wii are all in this togetherfirstly, due to my template being a hazrd to many, ill add this link to the rss feed: http://bubblemix.net/blog/atom.xml so you can format it however you like.
this weekend i didnt get up to much cept driving.. i tripled my hours driven in one weekend. and theyre all real hours, i havent cheated .. yet. although ill possibly consider it when im about 40 hours in and sick of driving =p
saturday i went to nige's for some
hotpot (which wikipedia claims is also known as steamboat, in case you thought they were different). it was ok, but oh so messy. i ended up putting crazy amounts of chilli on everything cos the water was too full of veges, and not full enough of meat =p since nige is vego he mostly ate those glutinous rice ball things. i could only handle the coconut ones, the rest were a bit bleh.
sunday i drove to bondi junction and back, but went shopping at westfields in between those things. i got a chance to see a nintendo wii. it looks pretty cool, i quite like how the wand/numchuka thing looked playing the tennis game. but i wont be sure if its $399 cool until i see what some new mario game is like. i just cant buy a console unless theres some game on it which is so much more awesome than anything i can get on a console i already own. something like pokemon, or kingdom hearts.. or DDR.
:: driving hours remaining: 44.75