:: Sunday, October 30
you cant stop the rock
twas rba trivia night on thursday night.. and well we didnt do very well =p but that had a lot to do with the excessive blood alcohol level of the average player on our table. basically everyone was trashed.. i was by far the most sober and i still probly had one too many =p and that wasnt even the end of the night.. we moved onto some horrible drunken karaoke downstairs.. and then to the redoaks bar, where we sorta accidently crashed some deutsche bank function. no one really noticed cept this one lady (who appeared to be like a function manager) and she was heaps of a bitch about it. they had these grab bags there (containing a DB beer glass).. so in frustration we swiped one and as we left =p i felt i deserved it for all the good work i did with the "DB Asset Management Group" =p

.. the next day was moving day.. we were moving desks from level 2 to level 4. basically everyone was hung over. i left at almsot midnite.. and i was the first to leave =p im suprised they even turned up, since all they had to do was put their stuff into boxes. since the movers came at 2pm.. we were at the pub at about 1:30 =p needless to say it didnt take long before i felt like i had enuf to drink since i was still a bit affected from the previous nite. jsut as i was about to go home, i got a call from nathan, who didnt even make it home the previous nite. he was gearing up to have another big one, but was in work clothes from thursday instead of casual for fridays. so he wanted to borrow my all stars.. which he'd only jsut returned from lsat time =p

.. anyways.. rainy weekend.. so i jsut rested and recovered =)

- ian, 1:45 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, October 26
but i cant do it alone
.. i forgot to say last post.. but i smashed an LCD monitor at work =p i was like clearing my desk and i knocked it over onto a stapler. it actually made a pretty cool piece of artwork afterwords, i could still kinda see the web server logs among the multiple fractures =p when i rang help desk to ask for a replacement the lady on the other end didnt seem that impressed .. but at the same time she was slightly a mused by it.

last nite we had our first frisbee practice for the new year. it was crazy hot and flies and mozzies like everywhere.. but the training went quite well. we didnt jsut spend the whole time throwing a disc back n forth, we actually did some organised practice =) i wouldve liked to have maybe done a throwing-to-someone-who-is-running drill .. but other than that it was very productive. its funny how much more organised u seem jsut by bringing along witches hats to mark the endzone =p

- ian, 9:50 pm :: 2 comments

:: Monday, October 24
cigarettes will kill you
friday i went to drinks with lisa and some of her work frens.. they seemed nice. i didnt drink too much and went home early.. which is always a good combination =p we were at the vault hotel, which seemed quite nice.. maybe ill have my bday thing there.. still deciding if i want drinks or dinner kind of party.. hrm..

the next day this guy dropped off a skateboard ramp which id purchased on ebay. it was jsut some kid and his dad, and he'd built the ramp himself. it looked a bit sketchy .. but it went pretty well. its a bit small, but it looks easy to make.. so i might build my own but bigger =) it needs to be taller, wider and more vert! but still this will be fun for now.. im pretty n00b anyways =p

the rest of my weekend didnt really consist of much.. i made some flash animation jsut cos i was bored.. its heaps n00b, but mildy amusing. last week phuong sent aroudn this invite for her housewarming .. and i thought it was pretty n00b considering Flash is what she does for a living. so i thought id try and make my own and it was probly only partially less n00b.. but she probly spent 10mins on it.. whereas i spent about 4 hours on it =p i might use it as my bday party invite, jsut so everyone can see my n00bness.

- ian, 8:13 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, October 20
im the king of wishful thinking
this week has been pretty cruisey at work. ive been at training for Java open course testing tools. it was ok-ish.. the guy seemed quite disorgansed.. but quite clever. he was a bit arrogant though.. like if it didnt work, it wasnt his lab.. it was some obscure library file that you mustve done wrong =p

tuesday was the finals of the hat tourney.. we won! .. our playoff for last place =p it was pretty fun.. im heaps less good than i used to be.. not sure how im gonna get good again =p my team was full of nice ppl.. no one was a jerk (unlike some of my previous teams) i wouldve liked to have won a few more games maybe.. but its all good practice. we played this thing called iso .. which seemed stupid at first... but when it got going it was pretty awesome. it made me awfully tired too.. so hectic.

at the after party.. i had a lot to drink.. um.. lets not talk about it =p now i need to focus on finding a team to play in for the summer comp.. hrm.. maybe an orphans team.

