:: Sunday, November 5
u know the world can see us in a way thats different than who we are
so i decided to run anyways.. i finished in 18m 49s, a bit slower than last year, but not bad if u take into account the knee and hayfever... and i also missed the start cos i was late =p knee felt fine afterwards, but the hayfever was like death.

i spent the most part of saturday constructing a boombox.. to be a prop for my 1980s bboy costume .. for david, david and pauls bday party. i tried spray painting it for about half an hour before i realised it was gonna take forever, and not look that great. So i went off to the shops and bought 2 bits of black wrapping paper, and wrapped it all up in about 5 mins. it wasnt great, but looked ok in the end. the speaker parts were flyscreen offcuts, and most of the other decorations were silver cardboard stolen from some shopping bag i had lying around.

the party itself was pretty cool. i was way suprised at the percentage of ppl who bit in at least some effort to be part of the 80s theme. i dont really like going to parties, but there were enough ppl there who i knew that it was sorta ok. there were a lot of drunken randoms about the place, but they were more silly than crazy so its tolerable and sometimes mildly amusing. The best costume by far was Mr Tang's Mr Squiggle costume, complete with a suspicious looking strap on pencil =p it was awfully warm inside that place, so im not sure how he handled wearing that puffy suit all nite. there was a bit of some dance-off action.. but it wasnt 80s music, it was like yawn-worthy RnB. so i couldnt show of my 80s breakdance moves like the robot and the worm =p

- ian, 2:09 pm ::

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