bah humbughrm.. xmas is come .. and gone. twas a rather uneventful xmas this year. for some reason we didnt do a big family xmas thing.. i think everyone is too lazy to organise it now =p work was predictably lethargic in the week before xmas, with many a person taking long lunch break every day to either go present shopping or to go to the Leagues club for a christmas drink.
frisbee on tuesday was good. i cant really remember what happened, but im sure it was good. i only really remember sitting on the bench for ages. we won the first game in a forfeit and lost the second by some number of points.
our web tech xmas party was at Bronte Beach. it was pretty cool. the weather wasnt fantastic but it was hot enough to be at the beach. we played some terrible volleyball on this rickety net that someone had. it was pretty hilarious though. i pretty much jsut tried to dive at every attempt =p the others were all pretty much drinking all the time =p
on friday i did almost all my shopping in a day =) i just scooted around the place to various shopping centres =) i almost filled up the tank for the first time. it was $4.24 for a full tank... actually more than full cos i spilled it all over the place =p by my rough estimations i get about 25km/L in this scooter. i have no idea whether thats good or bad though.
after shopping i went to kallies xmas party thing at her tiny apartment in Lidcombe. it was pretty drunkened.. and most of the ppl there i didnt know. i spent most of the party hiding from ppl i didnt want to talk to and making small talk with ppl i hadnt seen in a while, like "so hows work?".. "oh, that sounds good". we also played a lot of Buzz the music quiz game, which i totally dominated. =p in the end i had too much to drink and couldnt scoot home. so i got a lift from Hema.. and went to pick up my scooter at a later date.