.. ive got no plans for the weekend.. which seems quite the norm in recent times. im becoming increasing boring.. not bored.. but boring, like not being intersting. and im ok with that.. being interesting was never one of my strengths anyway =p

- ian, 10:42 pm :: 0 comments

whats the cure for angst?

heres a cool webcomic: http://www.boasas.com/?c=554

- ian, 2:07 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, October 17
dirty liar
oops.. my bad. i actually hadnt done nothing. on thursday i went to this bon-voyage dinner for bunny. she is off the explore the world as seems to be the trend for university graduates. we went to the belgium beer thingy.. and ate many many mussels. it was pretty cool.. we followed it up with 3hrs of K at viva.. which is totally woe. it has like 24 english songs.. and about 19 of them are from bands ive never heard of. to make matters worse, i left at 11.. and found i had no trains left.. *sigh* .. i got home crazy late... and the next morning i slept thru my alarm, and didnt wake up till 8:30... *double sigh* .. on the up side.. no one at work really cares if ppl turn up an hour and a bit late =p

.. for the second time in recent memory there's been a bday thing on where multiple ppl have assumed that id be going and been all like "hey wanna met up before so-and-so's bday??" .. yet i havent even been invited.. the old ian would be all angsty and have a cry.. but i cbf anymore. why should i want to go to something im not invited to? im old enough to be bitter and jaded... .. but secretly im cut up on the inside =( .. i guess i probly get a bit of stick for being a piker and not even going to things im invited to. ive had a pretty sketchy year in terms of social interactions.. its jsut so draining.. ill think about trying harder in the new year =p

- ian, 7:29 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, October 16
dare to be stupid
i havent really done anything since my last post.. like seriously ive jsut slept and eaten.. including the time i was in the office =p

the only thing i did do was buy a skateboard ramp on ebay. i won the auction.. but now ive got no idea how im gonna go pick it up. its too big to carry.. and i dont drive so .. umm.. =p i guess ill jsut have to take it home in parts or something. the guy lives in Wahroonga .. which isnt heaps out of the way for me. it came with another deck too.. so now i own 3 complete decks.. and i cant even ollie properly =p

last week was council clean up in my area, and i swiped this large piece of laminated chip board.. its pretty thick.. i think i can somehow work it into being a launch ramp for my snowboard funbox .. which is still pending transport of a funbox.. gah! just more reason for my mother to pepper me naggings to get my license =p

- ian, 11:08 pm :: 2 comments

:: Wednesday, October 12
nobody knows who i really am
hrm.. its wednesday.. where did the week go? =p

tuesday was frisbee .. yay.. three games.. gah.. we won 1 from 3.. but we played ok. i was struggling a bit of defence and my backhand is as horrible as ever =p we played andrea's team in our lone win, and i managed to step on her twice in the first 2 mins of the game =p

today was the Reserve Bank interdepartmental fun run, which is a run which basically loops all around the botanic gardens. its supposedly 4km but i thinks its consensus thats it a fair bit short of that. i ran a time of 17mins 15sec, i have no idea what place that is, but i suspect its gonna be somewhere about 60th out of a few hundred. my previous best was 18.45 so this was pretty good considering i had no training and rather painful cross trainers on =p the run is followed by lunch (incl beers) so needless to say the rest of the afternoon was a write off =p

later that day.. i was arguing with my mother about Barnaby Joyce crossing the floor.. and basically my dear mother was saying "he should be allowed to vote different" and im like wtf?! why even have senators if they are all forced to vote the same as their party. then she was saying they should be allowed to do it like once in their career in like really exceptional cases.. but since he did it twice thats jsut wrong.. he should just do what his party says. but what if he disagrees with them on many issues? should he just conform cos he is sposed to? to which she replied "he knew what he signed up for when he joined the party", *shakes head* then i went over the top as i do to prove a point to her and was like "why do we even have a parlimentary system then? we should have a dictator theres just so many less problems" .. she wasnt pleased =p

- ian, 8:17 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, October 9
icchan vs the world!
im like seriously lazy lately.. i cbf doing anything cept ebay lately =p im suffering from lack of energy.. im not all that sleepy lately but i just have no strength to do anything productive. im like too lazy to even watch anime cos its too much effort concentrating on the story and reading the subtitles.. *sigh*

today i didnt manage to do anything which required me getting out of my seat. i watched australia complete a clean sweep of the rest of the world in the cricket =) and i did my tax return. and um.. not much else. the e-tax program estimates that my refund is gonna be $1299!! a nice change from the $600+ i had to pay last year =p apparently i made almost $4000 in interest and dividends this financial year (pre-tax).. which makes me not feel so bad that im so horribly underpaid =p

- ian, 9:03 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, October 8
last nite i had a dream about you
ive slept pretty much all day.. except a small period where i got up and went home =p i feel pretty horrible, ive eaten mostly junk food and alcohol for the last day. its like 11pm and i just woke up...

