for a while. but if this is the most common breakage.. then why dont they stock the replacement part in Australia? .. meh.. who knows.

so the guy decided to lend me a scooter for a week to keep me occupied. but it was a 50cc and whilst it ran well.. it struggled to make the speed limit on the way home from Brookvale.. a trip which included some 90km/h sections of Mona Vale Road =p most of the way i had to stick to the left as every man and his dog was overtaking me. it was pretty daunting and it took over an hour to get back, but i got all the way home without dying. i sorta came close when i got stuck in a left lane which ended, actually it was really close =p

um.. so.. what else has gone on this week? well same old thing pretty much a few xmas parties, none of which particularly warrant a detailed desciption =p im much less festive lately than i have been in previous years, i suspect ive just reached the age where flashing lights and the prospect of getting toys jsut doesnt do it for me any more =p however, i have been working on making xmas cards, but in an effort to increase production speeds they have become more composed of printed media and less composed of (literally) cut and pasted pieces.

also khanh came back from jetsetting the world.. but only long enough to leave again to go on another holiday =p the other day she said that she's never heard me talk about anything as much as i do about frisbee.. hehe. which is sorta true. its so intense =p oh.. frisbee this week was ok. we won he first despite me playing terribly. it was heaps windy, but it was gusty so it was like on and off. anne was dominating.. but the others were playing well and made up for my sucking =p there was this dood on the other team who kept calling picks on everyone. and everyone jsut did like roll eyes. so i subbed on and made sure i was matched up against him, then i simply ran laps up and down the field. he was quite fast, but they had no subs, so after a few times of that he no longer had any energy to do anything. after which i promptly subbed off =p

in the second game we got pwned heaps hard. we only scored 3 points. i threw 2 of them and caught the other =) all our best throwers were away, so we struggled in the wind. the last point of the game went like forever.. and we were all a bit over it sicne they had about a 10 point lead =p .. good fun though =)

- ian, 3:31 pm ::

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