:: Monday, October 3
God put a smile upon your face
*blinks* long weekends are not conducive to adequate amounts or sleep =p friday nite i went to drinks with work ppl, i had sorta forgotten i had to wake up early to go to matt n betty's wedding. but i managed to get up and be sorta on time =p the wedding was rather beautiful.. *sniff* i always cry at weddings..... cept the parts in cantonese which seemed to go on forever, cos i couldnt understand them. the music when betty came down the isle was Pachabels Canon and the music as they left the church was the theme to Bubble Bobble. i was a lil suprised there werent any final fantasy theme songs in there =p

the reception later that nite was a pretty impressive spread.. it was like a 10 course thing... with like 200+ ppl i reakon. there were "stir fried prawn in salad sauce" things which were to die for. they sorta were what id imagine a poppler could taste like. amusingsly matt had dyed his hair to remove the notorious greys which have ravaged his head for as long as anyone can remember =p hehe.

.. now thats is all over, i can show u the pop-up card i made.. gee i hope they like it =)

... straight after the wedding i intended to go to Sutherland to get a lift to Blackstump (at 2am) .. but the trains jsut didnt add up, so i thought id be clever and go home first and try again in the morning. but i didnt take into account that cityrail blows.. and i got stranded at hornsby with no trains till 6am.. and no night ride until 2am anyway.. grr. after pacing back and forth and chatting/bitching with the local drunkards.. i jsut caught a cab home.. which, for the record, was $13.. a bit less than i thought it would be =p

up at 5am to leave for sutherland.. man i cant even remember the last time i was up at that hour. it was a touch over 2 hours travel to get there .. so i spent the ride watching The Longest Yard which was actually pretty good.. albeit a tad predictable.

i spent most of the day only half awake.. but i still enjoyed a lot of what was on offer. i had no energy to mosh or skank though.. so i was one of the posers up the back jsut nodding my head at stuff =p

im actually heaps tired now still.. so im gonna go to bed .. oyasumi~

- ian, 9:21 pm ::

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