i got killed by black bugs on my video gamenot much going on about the RBA of late. im jsut fixing this app which i wrote very badly. i only wrote it a few months ago, and ive already forgotton how it works =p
i wa talking to this financial consultant again today.. and he reakons im doing quite well for my age in terms of savings. that was a bit of a suprise, since i havent even tried to save money really. he also reakons i can buy a place for up to $340k. wtf? how the hell can i afford that? that might be factoring in a 90% pay rise or something =p
ive heard that i might get to play the last 2 weeks of the hat.. cos some team doesnt have enuf ppl. w00t me! .. in other frisbee news: daphne started a div4 team and everyone is joining. how come when i try to get ppl to join everyone is like "meh, that doesnt sound fun" but when she does it everyone is like "yay ill join". hrm.. *angst level slightly rising*... i spose its good that ppl join, no matter how they come about joining. maybe we'll start playing frisbee at picnics instead of *sigh* soccer yet again...
lastly.. ive started playing Knights of the Old Republic 2 (kotor). the problem i was having wasnt the patch but my video card. if i turn off cut scenes then it appears to work fine. the game is fun so far, its like a turn based strategy.. but not. its hard to explain, its like u have turns but if u dont choose anything in time itll jsut do default action (normal attack). since i only have normal attack, im not sure if i heaps like it yet =p