:: Wednesday, October 12
nobody knows who i really am
hrm.. its wednesday.. where did the week go? =p

tuesday was frisbee .. yay.. three games.. gah.. we won 1 from 3.. but we played ok. i was struggling a bit of defence and my backhand is as horrible as ever =p we played andrea's team in our lone win, and i managed to step on her twice in the first 2 mins of the game =p

today was the Reserve Bank interdepartmental fun run, which is a run which basically loops all around the botanic gardens. its supposedly 4km but i thinks its consensus thats it a fair bit short of that. i ran a time of 17mins 15sec, i have no idea what place that is, but i suspect its gonna be somewhere about 60th out of a few hundred. my previous best was 18.45 so this was pretty good considering i had no training and rather painful cross trainers on =p the run is followed by lunch (incl beers) so needless to say the rest of the afternoon was a write off =p

later that day.. i was arguing with my mother about Barnaby Joyce crossing the floor.. and basically my dear mother was saying "he should be allowed to vote different" and im like wtf?! why even have senators if they are all forced to vote the same as their party. then she was saying they should be allowed to do it like once in their career in like really exceptional cases.. but since he did it twice thats jsut wrong.. he should just do what his party says. but what if he disagrees with them on many issues? should he just conform cos he is sposed to? to which she replied "he knew what he signed up for when he joined the party", *shakes head* then i went over the top as i do to prove a point to her and was like "why do we even have a parlimentary system then? we should have a dictator theres just so many less problems" .. she wasnt pleased =p

- ian, 8:17 pm ::

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