like you imagined when you were two nights of frisbee have passed.. two wins, one loss.. and no pick up game for a bye (boo). i captained for div3 at NSL this week, cos Andrea was wagging or something.i sorta thought we had no hope of winning.. cos the other team looked a bit stacked, so we just ran around without a plan. and when we were down 3-6 i went to the bench for a rest, thinking it was another on of those games... but then when i subbed back on, we were up 7-6 =p wtf? we went on to win it 12-10. oh well =p
at hills we faced the top team.. scary.. but they were minus a bunch of players who were at Worlds. and by the time i subbed on (i turned up late) we were up 5-0! the rest of the game was pretty much jsut going thru the motions, i felt too bad about playing defence so i jsut kinda stood around waving my arms. it was pretty high winds, so it was only a matter of time till they attempted to throw a long one which ended up on the next field =p
in other news.. i lost snooker on tues.. and other results this week mean ive dropped to 3rd place *sigh*. i played real bad too, i kept choking on the black.. i didnt really deserve to be first anyways =p
wii are all in this togetherfirstly, due to my template being a hazrd to many, ill add this link to the rss feed: so you can format it however you like.
this weekend i didnt get up to much cept driving.. i tripled my hours driven in one weekend. and theyre all real hours, i havent cheated .. yet. although ill possibly consider it when im about 40 hours in and sick of driving =p
saturday i went to nige's for some
hotpot (which wikipedia claims is also known as steamboat, in case you thought they were different). it was ok, but oh so messy. i ended up putting crazy amounts of chilli on everything cos the water was too full of veges, and not full enough of meat =p since nige is vego he mostly ate those glutinous rice ball things. i could only handle the coconut ones, the rest were a bit bleh.
sunday i drove to bondi junction and back, but went shopping at westfields in between those things. i got a chance to see a nintendo wii. it looks pretty cool, i quite like how the wand/numchuka thing looked playing the tennis game. but i wont be sure if its $399 cool until i see what some new mario game is like. i just cant buy a console unless theres some game on it which is so much more awesome than anything i can get on a console i already own. something like pokemon, or kingdom hearts.. or DDR.
:: driving hours remaining: 44.75
emergency! i think i am losing the fightso wednesday i took an RDO to go to see the
Sculptures By The Sea with jenjen. We actually did the walk all the way from Coogee to Bondi, because i forgot that the sculptures are only between Bondi and Bronte =p Its not really that much further so it wasnt too bad. the sculptures were impressive as always, but i swear there were some repeats which were there last year too. the started out pretty average (weather-wise) but in the middle of the day it was almost perfect. i took some photos but im too lazy to upload them. instead you can see jen's snaps
hereafterwards we ate at this place called Doxa in Bondi. it was pretty nice inside, it had these cushiony seats (which u can see int he last photo). we had the ribs (yummy). they werent the greatest ribs ive had, they were a bit tough to get off the bone, but the sauce was good and i dont oft indulge in ribs for lunch =p
i played frisbee that nite, and i didnt play well, nor did i do my knee any good. in both games i played, someone (not me) on my team screwed their knee. one bent sideways and one dislocated! and we had to call in the ambulance. my knee hurt jsut from watching =p the guy had previously dislocated his knee 3 times! wtf? this begs the question why wasnt he wearing a knee brace? i mean after the first 3 times id probly think it might be a bit vulnerable....
thursday nite was ramen kan + k with the regular peeps. i couldnt sing really (moreso than normally) cos my throat was all hayfevered up. we went to k^2 or K Squared. it was pretty strange, theyd like spent all this money on nice walls and tvs, but cheaped out on the bare concrete floors =p the selection of english was better than i thought it would be, but there were no books so we had to trawl one person at a time thru those horrible k menus where english songs are listed under "foreign". and for bon jovi they had a picture of the beatles.
L's countdown: 48.25 hrs to go
we are all in this togetheron monday i obtained this:

by defeating the not-so-almighty nathan andrews. he played pretty badly, and i played well enough to avoid fouling =p so now im top of the ladder! the top dog! ichiban! although i cant see it lasting long, i beat a few players who are way better than me with luck to get here =p
on tuesday frisbee was rained out (grr) we had a practice at meadowbank in which i struggled to jump, but i was running ok. knee is definately better but definately not 100%. its so frustrating being injured. this is probly the worst injury ive ever had *long sigh*
u know the world can see us in a way thats different than who we areso i decided to run anyways.. i finished in 18m 49s, a bit slower than last year, but not bad if u take into account the knee and hayfever... and i also missed the start cos i was late =p knee felt fine afterwards, but the hayfever was like death.
i spent the most part of saturday constructing a boombox.. to be a prop for my 1980s bboy costume .. for david, david and pauls bday party. i tried spray painting it for about half an hour before i realised it was gonna take forever, and not look that great. So i went off to the shops and bought 2 bits of black wrapping paper, and wrapped it all up in about 5 mins. it wasnt great, but looked ok in the end. the speaker parts were flyscreen offcuts, and most of the other decorations were silver cardboard stolen from some shopping bag i had lying around.
the party itself was pretty cool. i was way suprised at the percentage of ppl who bit in at least some effort to be part of the 80s theme. i dont really like going to parties, but there were enough ppl there who i knew that it was sorta ok. there were a lot of drunken randoms about the place, but they were more silly than crazy so its tolerable and sometimes mildly amusing. The best costume by far was Mr Tang's Mr Squiggle costume, complete with a suspicious looking strap on pencil =p it was awfully warm inside that place, so im not sure how he handled wearing that puffy suit all nite. there was a bit of some dance-off action.. but it wasnt 80s music, it was like yawn-worthy RnB. so i couldnt show of my 80s breakdance moves like the robot and the worm =p