:: Thursday, April 28
so i jsut finsihed watching this anime Gunslinger Girl. its was ok.. not fantastic but alright. it had very good animation, and an ok story.. it moved a bit slow at times though. Its about this group of girls who are assassins, and all the issues that go along with that =p it has some "why do i exist?".. and touch of Evangelion-like "i must prove i am useful" themes. it even has an ending with Kaoru-like Ode-to-Joy-ness. hehe

im out of One Piece eps.. so i dunno what ill watch next. Possibly HunterXHunter.. since i never finished that =p but im open to suggestions... (hunt: NOT la blue girl)

.. in other news: i havent seen mindy on the train for a while.. she must be sleeping in =p

- ian, 11:23 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, April 27
i got killed by black bugs on my video game
not much going on about the RBA of late. im jsut fixing this app which i wrote very badly. i only wrote it a few months ago, and ive already forgotton how it works =p

i wa talking to this financial consultant again today.. and he reakons im doing quite well for my age in terms of savings. that was a bit of a suprise, since i havent even tried to save money really. he also reakons i can buy a place for up to $340k. wtf? how the hell can i afford that? that might be factoring in a 90% pay rise or something =p

ive heard that i might get to play the last 2 weeks of the hat.. cos some team doesnt have enuf ppl. w00t me! .. in other frisbee news: daphne started a div4 team and everyone is joining. how come when i try to get ppl to join everyone is like "meh, that doesnt sound fun" but when she does it everyone is like "yay ill join". hrm.. *angst level slightly rising*... i spose its good that ppl join, no matter how they come about joining. maybe we'll start playing frisbee at picnics instead of *sigh* soccer yet again...

lastly.. ive started playing Knights of the Old Republic 2 (kotor). the problem i was having wasnt the patch but my video card. if i turn off cut scenes then it appears to work fine. the game is fun so far, its like a turn based strategy.. but not. its hard to explain, its like u have turns but if u dont choose anything in time itll jsut do default action (normal attack). since i only have normal attack, im not sure if i heaps like it yet =p

- ian, 10:22 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, April 25
wo ai ni
um. nothing to report on wed/thur

on friday afternoon we went to visit Haleh at Westmead Hospital. its actually a really long drive from the RBA.. it took us like an hour to get out there. she actually didnt look too bad .. i mean relatively good.. for someone who'd been crushed by a car. she could move her arms n stuff ok now despite two metal plates which she had put in. her mum n dad were there and so was her cousin and another friend, so she had company there. she had one of those neck braces that u often see in the movies.. and she seemed heaps uncomfortable, but she that day she found out she wasnt going to need an operation on her neck (which is awesome news).

anyways a typical friday nite followed for me.. sitting at home playing freecell. how excitement.

this weekend was sposed to be a LAN.. but no one came really. it was pretty yawn all around. i didnt even get to leech anything really. it was mostly talking about going skating (but not actually going) and then some jammming. a bunch of ppl came over sunday afternoon (after they went kayaking).. and hung around for a while watching/leeching anime. in other news.. everyone is a snob cept the following ppl.. hunt, tenny, kallie, david, nige, (nige's gf, whose name eludes me atm), mort, hema and hemas friend cathy .. or possibly kathy.. =p

also ling is especially a snob.. i dont think she reads this.. but if u see her tell her i said that behind her back =p

... the NBA playoffs have started.. and it kicks so much ass.. its a pity its not on tv more. ESPN is loaded with crap no one watches.. like arm-wrestling, world series poker and european soccer =p its heaps mad watching 80 mins of a nil all draw between two teams in some non-english speaking european country where all the players are from south america anyways. i hate how soccer ppl always use the "well soccer is the most popular sport, therefore its the best" arguement. i mean by that same logic Britney is the best musician, and Titanic is the best movie of all time, and Internet Explorer is the best web browser, and McDonalds is the best food in the world.

meh.. enough debating.. *yawn* i grow tired of being right all the time =p hehe

- ian, 11:10 pm :: 3 comments

:: Wednesday, April 20
all i know is im lost without you~
we had basketball yesterday and lost pretty badly.. we went skating beforehand so my legs were heaps lethargic, and it showed. i couldnt elevate on shots and therefore shot horribly (i think i was 1 from 7 shooting, also 0-2 free throws). i played ok i think, my throat still feels horrible, so i cant really do exercise.. i cant breathe.

skating is the most frustrating thing ever. argh!! i was trying to ollie up a gutter onto the footpath and it is driving me crazy... but i cant stop.. grr... i msut continue!!

on the way home i forgot i didnt have a train ticket, luckily Thornleigh stn doesnt have gates, but i spent the whole train ride looking up and down the carriages to see if there were any ticket inspectors. its sorta exhilarating.. in a lame-"ive never done anything as naughty as fare-evading"- kinda way =p

.. i went to see this finacial advisor today.. cos it was like a free first visit. and i think he is jsut trying to take my money.. cos he kinda tried to tell me that he could save me all this money.. but then darted around exactly how much he would charge me for it =p