.. anyways.. on friday at work i spent most of the day putting items into a shoebox for some random child in a random country who ill never meet.. and it was such fun =) it was for this charity xmas thing and my one was for a girl aged 5-9. it contained a tambourine, pink toe socks, a tshirt, a hair brush, Starburst lollipops, a necklace, a stuffed toy kangaroo, and glitter gel ink pens. i hope she likes it =)

... after work i had to hang around for sugar hit whic was at 9pm.. *sigh*. i was so tired and thus was intending to jsut sleep at my desk for 4 hours.. but instead i went drinking =p

we went to the Sofitel sugar hit and it was actually pretty cool. they had the nicest chairs there.. i wanted to steal one, but i probly couldnt lift one with my girly man arms =p the wine was way too sweet.. it tasted like unmixed cordial =p

.. next we headed to the the Texas Hold'em tourney at the chito/gus/phil house. we turned up like 2 hours late.. just in time to watch 6 more hours of "hrm.. ive got a full house.. ill raise u 5 cents". yawn.. i played a bit of blind man's bluff, one game where i got pocket aces =p at the end Hunt was the victor.. at about 5am.. *shakes head*

- ian, 11:41 pm :: 1 comments

:: Thursday, October 6
dont stop till u get enough
frisbee !! in the first game (vs nige's team) i kept ending up doing lay outs.. like i mustve done a dozen.. im not sure why but all the passes kept being jsut out of my reach =p we lost quite convincingly grr..

in the second game we won, yay! finally =p our team is pretty n00b.. but we won by experimenting with zone defence, even though only like 3 ppl on our team had played it before.

wednesday.. i played frisbee at lunch =) it was some pickup game which some guy at my work heard about.. from somewhere =p we played hotbox.. in the rather hot sun. it was still awesome though, i heaps didnt feel like going to the gym that afternoon (which i was planning to do)

.. and thursday.. eep... i accidently left my office at 4pm, zomg! i didnt even realise till i got home. i looked at the clock in the office and some XX:59pm and assumed it was 5pm.. so i packed up and went home. but when i got home it was only 5:30pm.. and im normally home at 6:30pm... and im like "wtf?"

the funny thing is that when i left the office i said bye to my boss and he jsut goes "cya tommorrow, ian" ... weird =p

- ian, 8:16 pm :: 1 comments

:: Monday, October 3
God put a smile upon your face
*blinks* long weekends are not conducive to adequate amounts or sleep =p friday nite i went to drinks with work ppl, i had sorta forgotten i had to wake up early to go to matt n betty's wedding. but i managed to get up and be sorta on time =p the wedding was rather beautiful.. *sniff* i always cry at weddings..... cept the parts in cantonese which seemed to go on forever, cos i couldnt understand them. the music when betty came down the isle was Pachabels Canon and the music as they left the church was the theme to Bubble Bobble. i was a lil suprised there werent any final fantasy theme songs in there =p

the reception later that nite was a pretty impressive spread.. it was like a 10 course thing... with like 200+ ppl i reakon. there were "stir fried prawn in salad sauce" things which were to die for. they sorta were what id imagine a poppler could taste like. amusingsly matt had dyed his hair to remove the notorious greys which have ravaged his head for as long as anyone can remember =p hehe.

.. now thats is all over, i can show u the pop-up card i made.. gee i hope they like it =)

... straight after the wedding i intended to go to Sutherland to get a lift to Blackstump (at 2am) .. but the trains jsut didnt add up, so i thought id be clever and go home first and try again in the morning. but i didnt take into account that cityrail blows.. and i got stranded at hornsby with no trains till 6am.. and no night ride until 2am anyway.. grr. after pacing back and forth and chatting/bitching with the local drunkards.. i jsut caught a cab home.. which, for the record, was $13.. a bit less than i thought it would be =p

up at 5am to leave for sutherland.. man i cant even remember the last time i was up at that hour. it was a touch over 2 hours travel to get there .. so i spent the ride watching The Longest Yard which was actually pretty good.. albeit a tad predictable.

i spent most of the day only half awake.. but i still enjoyed a lot of what was on offer. i had no energy to mosh or skank though.. so i was one of the posers up the back jsut nodding my head at stuff =p

im actually heaps tired now still.. so im gonna go to bed .. oyasumi~

- ian, 9:21 pm :: 0 comments

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