like you imagined when you were two nights of frisbee have passed.. two wins, one loss.. and no pick up game for a bye (boo). i captained for div3 at NSL this week, cos Andrea was wagging or something.i sorta thought we had no hope of winning.. cos the other team looked a bit stacked, so we just ran around without a plan. and when we were down 3-6 i went to the bench for a rest, thinking it was another on of those games... but then when i subbed back on, we were up 7-6 =p wtf? we went on to win it 12-10. oh well =p
at hills we faced the top team.. scary.. but they were minus a bunch of players who were at Worlds. and by the time i subbed on (i turned up late) we were up 5-0! the rest of the game was pretty much jsut going thru the motions, i felt too bad about playing defence so i jsut kinda stood around waving my arms. it was pretty high winds, so it was only a matter of time till they attempted to throw a long one which ended up on the next field =p
in other news.. i lost snooker on tues.. and other results this week mean ive dropped to 3rd place *sigh*. i played real bad too, i kept choking on the black.. i didnt really deserve to be first anyways =p