.. tommolo we are going to visit Haleh (who is the girl from work who got hit by a car). and we decided to buy her an iPod-mini .. a pink one =) we discussed other options, but considering she is too immobile to turn pages or even sit up, we thought the ipod was a winner =) we each got allocated 800mb of her ipod to fill up with a customised playlist .. the ian playlist is comprised of 1 part jpop, 1 part chillout music .. and 1 part pop-rock. i hope she likes it =)

- ian, 9:24 pm :: 3 comments

:: Tuesday, April 19
fancy meeting u here...
grr. i didnt get to watch any One Piece yesterday.. on the way to work i forgot my headphones.. luckily i bumped into mindy on the train as mentioned below. on they way home i swiped my headphones from work.. but then i bumped into Asha at wynyard.. and later Corina (from high school) at epping.. so i didnt get to watch anything =p they both kinda gave me that "uh.. theres ian, i wonder if i should go say hi" look. theyre both doing well though, even if they are too cool to hang out with me =p

since i didnt have frisbee on (grr) i stayed home and played Transport Tycoon all nite. and then some Freecell =p im obsessed with freecell lately.. grr. they are all apparently solvable.. so i like jsut sit there and keep doing the same one until i solve it.. so frustrating =p

- ian, 10:34 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, April 18
hihi~~ asl?
oh btw i caught the train with Mindy this morning..

- ian, 11:03 am :: 1 comments

:: Sunday, April 17
fly me to the moon
hrm.. its been a while since i posted..

anyways.. thursday.. me and kallie went to see Robots .. it was ok.. not bad but not fantastic. as i suspected it was loaded with robot puns and parody which can get a bit much sometimes =p the animation was cool though.. an impressive renderer to say the least.

friday we went to the Piano Stories concert at the conservatorium. it was pretty cool.. the MC couldnt really pronounce jap names though =p afterwards we went to Wagamammas.. which is heaps mroe crap than i remember it being. the ramen was totally meh... i shouldve jsut got the Chicken Katsu like i normally do.

on saturday i didnt do anything.. i was too lazy

sunday was hunt's bday thing in five dock... the food was soo good =) it was like xmas lunch with family.. mmm.. we managed to squeeze in a bit of frisbee too.. hehe.

*yawn*.. my blog is so boring nowadays =p i think i need to insert more bitching in here.. like "oh did u hear about so-and-so?" ... and like "yeh i cant believe she said that, the nerve of some ppl".. "i never really liked him anyways.. he always seemed a bit suspicious"

- ian, 11:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, April 13
what a glorious thing it is to be the pirate king
hrmm.. i appear to have run out of eps of One Piece.. i wonder where i can leech some more? surely someone has them =p

anyways.. on tuesday .. i had to stay back at work (whoddathunkit?) cos i had to do a change control, and i had no idea how to do it =p it involved a reverse proxy .. which i had no real idea how to use. after work i had to meet up with annie to get some tix off her for this piano concert thing on friday. i didnt get to basketball after cos hunt's car broke down and my trains were out anyways =p i stood around in the lobby of UTS tower and chatted with annie for a while cos i was no longer in a rush. she was sposed to be doing some design assignment but was procrastinating =p .. jsut for one afternoon i sorta felt like a uni student again.. standing around talking to whoever passed by, for no other reason than i had nowhere better to be... *sigh* those were the days.

.. um.. today nothing really happened at all.. nothing interesting enough to blog about at least.. (not that the rest of my blogs are all that interesting)

- ian, 10:54 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, April 12
soaring high in the sky, he may be small but only in size
*sigh*.. the first of my frisbee-less mondays..

i had a double lunch today =p i met up with Jo at australia sq.. i see her like never nowadays. cept when she occassionally stops by home after soccer practice.but then i had another lunch end to end.. cos julia was in town from adelaide.. and i see her like never too. we went to the Lindt concept store.. it was pretty meh =p my boss wasnt in so no one really noticed i was gone, im jsut doing documentation atm anyways its totally tedious and boring..

after work i didnt have frisbee.. gah. i went to play $1 pool with some work ppl at Bar333. i played heaps crap, but still won a game or two.

when i got home i jsut sat around and watch this pilot of American Dad. it was made by the guy who made Family Guy. this is the only episode as far as i know.. and it was pretty funny, its very Family-Guy-like in humour but with different characters like a german goldfish and a talking alien. i downloaded it off the net so i can lend it to u if u wanna see. but its probly quicker for u to jsut d/l it urself =p

.. in other news i finally got the collectors edition DVD boxset of Astroboy (the 1980s version) .. i feel a marathon coming on =)

- ian, 10:30 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, April 10
splish splash
meow... time for the weekend wrap..

