cigarettes will kill youfriday i went to drinks with lisa and some of her work frens.. they seemed nice. i didnt drink too much and went home early.. which is always a good combination =p we were at the vault hotel, which seemed quite nice.. maybe ill have my bday thing there.. still deciding if i want drinks or dinner kind of party.. hrm..
the next day this guy dropped off a skateboard ramp which id purchased on ebay. it was jsut some kid and his dad, and he'd built the ramp himself. it looked a bit sketchy .. but it went pretty well. its a bit small, but it looks easy to make.. so i might build my own but bigger =) it needs to be taller, wider and more vert! but still this will be fun for now.. im pretty n00b anyways =p
the rest of my weekend didnt really consist of much.. i made some flash animation jsut cos i was bored.. its heaps n00b, but mildy amusing. last week phuong sent aroudn this invite for her housewarming .. and i thought it was pretty n00b considering Flash is what she does for a living. so i thought id try and make my own and it was probly only partially less n00b.. but she probly spent 10mins on it.. whereas i spent about 4 hours on it =p i might use it as my bday party invite, jsut so everyone can see my n00bness.