:: Sunday, April 10
splish splash
meow... time for the weekend wrap..

:: friday... not heaps going on at the RBA cept all this talk about the PSP. this guy got one imported from japan.. and now everyone wants one. those fools *shakes head* ... seems the IT department is full of lemmings.. first they all got iPAQs .. then it was iPods.. then it was laptops... then it was USB keys.. now its PSPs. *sigh* i briefly considered one.. but then all id use it for is watch anime.. and i have my divx player which does that better anyways.

at about 4pm i got a call from annie cos there was some problem with the good ole anime club. apparently in the 2+ years since i was the president no one had thought to change the signatories on the club bank account. i wonder what they did for money for 2 years? =p anyways i went and met up with her to try and sort it out. it was all very confoosing.. she always seemed heaps stressed out. i think the club got too serious since i left.. it was so carefree in the old days =p she is such a champ though ^^;

:: saturday
today was an NBA double header on ESPN.. so i planned to do nothing really. the trains were out too.. so i didnt wanna go anywhere =p after the games though i felt like going outside so i decided to go for a swim at my local pool. i havent really swum laps since i was about 12 .. and it really showed. i couldnt swim one lap!! wtf? i always thought i was a good swimmer, at least i used to be.. but the most i could muster was about 40m without a break.. i could make it all if i dived in .. but i can dive about half the pool =p i ended up swimming 10 very painful laps in total.. with many long rests in there. i think the fact that i have a throat infection atm sorta contributed to me getting puffed out so easily too so i might try it again after thats cleared up.

:: sunday
i went and played a bit of frisbee int he park today.. it was crazy hot and i probly shouldve stayed inside. my neck feels a lil sunburnt. i couldnt throw at all today.. it was pretty horrible.. ive been working on my backhands lately, but today they were terrible. *shrugs* .. i didnt get into the hat which is heaps annoying.. but im probly too crap to play anyways =p

- ian, 12:58 pm ::

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