:: friday... not heaps going on at the RBA cept all this talk about the PSP. this guy got one imported from japan.. and now everyone wants one. those fools *shakes head* ... seems the IT department is full of lemmings.. first they all got iPAQs .. then it was iPods.. then it was laptops... then it was USB keys.. now its PSPs. *sigh* i briefly considered one.. but then all id use it for is watch anime.. and i have my divx player which does that better anyways.

at about 4pm i got a call from annie cos there was some problem with the good ole anime club. apparently in the 2+ years since i was the president no one had thought to change the signatories on the club bank account. i wonder what they did for money for 2 years? =p anyways i went and met up with her to try and sort it out. it was all very confoosing.. she always seemed heaps stressed out. i think the club got too serious since i left.. it was so carefree in the old days =p she is such a champ though ^^;

:: saturday
today was an NBA double header on ESPN.. so i planned to do nothing really. the trains were out too.. so i didnt wanna go anywhere =p after the games though i felt like going outside so i decided to go for a swim at my local pool. i havent really swum laps since i was about 12 .. and it really showed. i couldnt swim one lap!! wtf? i always thought i was a good swimmer, at least i used to be.. but the most i could muster was about 40m without a break.. i could make it all if i dived in .. but i can dive about half the pool =p i ended up swimming 10 very painful laps in total.. with many long rests in there. i think the fact that i have a throat infection atm sorta contributed to me getting puffed out so easily too so i might try it again after thats cleared up.

:: sunday
i went and played a bit of frisbee int he park today.. it was crazy hot and i probly shouldve stayed inside. my neck feels a lil sunburnt. i couldnt throw at all today.. it was pretty horrible.. ive been working on my backhands lately, but today they were terrible. *shrugs* .. i didnt get into the hat which is heaps annoying.. but im probly too crap to play anyways =p

- ian, 12:58 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, April 6
a penny saved is a penny earned
today at lunch i was cruising over to the far end of Hyde Park to get my skateboard from Gus.. and i walked past Strathfield Car Radios and notice a DVD player on special. but not jsut any player.. the Shinco SDP-1720D dvd/mp3/DIVX player. yesterday it was selling for $449.. and i almost bought it. but today it was an awesomely convinient $259!! .. w00t! $190 off. i also got the carry bag for $29 instead of $99. that means i saved $260 today.. yay me =p

.. later that day...
i got back to the office, and i thought id try out my new toy. but to my dismay the battery pack didnt fit!! wtf? also the test discs i used in the display model at the shop didnt work in this one i had.. argh!! also this one said 1720A on it.. instead of 1720A.. hrm. i was almost too lazy to take it back.. but luckily some guy at work empowered me to go back and start a ruckus.. and i got a new one which worked perfectly =) hehe

i shall be using this device to catch up on anime eps in the crazy amount of time im on the horrible Sydney rail system each day.

- ian, 10:12 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, April 5
you can call me Al
this morning we were talking to the girl who makes the coffee at cafeteria.. and apparently for the few months that she has been working there she has been calling me Bruce.. and ive apparently been responding to it. i spose im always half-asleep when i go in the morning to get a coffee, so havent really noticed =p

on a side note, she is pretty cute .. not that ive been looking =p

- ian, 2:39 pm :: 5 comments

:: Monday, April 4
money money money, must be funny in the rich man’s world
so anyways.. for the first time in as long as anyone can remember, Nathan got his credit cardback to zero. but this weekend he is off to buy a PSP.. he doesnt even play games really =p *shakes head* ..

um.. so this weekend..
friday i went drinking with work ppl for a bit.. i won snooker..but thats about it.

saturday was daphne's picnic thing and bunny's dinner thing. i got up heaps early, but then left my house late anyways cos i was busy watching LeBron and making this card for bunny. i think it gave me partial RSI =p it jsut had "bunny" written in it like 100 times.

at daphne's picnic there were heaps of ppl keen to play frisbee... which kicks ass. we also played soccer (which is the most crap sport ever). i have officially missed out on the hat tourney (grr) .. so i think next season ill play div3 and div4. ive been working on my backhand a lot in the offseason (cos it totally sucekd last season)

.. onward to bunny's dinner at pancakes. we turned up heaps late =p and like everyone was there.. it was pretty squished up around this rather large table. i dunno why but pancakes always seems to be packed out with asian ppl, theyre everywhere nowadays =p anyways it was cool.. i saw some ppl i see like never.. and some ppl i see all the time =p

.. predictably, we ended up at karaoke afterwards =p we had like 18 ppl packed into a room that was make for about 10 ppl. some ppl were on the floor, some standing and some sitting on table, it was awfully cosy. some of the non-regular karaoke singers had suprisingly godo voices.. david and simon both sung heaps well. i sung horribly as usual, but luckily my throat usually gets sore so i stop singing towards the end =p

.. we left k at about 1am .. and i got home at about 3am... *sigh*. it wouldve been even later, but i had this crazy driver on the night ride, and he was goin hell fast thru those deserted back streets.

:: sunday
yawn.. i was tired.. i went to play basketball at willoughby leisure centre. it was pretty fun, but totally stinking hot inside. i played pretty average. i couldnt make a layup to save my life. and i played my usual terrible defence. my jump shots were going ok though. .. i rather weakened afterward due to the sauna-like conditions inside. after i got home i had a shower and went to sleep at 7pm =p ..

- ian, 12:59 pm :: 0 comments

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