you cant stop the rocktwas rba trivia night on thursday night.. and well we didnt do very well =p but that had a lot to do with the excessive blood alcohol level of the average player on our table. basically everyone was trashed.. i was by far the most sober and i still probly had one too many =p and that wasnt even the end of the night.. we moved onto some horrible drunken karaoke downstairs.. and then to the redoaks bar, where we sorta accidently crashed some deutsche bank function. no one really noticed cept this one lady (who appeared to be like a function manager) and she was heaps of a bitch about it. they had these grab bags there (containing a DB beer glass).. so in frustration we swiped one and as we left =p i felt i deserved it for all the good work i did with the "DB Asset Management Group" =p
.. the next day was moving day.. we were moving desks from level 2 to level 4. basically everyone was hung over. i left at almsot midnite.. and i was the first to leave =p im suprised they even turned up, since all they had to do was put their stuff into boxes. since the movers came at 2pm.. we were at the pub at about 1:30 =p needless to say it didnt take long before i felt like i had enuf to drink since i was still a bit affected from the previous nite. jsut as i was about to go home, i got a call from nathan, who didnt even make it home the previous nite. he was gearing up to have another big one, but was in work clothes from thursday instead of casual for fridays. so he wanted to borrow my all stars.. which he'd only jsut returned from lsat time =p
.. anyways.. rainy weekend.. so i jsut rested and recovered =)